
Do middle-aged and elderly people still dare to run, the 65-year-old uncle runs and breaks his knee, and the doctor is helpless: keep these 3 things in mind

author:Pupu Health

"Uncle Wang, your knees are not good now." Doctor Zhang Jianguo shook his head helplessly and pushed the X-ray in front of Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang, 65, is a retired school security guard.

After retiring, he developed the habit of running every morning every day, thinking that this would keep him healthy, but he didn't expect that his knee started to hurt recently.

Your condition is simply called a 'running knee', which is the pain caused by wear and tear in the knee joint caused by excessive running.

Do middle-aged and elderly people still dare to run, the 65-year-old uncle runs and breaks his knee, and the doctor is helpless: keep these 3 things in mind

This is not uncommon among middle-aged and older people, especially those like you who run frequently. Dr. Zhang explained.

"There are so many disadvantages to running, so do I dare to run?" Uncle Wang couldn't understand it for a long time after hearing this.

It is true that running is a good exercise, but for middle-aged and elderly people, there are a few points that need special attention.

Otherwise, not only will you not achieve the effect of exercise, but you may also hurt yourself. Dr. Zhang continued.

Do middle-aged and elderly people still dare to run, the 65-year-old uncle runs and breaks his knee, and the doctor is helpless: keep these 3 things in mind

The first is the running form. Many middle-aged and elderly people do not run in the right position.

For example, the body leans forward too much, the footsteps are too heavy, the stride length is too large, etc., which will increase the burden on the knees.

The correct running posture should be one with the body straight, the head naturally straight, and the shoulders relaxed.

The arms swing naturally, the feet land lightly, and the stride is moderate.

Do middle-aged and elderly people still dare to run, the 65-year-old uncle runs and breaks his knee, and the doctor is helpless: keep these 3 things in mind

One study showed that people with the correct running form had a 30% lower incidence of knee injuries.

The second is running time and intensity, and the physical fitness of middle-aged and elderly people is lower than that of young people.

The running time and intensity should also be adjusted accordingly, and the running time should not exceed 30 minutes a day.

It is best to keep the number of running days per week to 3 to 4 days, and the intensity should be medium to low.

Do middle-aged and elderly people still dare to run, the 65-year-old uncle runs and breaks his knee, and the doctor is helpless: keep these 3 things in mind

According to a survey of 5,000 middle-aged and elderly runners, the weekly running time is limited to 2 to 3 hours.

The incidence of knee injuries was significantly lower than in people who ran more than 5 hours per week.

Finally, there is the choice of running shoes. The fat pads on the soles of the feet of middle-aged and elderly people will become thinner subtly.

It is especially important to choose the right pair of running shoes, which have good shock absorption and support.

Do middle-aged and elderly people still dare to run, the 65-year-old uncle runs and breaks his knee, and the doctor is helpless: keep these 3 things in mind

The soles are soft, and the shoes must fit to run healthier.

A 70-year-old Aunt Zhang, who has been running for more than ten years, has no problem with her knees less than a month after changing to new shoes.

The examination found that the soles of the new shoes were too hard, which caused excessive impact on the knees, and the pain was relieved after changing back to the original shoes.

When Uncle Wang returned home, he had a question in his heart, and he decided to ask Dr. Zhang for advice again:

Do middle-aged and elderly people still dare to run, the 65-year-old uncle runs and breaks his knee, and the doctor is helpless: keep these 3 things in mind

Is it only running that can damage the knees, and will other sports have similar problems?

Dr. Teo explains that many exercises can affect the knee to varying degrees.

When climbing a mountain, going uphill and downhill will have a lot of impact on your knees, so choose the right trekking poles to reduce the burden on your knees.

Badminton requires frequent stops and turns, which is a big test for the knees.

Do middle-aged and elderly people still dare to run, the 65-year-old uncle runs and breaks his knee, and the doctor is helpless: keep these 3 things in mind

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the exercise of the thigh muscles and increase the stability of the knees.

There are many jumping and emergency stops in basketball, and it is also necessary to pay attention to the protection of the knees, and you can wear knee pads if necessary.

According to research data, the incidence of knee injuries is higher in people who participate in high-intensity exercise than in people who participate in low-intensity exercise.

Especially in people over the age of 50, the rate of knee injuries caused by high-intensity exercise is as high as 40%.

Do middle-aged and elderly people still dare to run, the 65-year-old uncle runs and breaks his knee, and the doctor is helpless: keep these 3 things in mind

No matter what kind of exercise you are, you should do it according to your physical condition and avoid excessive exercise.

Proper posture and the right equipment are key to protecting your knees while enjoying your sport.

After listening to Dr. Zhang's explanation, Uncle Wang suddenly became enlightened and decided not only to run in the future.

Also try some exercises that are less taxing on your knees, such as swimming, doing some "quiet" exercises, etc.

Do middle-aged and elderly people still dare to run, the 65-year-old uncle runs and breaks his knee, and the doctor is helpless: keep these 3 things in mind

In this way, you can not only maintain your health, but also protect your knees.

He also plans to share these new exercise plans with his friends in the park, so that everyone can go further and further on the road to health.

Hope it helps, thank you!