
Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

author:Seriously, the stars talk about entertainment

1. Civilians in a small town have stepped onto the stage of life with amazing momentum!

What is jaw-dropping is that Wu Yue, who is over half a hundred years old, slapped the famous director Chen Jianbin and his wife Jiang Qinqin in the face. Although this statement is passionate and severe, it aptly expresses the anger and injustice contained in Wu Yue's heart after the emotional ordeal.

Originally, Chen Jianbin was just a young man from an unknown town, however, his fate changed dramatically because of Wu Yue. It is precisely because of Wu Yue's careful support and strong recommendation that this man from an ordinary background was able to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry and finally won the highest honor in his life.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

However, just as his career was booming, Chen Jianbin was attracted by the charm of the extraordinarily beautiful actress Jiang Qinqin, and mercilessly betrayed Wu Yue, who had always firmly supported him, leaving her deeply shocked and heartbroken.

At that time, Wu Yue's inner pain can be imagined. Betrayed by those closest to her, she is devastated and on the verge of collapse. Looking back on the past, she has made countless efforts and done her best to cultivate Chen Jianbin .

However, he so ruthlessly failed her affectionate kindness, as if pouring boiling hot oil on Wu Yue's weak heart, giving her a heavy blow.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

In the face of such a heavy blow, Wu Yue, who was physically and mentally exhausted, did not fall because of this. Instead of indulging in pain, she turned her grief into motivation to move forward, devoted herself to her work, and shined in one film and television masterpiece after another with her excellent acting skills.

After unremitting efforts, Wu Yue finally soared into the sky and became famous in one fell swoop, winning high praise from the audience and people in the industry.

In this way, an unknown woman who was once ignored and hurt successfully stepped onto the stage of life with her tenacious struggle and outstanding performance, showing the most dazzling brilliance under the bright lights.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

Second, the desperate situation survives, and the flower of tenacity blooms again!

When Wu Yue's career suffered a major setback, she chose to fight back. She did not fall like a helpless victim, on the contrary, she stood up again with more tenacity, and declared her self-worth to the world with her strength and perseverance.

Among the many fascinating film and television masterpieces, Wu Yue has conquered the audience again and again with his impeccable exquisite skills and unparalleled artistic perception.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

Each of her characters has reached a point where she is deeply rooted in the bone marrow and ready to come out, making people feel as if they are in a vivid and vivid world.

It is precisely because of this excellent performance skills and in-depth insight into the role that Wu Yue's wonderful performance in the TV series "County Party Committee Compound" won the high honor of "Best Actress" at the industry's authoritative Magnolia Award, which is undoubtedly the highest praise for her artistic attainments.

People often praise Wu Yue's performance style as fresh and natural, but also contains an indescribable mysterious atmosphere, and this unique temperament makes her every appearance unique.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

She is able to move between the role and the self with ease, showing a rich and colorful artistic charm.

This charm comes not only from her external performance skills, but also from her profound artistic accomplishment.

From an unknown newcomer to a unique art master, Wu Yue's growth has witnessed her firm belief and unremitting pursuit of her career. When everyone thought that her career was about to fall to the bottom, she re-emerged with more tenacious perseverance, showed her value to the world with her extraordinary strength, and successfully ushered in the second spring of her career.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

3. Repay the society with love and pass on positive energy

After experiencing the dual tempering of emotion and career, Wu Yue knows how to use his influence to give back to the society. She never stopped, and gradually turned her attention to public welfare and charity.

Wu Yue first participated in the "Earth Water" project, a public welfare initiative dedicated to providing clean drinking water to children in poor areas. She is not only an ambassador for this cause, but also a field trip to see how the project is being implemented, always caring about whether every drop of donated water can actually reach the children in need.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

Whenever he saw that the children in those impoverished areas were able to draw water freely and keep their bodies clean and healthy, Wu Yue's heart was filled with endless joy. It was as if she saw her former figure, like these children, living in a difficult environment, but still harboring an ardent hope for a better life.

Now, with his tenacity and firm belief, Wu Yue has successfully used his own strength to promote countless children who need help like himself to a bright future! Whenever he saw those children who had originally lived in a difficult environment, gradually showing a relaxed expression after coming into contact with art, and their eyes flashed with sparkling light again, Wu Yue's heart would surge with an indescribable warmth.

