
Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

author:It's like a clear sky

2024: The emergence of new quality productivity

2024 is destined to be a year of "new". In this spring, when the sun shines on the land of the motherland, a warm current of new quality productivity is surging all over the country. This warm current brings together the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, carries the hope of industrial transformation, and bursts out the new kinetic energy of Made in China.

The spring tide of the digital economy is surging

Guangdong has improved the quality and expanded 8 trillion-yuan industrial clusters, and 1 out of every 4 new energy vehicles in the country is "made in Guangdong"; The added value of manufacturing, high-tech industry and strategic emerging industries, the core industries of Zhejiang's digital economy, increased by 8.3%, 7% and 6.3% respectively. The high-quality development index of Jiangsu's manufacturing industry was 91.9, ranking first in the country. From these figures, we can see the scene of new quality productivity taking root and blooming in various places.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

Driven by innovation to boost industrial agglomeration, a number of new growth points, growth poles, and growth belts are accelerating the gestation. Anhui will speed up the construction of quantum information, fusion energy, and deep space exploration, Changsha will make every effort to build a global R&D center city, and Beijing will focus on building an international science and technology innovation center. These are all important fronts for cultivating new quality productive forces.

"The integration of regional resource elements is the need for development, and it is necessary to focus on building a collaborative industrial system, and coordinate and promote the integrated development and innovation layout of strategic emerging industries such as biomanufacturing, low-altitude economy, and integrated circuits. Qi Lizang, general manager of Zhejiang Jiashan Litong Information Technology Co., Ltd., said. Future industry is an important support for cultivating new quality productivity, and Anhui will start the construction of a future industry pilot area in 2024.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

The spring thunder of digital transformation rolls

In Zhongguancun, Beijing, countless "firsts" were born here. In the new wave set off by artificial intelligence, Zhongguancun is also not absent. It is understood that the number of artificial intelligence models in Zhongguancun accounts for more than half of the country.

In Yizhuang, southeast of Beijing, more than 30 kilometers away from Zhongguancun, an "unmanned city" is rising. Here, you can often see all kinds of unmanned vehicles on the road: unmanned taxis, unmanned delivery vehicles, unmanned vending vehicles, etc. Not long ago, Beijing officially opened the commercial pilot of "no one in the car" of intelligent networked passenger cars in Yizhuang, which means that you will be able to get an "empty" taxi in Yizhuang.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

This is a vivid microcosm of Beijing's AI development. By the end of 2022, Beijing had 1,500 core AI enterprises, accounting for 29% of the country's total, and more than 30 unicorn enterprises. Among the 24 enterprises approved to build a new generation of national artificial intelligence open innovation platform in mainland China, 10 are headquartered in Beijing, which has become an important driving force for the development of the mainland's artificial intelligence industry.

The spring rain of intelligent manufacturing continues

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

In the intelligent manufacturing workshop of CRRC Qingdao Sifang Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. in Jinan, Shandong, there is a hot production scene: the giant robotic arm is busy on the assembly line, transporting the new electric locomotive that has just come off the assembly line to the testing area; In the welding workshop, rows of welding robots are automatically completing welding operations.

"In the past, welding operations relied on manual work, but now there are robots, which not only improve production efficiency, but also solve the problems of high labor intensity and poor environment for employees. The head of the company's intelligent manufacturing department said. With the new model of intelligent manufacturing, the company has formed an annual output of more than 1,000 electric locomotives, accounting for nearly half of the domestic market.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

In China First Heavy Group Co., Ltd., a new intelligent production line is in operation. This production line is driven by China's self-developed intelligent manufacturing system "Greyhound", which realizes the whole process of intelligence from order placement to product off-line. The "Greyhound" system integrates a new generation of information technology such as industrial Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence, which can realize independent decision-making and automatic optimization of the production process, and greatly improve production efficiency and product quality.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

These intelligent manufacturing figures are the best footnotes to the accelerated penetration of new quality productivity in the manufacturing industry. With the deep integration of the new generation of information technology and the real economy, more and more traditional manufacturing industries will usher in a comprehensive intelligent transformation, and new productivity will become an important support for manufacturing power.

