
Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

author:Pupu Health

"Just look at the pee, you will know if your blood sugar is high or not!" Dr. Li said to Zhao Jiaming while wiping his neck with a towel.

The two had just finished a fierce badminton match and were relaxing in the lounge area of the gym.

Zhao Jiaming is a hotel manager who is about to retire and has a busy schedule on weekdays.

But he insists on exercising with Dr. Lee every week to exercise and relax.

Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

Dr. Lee is a long-time golfer of Chiu Ka Ming and an expert in endocrinology.

He has seen many patients who have had serious consequences because of ignoring health signals.

Today, he decided to talk to Zhao Jiaming about the relationship between urine and blood sugar.

Dr. Lee gets straight to the point: when blood sugar is too high, the body can't handle too much sugar.

Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

These sugars are excreted in the urine. Therefore, the presence of sugar in the urine is a clear sign that blood sugar is too high.

Zhao Jiaming was very interested in this, and he asked, "Then what are the specific symptoms?" ”

Dr. Lee explains: "The first is the change in the color of the urine, which is normally pale yellow.

If you notice that your urine is darker or even sweet, you should be wary.

Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

This may be because the sugar in the urine is too high, causing changes in color and taste.

He continued: This is followed by an increase in the amount of urine. A normal adult's urine output is about 1.5 to 2 liters per day.

If you find yourself urinating a sudden increase to 3 litres per day, it may be that your body is urinating to get rid of excess sugar.

"Also," Dr. Lee added, "too much foam in the urine is also a sign."

Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

Foamy urine may be due to high protein content in the urine, which indirectly reflects impaired kidney function.

Hyperglycemia can cause damage to the kidneys, leading to increased protein in the urine.

"Finally, there is the smell of urine," Dr. Lee said, adding that normal urine has a faint smell.

But if the urine tastes sweet or fruity, it may be a precursor to diabetic ketoacidosis.

Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

This is an acute complication of diabetes that requires immediate medical attention.

Zhao Jiaming was terrified when he heard it, but he also understood the early warning effect of urine on health.

He asked, "Is there any other way to monitor blood sugar at home besides urine?" ”

There are many blood glucose meters on the market now, which can be easily used to monitor blood sugar at home, and this type of smart device will do.

Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

It is generally recommended that people with diabetes measure fasting blood glucose and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose daily.

In addition, it is also necessary to go to the hospital regularly for comprehensive check-ups.

Know your glycosylated hemoglobin levels, which can more accurately reflect your average blood sugar levels over the past few months.

Zhao Jiaming thought thoughtfully: "It seems that I should also go for a check-up." ”

Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

Dr. Lee went on to say, "Check-ups are a good thing, but you should pay more attention to your diet and exercise.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the only way to truly prevent and control diabetes.

In particular, it is important to drink less sugary drinks and more water or sugar-free tea.

Zhao Jiaming nodded, obviously determined to change his lifestyle.

Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

Dr. Lee saw Chiu's determination and encouraged him:

"Maintain a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less high-sugar and high-fat foods, so that you can effectively control blood sugar levels."

Zhao Jiaming took a deep breath, and he had already begun to think about the actions he would take when he returned home.

He decided to buy a blood glucose meter and never touch those sweet drinks again.

Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

In addition to urine, what other parts of the body can reveal information about blood sugar?

The eye is one of the important areas, and blurred vision or frequent changes in vision can be a sign of blood sugar fluctuations.

Dry, itchy skin, especially slow wound healing, may also be associated with high blood sugar.

Is blood sugar high just look at pee? Doctor: When there are 4 situations, you must not be careless

Changes in the mouth, such as dry mouth and recurrent gum infections, are all signs that blood sugar may be too high.

Being aware of these changes can help you detect and control blood sugar problems early.

Hope it helps, thank you!