
Race against time to catch up! The construction nodes of a number of key projects of Guoyuan Exhibition ushered in new progress

author:Guoyuan Exhibition

A few days ago, the construction site of many projects of Guoyuan Exhibition was lively and orderly. All projects are going all out to seize favorable construction conditions, race against time to catch up with the schedule, and make every effort to speed up the construction of the project under the premise of ensuring safety and quality.

1. Yuexi Economic Development Zone Exhibition Center

Race against time to catch up! The construction nodes of a number of key projects of Guoyuan Exhibition ushered in new progress

The construction site is a busy scene, and the workers are working intensively to ensure the smooth operation of various construction nodes. After the completion of the project, it will become the charming window of Yuexi County and the meeting platform of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, and create an ecological city exhibition hall that shows the excitement of the Yuexi Economic and Technological Development Zone and the great vision of the prosperous industry.

2. Chaohu Wenchang Pavilion

Race against time to catch up! The construction nodes of a number of key projects of Guoyuan Exhibition ushered in new progress

Located in the center of Chaohu City, the Chaohu Wenchang Pavilion project is stepping up construction, the construction site is in full swing, the workers are busy in an orderly manner, with all their efforts, with practical actions to ensure that the projects are carried out in an orderly manner, and strive to build Chaohu Wenchang Pavilion into "the first pavilion in Anhui", become a new landmark of Chaohu humanities with distinctive characteristics.

3. Jingxian Caicun Rural Exhibition Hall

Race against time to catch up! The construction nodes of a number of key projects of Guoyuan Exhibition ushered in new progress

At present, the project of the Affiliated Rural Exhibition Hall of the Characteristic Homestay in the South Courtyard of Cai Village, Jingxian County is being demolished, and the construction of the project is about to enter the substantive implementation stage! After completion, the exhibition hall will create a diversified space with feelings, content and imagination to awaken old memories, feel the achievements of rural development, and imagine a better future.

4. Liqiao Xuanzhou Science and Technology Innovation Park

Race against time to catch up! The construction nodes of a number of key projects of Guoyuan Exhibition ushered in new progress

Recently, the construction site of Xuanzhou Science and Technology Innovation Park in Liqiao has been a busy scene. At present, the partition wall of the exhibition hall is basically completed, the ceiling modeling is 60% completed, the strong current wiring is basically completed, and the wall plaster is 50% completed. After the completion of the project, it will help Xuanzhou Liqiao Economic Development Zone to build an efficient platform for undertaking and strive to realize the leapfrog development of Liqiao.

5. History Museum of Huaibei Normal University

Race against time to catch up! The construction nodes of a number of key projects of Guoyuan Exhibition ushered in new progress

At present, the project of the History Museum of Huaibei Normal University has come to an end and is expected to be completed next month. After the completion of the project, it will create a vibrant and educational history museum, bringing a rich and colorful cultural experience to students and the community, and presenting a gift for the 50th anniversary of Huaibei Normal University.

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