Green and low-carbon spring breeze

In Baowu Group Ma'anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., a new intelligent environmental protection equipment is in operation. This equipment integrates advanced technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence, which can monitor energy consumption and pollutant emissions in the steel production process in real time, and automatically optimize process parameters to minimize resource consumption and environmental pollution.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

"With the new equipment, we have increased our energy efficiency by more than 10 percent and our pollutant emissions have been significantly reduced. The head of the company said. This is a vivid embodiment of Baowu's practice of green and low-carbon development concept and promotion of high-quality development of the steel industry.

In China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd., an innovative product called "Smart Street Lamp" is being implemented. This product integrates innovative technologies such as LED energy-saving light source and lens array structure, which can not only achieve 60% energy saving, but also automatically adjust the brightness according to the weather and the length of day and night, further reducing energy consumption.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

Behind the "smart street lamp" is CECEP Jinghe Technology's unremitting innovation in the field of LED energy-saving lighting and smart lighting for many years. The company's research and development of silicon substrate chips participating in basic application research won the first prize of the National Technological Invention Award, and the application of LED lens array structure technology on lamps and lanterns obtained invention patents. The advent of innovative achievements is a powerful footnote for new quality productivity to take root in the field of energy conservation and environmental protection.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

The spring thunder of brand building is rolling

"Bravely shoulder the mission of strengthening the country and building a green and intelligent steel industry chain" - this is the core positioning of the Baowu brand. In recent years, through a series of brand marketing activities, Baowu has told the story of China's steel to the world and created a good image that matches the global status of China's steel industry.

Guided by the new iterative and upgraded corporate strategy, Baowu integrates brand building into the whole process and field of enterprise production and operation, and actively explores differentiated brand building paths in line with its mission and vision. On the one hand, we create excellent products and launch high-end product lines such as "green steel"; On the other hand, we should practice green and low-carbon, and accelerate the innovation of green technology and the promotion and application of advanced green technologies.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

Baowu vigorously promotes the integration and integration of corporate culture, strengthens the sense of identity, belonging and loyalty of "One Baowu", and promotes the values and spirit to take root in the hearts of the people. Through three-dimensional brand building, Baowu has sung its own good voice and become an outstanding representative of Chinese brands.

Brand is an important embodiment of new quality productivity. In today's globalization, brand strength has become an important symbol to measure a country's comprehensive national strength. Through innovation and development, Chinese brands are showing a new image of Made in China to the world.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

The spring and autumn fruits of talent training

"Talent is the foundation of the company, and only 'talent' is the core of value creation. "This is the great importance that Haier Group attaches to talents. In 2024, Haier will innovate three spaces in terms of incentives: innovation opportunity space, innovation value-added space, and innovation income space, so that everyone has the same opportunity, and if they can create user value, they will have the opportunity to co-invest, and turn employees into "entrepreneurial partners".

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

At Lam Research, our core values and the people who live them make up our culture. Lam Research has designed an employee donation matching program to encourage employees to be involved in the community and support nonprofit organizations active in their areas of interest. while advocating for inclusion and diversity, fostering and advocating for a culture of inclusion and diversity in STEM education.

In Zoomlion Shipping, the company focuses on the optimization of the organization and talent structure to promote the improvement of the talent team. The company will provide employees with a broad space for development and good welfare benefits to help employees realize their self-worth. China United Shipping is recruiting new talents, making long-term layouts, and looking for more talented and passionate talents to join.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

Cultivating and attaching importance to talents is an important cornerstone for the sustainable development of new quality productive forces. Only with a high-quality talent team can the new quality productivity fully release its vitality and promote China's manufacturing to a new stage of higher-quality development.

Behind Liu Qiangdong's revision of's mission: 2024 enterprises will move from the era of competition to the era of branding

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