
Why are more and more people developing diabetes? It turned out to be "sleeping", and it benefited early when you watched it early

author:Dr. Lu Jun

In March 2024, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (ALA) Online Open revealed the relationship between the onset of diabetes and sleep: People who have been sleep-deprived for a long time have a higher risk of diabetes than those who get enough sleep. The shorter the sleep time, the higher the risk of diabetes.

Why are more and more people developing diabetes? It turned out to be "sleeping", and it benefited early when you watched it early

The study included 240,000 adults and was followed for 12.5 years. The results of the study showed that

People who have the following poor sleep habits are at higher risk of developing diabetes:

1. Too little sleep

Studies have shown that people who sleep only 3~6 hours a day are more likely to get type 2 diabetes. Getting at least 7 hours of sleep a day may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Too little sleep stimulates the secretion of adrenaline and cortisol in the body, and reduces insulin sensitivity, which reduces the body's ability to regulate blood sugar and increases the risk of diabetes.

In addition, sleep deprivation can increase hunger and appetite, leading to increased energy intake and excess weight, which can increase the risk of diabetes.

Why are more and more people developing diabetes? It turned out to be "sleeping", and it benefited early when you watched it early

2. Snoring while sleeping

"Snoring" is actually a disease called sleep apnea syndrome.

Snoring can lead to a chronic lack of oxygen in the body, which may induce insulin resistance, which can lead to the development of diabetes.

For people who have been diagnosed with diabetes, snoring can cause fluctuations in blood sugar and can accelerate the damage to blood vessels.

3. Go to bed late and wake up late

The study found that people who often go to bed late and wake up late have a 72% increased risk of diabetes than those who go to bed early and wake up early.

In the process of long-term adaptation to nature, the body's metabolism, hormone secretion, and neuromodulation have formed an adaptive circadian rhythm with nature, which has a visual description called "biological clock".

When the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the body's biological clock has already adapted to the circadian rhythm of going to bed early and waking up early, and if this rhythm is regularly disrupted, it will lead to the dysfunction of the body's internal environment, thereby inducing chronic diseases such as diabetes.

Why are more and more people developing diabetes? It turned out to be "sleeping", and it benefited early when you watched it early

4. People who are used to sleeping with the lights on

The invention of the light bulb has enriched people's nightlife, but from a health point of view, the appearance of lights has increased people's health pressure.

Some foreign studies have found that sleeping with the lights on often increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

This is because sleeping with the lights on often will aggravate insulin resistance, which will reduce the body's ability to regulate blood sugar, and in the long run, some people will gradually develop diabetes.

Why are more and more people developing diabetes? It turned out to be "sleeping", and it benefited early when you watched it early

Therefore, it is very important for sugar lovers to ensure adequate sleep. Sugar friends who do not sleep well can start from the following points to improve their sleep quality:

1. Work and rest on time every day to form a regular sleep rhythm

2. Create a quiet, comfortable, dark sleeping environment

3. Avoid long naps

4. Eat less stimulating foods before going to bed, and drink less stimulant drinks such as strong tea and coffee

5. Don't listen to or watch exciting programs before going to bed to keep your body and mind relaxed

6. According to your physical condition, choose an exercise method that suits you and keep exercising

Finally, I hope you all get a good night's sleep.

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