
Ma Yun walked down the altar, and Lei Jun climbed the stairs

author:The fourth uncle learned to be self-media

In 2020, Jack Ma's speech at the Shanghai Bund Financial Summit was the last dance on the surface, with a high light and a scolding of Fang Xuan.

reminds me of an interview many years ago, when Ma Yun rubbed his hands and said leisurely with a smile: I am not very interested in making money from merchants, but I am interested in moving the bank.

Banks are the foundation of the country, and they are also great tools, and they cannot be easily revealed. The last businessman who was ready to "connect the world" was imprisoned in Shanxi by Cixi for decades, and sent a dog in a good year.

Yongzi doesn't listen to persuasion, he always feels that he has a clear conscience, it is for the convenience of businessmen in the world, how can he eat melons if he does good deeds?

But at that time, listening to Ma Yun dare to say such a big thing, I still felt a little cool in my heart. Especially later, Yu Bao sat on the ground and counted the money, ordinary Xiaosan has never been so respected, and there is interest on saving 10,000 yuan.

Although it is not much, it is enough for workers to chew two steamed buns and make breakfast at the bar mat. If it is placed in the bank, there is a large fixed deposit and low interest, and the small amount is almost equal to giving it for nothing.

There are not many savings, and they have to be emergency all the time, and the wages of ordinary people just stay in the bank account silently, for the bank to eat and drink.

Ma Yun's existence, in addition to more convenient payment, has also allowed ordinary people to settle their three melons and two dates, of course, so that there is no difficult business in the world, and it has also made many small business people embark on the road to prosperity.

There is an old Chinese saying that prosperity must decline, and when you step down from the Wantan podium, Ant Financial's listing is stranded, and there is no one to take over the house in Binjiang, Hangzhou.

Of course, it will take a long time for this boomerang to slowly appear, but for Jack Ma, or for Alibaba, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Bund speech is regarded as the darkest moment, and since then Ma has disappeared, and Ali has also disappeared.

Ma Yun stepped down from the altar and changed from Ma's father to Ma Fubao, the undisputed first spokesperson of 996's national service.

Jack Ma first became the richest man in China by Forbes in 2014, and the last time in 2020, and he also defended his title in the middle.

But the richest man is never easy to be, not because the money is hot, but because it is difficult to live up to the fame.

Ma Yun walked down the altar, and Lei Jun climbed the stairs

Those who work hard govern people, and those who work hard govern people

On March 30, 2021, Xiaomi announced that it would build a car, and Lei Jun said that he would bet on "all its reputation and achievements" for the car-making business.

Lei Jun, who was born in 1969, has just passed the threshold of knowing the destiny of heaven.

Knowing the Mandate of Heaven comes from the "Analects", Zi said: I have five out of ten and am determined to learn, thirty and stand, forty and not confused, fifty and know the destiny of heaven, sixty and obedient, seventy and do what I want without exceeding the rules.

"Knowing the destiny of heaven" is not to resign yourself to fate and do nothing, but to plan things in people, to achieve things in heaven, and to work hard but not to seek results. Therefore, "knowing the destiny of heaven at fifty" means that after the age of fifty, you know the difficulty of realizing your ideals, so you no longer pursue the results when you do things.

Before 50, I went all out to hope for something, but after 50, although I was still "angry and forgot to eat" and "happy to forget my worries", I was indifferent to personal honor and disgrace.

In 2010, the depressed Lei Jun founded Xiaomi mobile phone, at that time he had just passed the age of not being confused, figured it out, no longer obsessed with technology, no longer for the light of domestic software to work hard.

How strong is the science and engineering man who follows the trend, Wen Ke bets on Miss Dong, Wu Ke shakes hands with Zhou Hongyi, not emotional intelligence online, but once he was ashamed of not being proud of emotional intelligence.

Feng Tang, who graduated with a doctorate in medicine, went to Wall Street to do consulting, and after earning a few small goals, he began to write books behind closed doors.

Then he often said astonishingly, "Only the poor are obsessed with technology; Only stupid people will think about getting things done first. The lower the person, the worse the ability to deal with interpersonal relationships, and the higher you go, the more you will find that you think that people are studying things every day, and they are often studying people. ”

At first glance, it sounds very shocking, but when you think about it, it seems to be really the case. Smack it twice, do you think Feng Tang is very tall and wise?

Not at all, if you are ugly, you should read more, oh no, if you are stupid and poor, you should read more.

More than 2,000 years ago, there was such a sentence in the "Tengwen Gongzhang Sentence I" of "Mencius": Those who work hard govern people, and those who work hard govern people.

