
The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

author:The little wolf dog Kan Dashan
The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

Recently, an incident in which two plainclothes police officers in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, were forced to stop their private cars at high speed, and one of them was questioned for wearing an expensive designer T-shirt.


As soon as the incident was exposed, it immediately sparked a heated discussion on social media, with netizens questioning the actions of the police, believing that there were obvious law enforcement problems and abuse of power. At the same time, many people are puzzled by their behavior of wearing expensive clothing, believing that their income and consumption status are questionable.

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

As law enforcers, the police's every move will be concerned by the society, and their image and behavior are directly related to the public's trust and support for the police. Once a similar negative incident occurs, it will not only seriously affect the personal image of the police, but also cause immeasurable damage to the image and credibility of the entire public security organs.

Therefore, in such an incident, we not only need to look at the law enforcement behavior of the police objectively and rationally, but also need to reflect deeply on it, explore how to better regulate the law enforcement behavior of the police, maintain their good image, and also need to strengthen the supervision of the police's income sources and consumption status, and improve their openness and transparency, so as to enhance the public's trust and support for the police.

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

Event recap

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

In the video, a black police car forced a white sedan to stop on the highway, and two plainclothes police officers got out of the car to inspect the car, and after the video was exposed, many netizens believed that there were obvious law enforcement problems in the police's behavior.

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

According to the content in the video, it can be seen that the incident occurred in Jingzhou, Hubei, when a white sedan was driving normally on the highway, and a black police car suddenly appeared behind it, and without any warning, the white sedan was directly forced to stop, and the two people who got out of the car were police officers in civilian clothes, and they did not carry out any legal procedures, they checked the white car without authorization, and also warned and punished the people in the car.

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

After the incident was exposed, many netizens had a heated discussion on the matter, and questioned the behavior of the police, believing that there were obvious law enforcement problems in their behavior.

When carrying out law enforcement inspections, the police did not show any law enforcement certificates, nor did they carry out legal procedures, and inspected the white car without authorization, which is obviously illegal, and in the process of forcing the car to stop, the police car did not carry out any warning, which is easy to cause traffic accidents, and there is also a certain threat to the driver's personal safety.

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

After the inspection of the white car, the police did not find any illegal acts, but still warned and punished the people in the car, such behavior is undoubtedly a manifestation of abuse of power, and in the whole law enforcement process, the police did not wear any police uniform, such law enforcement behavior is also not in accordance with the regulations.

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves
The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

Event progression

After a preliminary understanding, the black police car involved belonged to the Public Security Bureau of Songzi City, Jingzhou City, and the two plainclothes men who got out of the car for inspection were indeed in-service policemen, and one of the police officers was also recognized by netizens as a brand-name clothing worth more than 4,000 yuan because of the T-shirt he was wearing, which also raised questions about its income source and consumption status.

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

After receiving the investigation notice, the police involved also made a relevant response, he said that he was indeed conducting a law enforcement inspection, but because the situation at the time was relatively special, so such law enforcement measures would be taken, and the clothing he was wearing was indeed a brand-name T-shirt, but this was not purchased by him personally, but as a gift to him, and he would also actively cooperate with the police investigation, hoping to find out the truth as soon as possible.

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

After the incident was exposed, it also received the attention of the majority of netizens, and everyone had a heated discussion on the matter, and put forward their own views on the behavior of the police, believing that the so-called special circumstances could not be the reason for their illegality, no matter what the circumstances, the police must strictly follow the prescribed procedures and requirements for law enforcement inspections, and when conducting law enforcement inspections, they must also wear uniform police uniforms, so as to gain the trust and understanding of citizens.

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

Some netizens disagreed with the brand-name T-shirt he was wearing, believing that as a police officer, his income source and consumption should be open and transparent, and the expensive clothing he wore would undoubtedly cause speculation about his income, which also had a negative impact on his personal image.

Reflection on the event

Through the exposure of this incident, we can not only look at the law enforcement behavior of the police objectively and rationally, but also conduct in-depth reflection on the issues involved, and explore how to better regulate the law enforcement behavior of the police and maintain their good image.

The more you pick up, the more you have! Police car forced to stop private car at high speed follow-up: The man's identity was confirmed, wearing 4,400 yuan short sleeves

In today's society, the law enforcement behavior and personal image of the police have received more and more attention, and the public has also put forward higher requirements for them, hoping that they can strictly follow the requirements of the law to carry out law enforcement inspections.

At the same time, it is also hoped that their income sources and consumption status can be open and transparent, so as to enhance the public's trust and support for them.

What do you think of the behavior of the two "plainclothes", please leave a message in the comment area.