
Jiang Qinqin bumped into Xu Qing and lost too much, and she wore a hollow skirt and went into battle 7 years younger, she didn't have Xu Qingwen

author:Wushi Elf Pavilion

Jiang Qinqin and Xu Qing's shirt collision caused heated discussions, and they wore hollow skirts to show off their figures, but she was 7 years younger than Xu Qing's gentle charm

The fashion industry is always full of countless surprises and accidents, and the recent collision between Jiang Qinqin and Xu Qing has aroused heated discussions among netizens. The two actresses wore hollow skirts together and went into battle in a vacuum, showing different fashion charms, but in comparison, Jiang Qinqin, who is 7 years younger, seems to be slightly inferior in this fashion contest, lacking Xu Qing's unique gentle charm.

Jiang Qinqin bumped into Xu Qing and lost too much, and she wore a hollow skirt and went into battle 7 years younger, she didn't have Xu Qingwen

At a public event, Jiang Qinqin appeared in a black hollowed-out skirt, and the unique design of the skirt showed off the curves of her figure. Jiang Qinqin's skin is fair, and he looks even more radiant with this skirt. However, when she stood with Xu Qing, who was also wearing a hollowed-out skirt, netizens found that the style difference between the two was very obvious.

Xu Qing's hollowed-out skirt chose a softer tone, matching her gentle temperament, which makes people feel an elegant and serene beauty. Her smile is sweet, and her demeanor exudes a calm confidence. In contrast, although Jiang Qinqin is young and energetic, under the backdrop of this skirt, it looks a little too flamboyant, and Xu Qing's restrained charm is missing.

Jiang Qinqin bumped into Xu Qing and lost too much, and she wore a hollow skirt and went into battle 7 years younger, she didn't have Xu Qingwen

In an interview, a reporter asked the two actresses what they thought of the collision. Jiang Qinqin smiled and said: "I think fashion is like this, there will always be various coincidences. I love this dress, it suits my style perfectly. Of course, everyone's understanding of fashion is different, and I respect Xu Qing's style of dressing. ”

Xu Qing responded modestly: "Actually, there are still some differences between my style and Jiang Qinqin's. She is young and energetic, which suits this flamboyant style very well. And I prefer something simple, restrained. Of course, this clash is also a great opportunity for us to learn from each other and learn from each other. ”

Jiang Qinqin bumped into Xu Qing and lost too much, and she wore a hollow skirt and went into battle 7 years younger, she didn't have Xu Qingwen

Experts in the fashion industry also commented on the incident. They believe that although Jiang Qinqin and Xu Qing are both wearing hollowed-out skirts, the styles they show are completely different. Jiang Qinqin's outfits are more bold and avant-garde, showing her young and fashionable side; Xu Qing, on the other hand, pays more attention to the display of temperament and connotation, and her outfits are more elegant and restrained. This style difference also reflects the different pursuits of the two actresses in fashion taste.

In the fashion world, clashes are not unusual. But every time the shirt hits the shirt, it can arouse heated discussions and attention from netizens, which also proves the importance of fashion to people. Fashion is not just an external dress, but also an internal attitude and taste. Everyone can express their personality and style through their own outfits, which is also the charm of fashion.

Jiang Qinqin bumped into Xu Qing and lost too much, and she wore a hollow skirt and went into battle 7 years younger, she didn't have Xu Qingwen

Of course, for ordinary people, we don't have to pursue too much of the same outfit as the star. Because everyone's figure, temperament and style are different, the one that suits you is the best. We can draw inspiration from the outfits of celebrities, find fashion elements that suit us, and create our own unique style.

In addition, we need to pay attention to the sustainability of fashion. While pursuing fashion, we should also pay attention to environmental protection and sustainable development. Choosing eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, and supporting sustainable fashion brands are all things we can contribute to the fashion industry. Only by making fashion more environmentally friendly and sustainable can we truly enjoy the beauty that fashion brings.

Jiang Qinqin bumped into Xu Qing and lost too much, and she wore a hollow skirt and went into battle 7 years younger, she didn't have Xu Qingwen

In short, although the collision between Jiang Qinqin and Xu Qing caused heated discussions, it also let us see the diversity and inclusiveness of fashion. Everyone has their own unique fashion tastes and styles, and we should respect each other's choices and pursuits. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the sustainability of fashion and contribute to creating a better and more environmentally friendly fashion world.

The material comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted!

Jiang Qinqin bumped into Xu Qing and lost too much, and she wore a hollow skirt and went into battle 7 years younger, she didn't have Xu Qingwen

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