Mencius had a habit of invention, and for the first time pointed out the difference between physical labor and mental labor, so as to distinguish the laborer from the laborer ruling the laborer, and on the basis of "labor or labor", it was further developed into the famous "formula" of "the laborer governs the man, and the laborer governs the man".

The bottom is often instilled step by step, hard work, diligence, hardship, honesty, seriousness, this has been the case for thousands of years, only when there is no way to retreat, only shout out: The prince will have a kind of Xiangning.

The truth is cruel, and there is a high probability that there is indeed a kind.

Ma Yun walked down the altar, and Lei Jun climbed the stairs

It doesn't matter if it's right at all

In the year of confusion, the talented Lei Jun figured out the wealth code, which has nothing to do with "Seeking the Great God of Bojun".

Those who make women's money and those who make children's money have now become guests, and only they are still engaged in research and development, typing code, and screwing.

It's not that I can't look down on the peasants, it's that the yard farmers don't have the right to speak in this environment at all.

How can I have a voice? It's very simple, you have to have strength, a little empty, straightforward, you have to have money, you have to have the ability to make money constantly, so that you won't sit at the child's table when you invite guests to dinner.

The reality is cruel and funny, and if you don't follow the values of most people, you lose your appraisal value.

A social person with no value, only quietly greets him.

The most fundamental characteristic of human beings is their sociality.

It's not the big brother of society, it's the relationship between people, and it's the core logic that defines people as human beings.

This is somewhat similar to animals, but it is more dimensional than the animal kingdom.

Animals living in groups do not necessarily die, at most they do not have the right to mate, but once people live in isolation, they are called out of touch with society, and at worst they are actually returning to animal nature.

Without social attributes, people with social relations will have little to do with nature and society, and it will be difficult for the corresponding civilization to exist in human society.

Unless you are ready to be a cave man, in a general sense, the house cannot be called detached from social attributes, at most you don't want to see people, but you are still enjoying human civilization.

In society, people in society either choose to integrate or go against the current, and there is no in-between.

Physically and mentally, there is always one on the road, either screwing or adapting to perversion.

The maturity of adults is not to "recognize the truth of life and still greet each other with a smile", but to accept the absurd, not to be surprised, not to be angry, to be a good person when it is time to be a good person, and to be a livestock when it is time to be a livestock.

There is no burden in my heart, and there is no face that is greased and powdered.

When Lei Jun founded Xiaomi mobile phone, it was the day to unload the distractions in his heart.

Pay tribute to the predecessors of car manufacturing, bend down to open the door for SU7 owners, invite Xiaosa to visit the workshop, ask netizens to be merciful, frequently show their faces on CCTV, 24-hour Weibo online talents, and Douyin small videos have tens of millions of fans.

forced the bosses of state-owned enterprises to retire and have to go on the air, and Zhou Hongyi, an investor, had to teach Lei Jun, an old car man who has been in the industry for 20 years, online.

Everyone knows that this is not right, nor is it normal, manufacturing, scientific and technological innovation does not rely on lip service. However, the absurdity of reality is that there are too many wrong places, and there is more than that.

Middle school students study on their own in the evening, have to attend various cram schools after class, and have to work overtime on holidays, and the extra time spent grinding foreign workers is meaningless, but everyone is pretending to be serious and busy.

Ma Yun walked down the altar, and Lei Jun climbed the stairs

In 2024, the owner of Nongfu Spring, a porter of nature, has been the richest man in the national service area for four consecutive years, and the 70-year-old Zhong's wealth has shrunk by 9% compared with last year, and he still has 450 billion yuan.

That is, this year, Zhong Sui encountered the first crisis since the richest man: mineral water & pure water, the other side of the flower.

The curse of the richest man is still being staged, and the famous Gu seems to be looking for Lei Jun.

The theory of "sealing gods" is back in the rivers and lakes, and Lei Jun doesn't seem to resist~

Today I saw a post analyzing "Water Margin", which is very interesting, saying that the only transparent person in the Water Margin is Lu Zhishen, who does not hide or run away when encountering problems, does what he says, and accepts the consequences calmly, no matter how dark the world is, he always stands up as the moral backbone of the world.

I will add one more sentence, no greed, no hatred, no nostalgia for fame and fortune, no extravagance for the snow and moon, life when you live, kill when you kill, and die when you die.

The tide on the Qiantang River came to me, and today I know that I am me.

can be regarded as making up for the indignation of childhood, and he no longer complains about the waste forest of W, but is wronged.