
Laughing numb! Doctor's advice: Although durian is good, you can only eat one petal a day! Netizen: I'll eat one!

author:Enthusiastic drops yH

You can only eat one petal of durian a day

Durian is definitely the "boss" of the fruit industry, with its unique taste and texture, which makes people can't stop eating it! Now that durian is so cheap that it looks like something, are durian fans all so high that they can't stop eating?

However, durian is delicious, but don't eat too much! Recently, the doctor couldn't help but come out to remind everyone, saying that durian has a lot of calories, and if you eat too much, your stomach will be uncomfortable, and your blood sugar will also rise, and you will have insomnia and anxiety at night.

Therefore, it is recommended that you eat some durian every day to satisfy your cravings, almost one petal.


Durian feast

For durian fans, durian is not just a fruit, it is more like a harbor of emotions. That unique aroma and taste are simply unforgettable!

However, the delicious taste of durian is not something that everyone can enjoy. It is high in calories, fat and sugar, which is a big challenge for the body. Especially for those who have a bad stomach, unstable blood sugar, or are prone to insomnia at night, you can take it easy.

Laughing numb! Doctor's advice: Although durian is good, you can only eat one petal a day! Netizen: I'll eat one!

The doctor also said that although durian is delicious, don't be greedy! One petal of durian a day can make you enjoy the delicious taste without burdening your body.

Moreover, durian has a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to the body, as long as you eat it in moderation, there are many benefits!

The correct "open" pose for durian

Want to enjoy the delicious taste of durian in a healthy way? Don't worry, listen to me!

1. Don't be greedy: Eating one petal of durian a day can not only enjoy the deliciousness, but also not burden the body.

2. Look at your physical condition: If your stomach is not well, your blood sugar is unstable, or you are prone to insomnia at night, you should take it easy when eating durian.

3. Find a good partner: Although durian is good, don't eat it alone. Pair it with a fruit salad or yogurt for a better taste and easier for your body to accept.

4. Pick a fresh one: When buying durian, choose the one with bright skin color, no cracks and spots, which is fresher and more delicious.

With these in mind, you will be able to enjoy the delicious taste of durian healthy and happy!

See what netizens have to say

Netizen A: Haha, how big is this durian? Does any big guy know the specific size?

Laughing numb! Doctor's advice: Although durian is good, you can only eat one petal a day! Netizen: I'll eat one!

Netizen B: To tell the truth, I haven't tasted durian until now! I heard that it has a somewhat unique taste, and I heard that it smells like it's stinky?

Laughing numb! Doctor's advice: Although durian is good, you can only eat one petal a day! Netizen: I'll eat one!

Netizen C: I ate two durians yesterday in excitement, and I didn't have anything else except my stomach was panicked. Now the hiccups and excretion are durian flavors, and my husband who doesn't eat durian will suffer!

Laughing numb! Doctor's advice: Although durian is good, you can only eat one petal a day! Netizen: I'll eat one!

Netizen D: The consequence of eating durian is... Even the fart stinks better than before, it's really "stinky"!

Laughing numb! Doctor's advice: Although durian is good, you can only eat one petal a day! Netizen: I'll eat one!

Netizen E: I eat a durian every day, and I'm still alive and kicking, and my body is great!

Laughing numb! Doctor's advice: Although durian is good, you can only eat one petal a day! Netizen: I'll eat one!

Write at the end

Well, that's all there is to talk about durian! As the "boss" of the fruit industry, durian is really delicious and addictive, but we also have to eat it leisurely, after all, health is the most important thing.

One petal of durian a day can enjoy the delicious taste without burdening the body, which is the intimate advice given to us by the doctor!

Laughing numb! Doctor's advice: Although durian is good, you can only eat one petal a day! Netizen: I'll eat one!

Of course, everyone's physique and taste are different, and some people may be fine if they eat more durian, but we still have to pay attention to our body's reactions, and don't let our body suffer because of gluttony.

Finally, thank you netizens for your heated discussion and sharing, your experience and views have made us more aware of the charm and precautions of durian.

I hope everyone can enjoy the delicious taste of durian healthy and happy, and at the same time, don't forget to pay attention to your health!

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