
When you are a leader, don't you look down on the idleness of employees? The answers of netizens made me suddenly realize and be taught

author:Wushi Elf Pavilion

"Idleness" and workplace efficiency in the eyes of leaders

In the workplace, the question of whether leaders can't see employees being idle often causes heated discussions. Some people think that leaders always want their employees to be busy, as if being idle means doing nothing. However, there is a difference in understanding of workplace effectiveness and employee status.

When you are a leader, don't you look down on the idleness of employees? The answers of netizens made me suddenly realize and be taught

Not long ago, I attended a workplace exchange meeting, where this question was raised by a senior professional. He shared his years of management experience, which gave me a new perspective on this issue.

"In fact, as leaders, we don't look down on employees idle." He smiles and says, "We care more about the output and efficiency of our employees." He explains that an efficient employee, even if it seems to be idle on the surface, can quickly get into the groove and complete high-quality work at critical moments.

When you are a leader, don't you look down on the idleness of employees? The answers of netizens made me suddenly realize and be taught

To illustrate further, he shared a case. In his team, there is an employee Xiao Zhang, who usually does not seem busy, but every time he delivers a task, he can complete it on time and with high quality. In the communication with Xiao Zhang, the leader found that Xiao Zhang is good at planning time, and he will think and learn in his spare time, so as to be fully prepared for the next work. For such employees, the leaders are naturally assured.

"However, if employees are idle for a long time and do not produce output, then the leader will naturally be worried." He adds, "Because it means that employees may not be making the most of their time and abilities, and it can also have a negative impact on the overall effectiveness of the team." ”

When you are a leader, don't you look down on the idleness of employees? The answers of netizens made me suddenly realize and be taught

So, as an employee, how do you stay productive in the workplace? I consulted with this senior professional.

"First of all, learn to plan your time." "Divide your day's work into different priorities, and complete important and urgent tasks first, and then take care of other things," he advises. This ensures that your work is always on the right track. ”

When you are a leader, don't you look down on the idleness of employees? The answers of netizens made me suddenly realize and be taught

"Secondly, be good at learning and thinking." He continued, "There will always be new challenges and opportunities in the workplace, and only by constantly learning and thinking can we keep up with the pace of the times and continuously improve our abilities." ”

"Finally, maintain good communication with the leadership." He emphasized, "A leader is a person who understands your work situation, and only by maintaining good communication with the leader can they understand your work progress and difficulties, so as to give you more support and help." ”

When you are a leader, don't you look down on the idleness of employees? The answers of netizens made me suddenly realize and be taught

After listening to this veteran professional's sharing, I felt that I benefited a lot. I realized that leaders are not looking down on employees' idleness, but are more concerned about the output and efficiency of employees. As employees, we should learn to plan our time, be good at learning and thinking, and maintain good communication with our leaders to ensure that we remain productive in the workplace.

To explore this question in more depth, I decided to start a conversation with a few professionals. In my communication with them, I heard more different voices and perspectives.

When you are a leader, don't you look down on the idleness of employees? The answers of netizens made me suddenly realize and be taught

One of the young career starters, Xiao Li, told me: "When I first joined the company, I was always worried that my boss would think I was idle, so I always tried to make myself look busy. But then I realized that doing so made me miss out on a lot of opportunities to learn and think. Now, I have learned to plan my time wisely and devote my free time to studying and thinking, so that I can not only complete my tasks better, but also improve my abilities. ”

Mr. Wang, another seasoned professional, shared his opinion: "I think what leaders value is not how busy their employees are, but their contribution and value. A high-performing employee, even if it seems to be idle, can make an important contribution to the team. Therefore, we should focus on improving our abilities and contributions, rather than just pursuing the appearance of busyness. ”

Through these conversations, I have a deeper understanding of the relationship between "idleness" in the eyes of leaders and workplace efficiency. I realized that as employees, we should learn to plan our time wisely, be good at learning and thinking, and maintain good communication with our leaders to ensure that we remain productive in the workplace. At the same time, we should also pay attention to our own contribution and value, constantly improve our ability and level, and make greater contributions to the development of the team and the company.

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