She deeply understands that only by fully immersing these children in the sunshine of art can they truly find their desire for a better life from the bottom of their hearts and find a broad road to a happy life.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

In addition to focusing on the healthy growth of children, Wu Yue also set his sights on maternal and child health issues in poor areas. She actively participates in various public welfare activities and makes every effort to appeal to the whole society, asking everyone to attach great importance to the health of this special group and provide them with necessary medical resources and assistance.

Wu Yue knows that only when the mother and child are physically and mentally healthy, a family can truly be called happy, however, sadly, there are still many mothers and babies in poor areas living in an environment with scarce medical resources, and their lives may be threatened at any time.

Wu Yue's public welfare journey is undoubtedly a glorious avenue full of love and responsibility. She has shown the world that everyone has the power to change the world, and that if we work together and work together, we will be able to lead society to a better and sunny tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

Fourth, the colorful artistic life The stage screen is full of brilliance

In Wu Yue's dazzling artistic career, whether it is on the stage or on the screen, she has left her wonderful figure. With her unique personal charm and superb professionalism, she is able to play with ease in a variety of drama genres and unleash her talents to the fullest.

Wu Yue's acting career can be said to have started from an inconspicuous small turning point, in the TV series "Age of Peace", she successfully portrayed the role of a military reporter, and her free and capable, distinctive image won her the Golden Eagle Award that year.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

Since then, she has embarked on the glorious road to success without hesitation, igniting the brilliant fireworks of her own life and writing a new chapter of life!

Since then, Wu Yue starred in the urban emotional film "The Story of Beijing Late Autumn", which is like a natural sound, playing a triumphant song of her acting career. This masterpiece not only improved Wu Yue's acting skills, but also laid a solid foundation for her dazzling acting career in the future, making her deeply appreciate the endless charm that she can bring as an actor.

Immediately afterwards, in the drama "Rhino in Love", Wu Yue once again shocked people with his perfect acting skills and unparalleled stage charm. Her interpretation of the characters in the play is deeply rooted and lifelike, making the audience feel as if they are in the middle of it, witnessing a vivid character shining on the stage.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

Because of this outstanding performance, Wu Yue became the most popular heroine at that time and became famous.

Even in the role of Liu E in "Qingping Le", which has many challenges, Wu Yue's acting skills are still radiant, creating a legendary female image.

In the next realistic TV series "Sweeping the Black Storm", she once again amazed everyone, and her profound interpretation of the role of He Yun won high praise from the industry and can be called a classic.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

From the initial obscurity to the current leader of the stage screen, Wu Yue has written a wonderful artistic life with firm perseverance and hard work. Her name will forever be engraved in the long history of Chinese performing arts, and become a model for future generations to learn and follow.

Fifth, the mark of growth The tenacious background will always stay in the heart

After experiencing emotional trauma, career troughs and various hardships on the road of public welfare, Wu Yue showed an independent, tenacious and kind female image with practical actions, and became a role model for the younger generation.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

In the face of the heavy blow of feelings, Wu Yue did not choose to feel sorry for himself, but stood up again with a stronger posture and used his strength to declare his value to the world.

She turned all the pain into motivation to move forward, devoted herself to her career, and finally became a blockbuster, winning wide recognition and praise from all walks of life with her excellent acting skills.

However, after the success of his career, Wu Yue is not satisfied with the status quo, but continues to pursue a higher goal - to devote himself to public welfare and charity! From paying attention to the safety of drinking water for children in poverty-stricken areas, to speaking out for the whole society to pay attention to art education for migrant children, and even visiting the medical and living conditions of mothers and babies in remote areas...... Wu Yue tried his best to practice a noble personality charm of selfless dedication with full of love.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

She is well aware that she has the responsibility of helping more people in need, so she unreservedly devotes herself to various public welfare undertakings. Whenever he witnessed the warm changes that occurred because of his meager strength, Wu Yue's heart was filled with endless relief and joy.

She has declared to the world that everyone has the potential to be a change-maker in this world, and that as long as we work together and stick to our beliefs, we will be able to inject more positive energy into society.

It can be seen that Wu Yue is an outstanding representative of contemporary women and can be called a model for learning. She shows the strong qualities of women's independence and perseverance, and also highlights women's deep love for family and society.

Unexpectedly, 51-year-old Wu Yue slapped Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin in the face

She has interpreted a precious spiritual outlook with her own life experience, which will surely have a profound inspiration and influence on future generations.

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