
Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

author:Several say entertainment

1. Slow start: the overture to the bright starry journey

On November 4, 2023, in the Wuhan Gymnasium, the atmosphere was so warm that it seemed to be burning! Thousands of fans from far and wide are eagerly looking forward to the exciting launch of their idol, Li Jian's "When Everything is Alive" world tour.

From an early age, Li Jian's family was keenly aware of his talent for music. He was born in a family full of books, and under the careful cultivation of his family, his academic performance has always been excellent.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

In high school, Li Jian was fortunate to participate in the winter camp held by Tsinghua University, and won the first place in the country with his affectionate and touching song "Say a Word from the Heart", so he was successfully sent to the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University to continue his studies.

During his college career, Li Jian not only won the first place in the campus singer competition many times, but also became the focus of attention with his superb guitar playing skills, becoming a highly respected star on campus.

When he was about to graduate in 1998, Li Jian confidently held a solo concert for himself, laying a solid foundation for his future music career.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

However, who would have predicted that the path to pursuing one's dreams would not always be smooth sailing. Just out of the ivory tower, Li Jian entered the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television according to his family's expectations. However, his deep love for music has never been extinguished, and he devotes most of his time and energy to music creation outside of work.

In 1999, Li Jian bravely took the first step and released his first album "First Intuition", officially starting his brilliant music career.

2. The power of love: an indissoluble bond with Meng Xiaobei

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

When it comes to the love story between Li Jian and his wife Meng Xiaobei, it is undoubtedly an enviable story. This pair of talented and beautiful women is not only a top student in the same school, but also a childhood sweetheart who has known each other since childhood.

This unresolved relationship can be traced back to Li Jian when he was 10 years old. At a gathering at a relative's house, Li Jian met Meng Xiaobei, who was 5 years younger than him, for the first time. At that time, Meng Xiaobei's slightly curly hair was doted on by her parents in her arms, like a little angel falling from the sky, her pink and lovely appearance deeply touched Li Jian's heart, making him have an indescribable affection for her.

However, fate seems to be deliberately playing tricks, and there is no intersection in the trajectories of the two after that, until the wedding of another relative 7 years later, the once young little girl has grown into a young girl, which once again attracted Li Jian's attention.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

At that moment when she showed her mature charm, Li Jian was deeply touched and decided to use his musical talent to create a soulful "Legend": "Just because I caught a glimpse of you by chance in the crowd, I fell deeply, and I will never forget your beautiful face."

Since stepping into Tsinghua University, Li Jian has always looked for Meng Xiaobei, who is also a top student, in his spare time, to play the guitar for her and share the bits and pieces of the campus. Under the influence of Li Jian, Meng Xiaobei gradually developed a strong interest in this full and beautiful life, and was finally admitted to Tsinghua University with excellent grades and became his younger sister.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

When Li Jian's career fell into a trough, Meng Xiaobei always stayed by his side and gave him firm encouragement: "You don't need to worry about me, go and pursue what you want in your heart!" It is precisely because of her tolerance, understanding and selfless support that Li Jian has been able to achieve today's musical achievements.

In 2006, the lovers finally entered the sacred marriage hall, but who would have expected that that year would bring a heavier blow to Li Jian. His father died of illness, and in order to pay for the high medical bills, Li Jian ran around to raise funds, and in just a few days, he became skinny and haggard.

Eventually, in that year, my father left us forever, leaving behind only the humble image of "eternal winter and summer, gentle for a lifetime".

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

3. Low tide and persistence: struggling on the road of music

The death of his father is undoubtedly the most significant setback and blow in Li Jian's life. In order to save his father, Li Jian tried his best to raise funds, and in just a few days, he became skinny and his face was withered.

In the end, in 2006, his father left him, leaving only the humble image of "eternal winter and summer, gentle and kind". In this special year, Li Jian not only lost his dear father, but also lost the support of his career.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

Back in the end of 2000, at the kind invitation of former alumnus Lu Gengxu, Li Jian joined their group band "Shuimu Nianhua". At that time, no one could have predicted that their debut album "Life with You" would quickly become popular across the country as soon as it came out, and the band members instantly became famous and popular all over the country.

However, the good times did not last long, Li Jian and Lu Gengxu had serious differences in musical concepts, Li Jian adhered to his own style, was unwilling to follow the crowd, and finally chose to quit the band.

In this way, Li Jian, who was supposed to soar to the sky, fell to the bottom again, from a former bright star to an obscure small role, and fate seemed to play tricks on him, hiding his musical talent deep underground.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

During that time, he fell into an extremely embarrassing predicament, and could only live in a modest rented house in the suburbs, making friends with beautiful music and accompanying poverty every day. However, the only person who can bring him comfort and support is his beloved wife, Meng Xiaobei.

It is this gentle and virtuous woman, with her selfless care and firm companionship, who has become Li Jian's most solid spiritual pillar and spiritual home, so that he has found his way in the trough of life and avoided falling into the abyss of despair Even if life is in trouble and the economic situation is worrying, they can still enjoy each other, resist the cold together, and enjoy the simple but warm and sweet world of the two.

During those difficult and difficult years, Li Jian never gave up his persistent pursuit of his music dream.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

Fourth, see the sun through the clouds: Faye Wong ignited the legend of popularity

After the trough and setbacks of his career, 2010 finally brought a major turning point in Li Jian's career. This year, Faye Wong, a diva-level figure, performed Li Jian's masterpiece "Legend" affectionately with her unique and charming voice on the bright stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala.

Although it wasn't her original song, the move unexpectedly earned Li Jian widespread attention, allowing his talent to emerge in front of a national audience.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

After the song ended, people praised him endlessly, and the song quickly won the highest honor of the most popular golden song of the year at the 10th CCTV Music Festival. It is no exaggeration to say that it is with the impetus of the song "Legend" that Li Jian successfully got rid of the embarrassing situation of long-term obscurity and became a household name in one fell swoop.

Opportunities are always fleeting, and Li Jian seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The following year, he was fortunate to be invited to the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala and performed on the same stage with many well-known artists, and his exposure soared instantly.

In March, he won the Best Male Singer Award at the 18th Awards Ceremony in just a few days, and he went from being an unknown person to the focus of attention, gaining fame and fortune.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

This result is not only amazing, but also injected new vitality and confidence into Li Jian's career trough. In the following years, he took advantage of the momentum and successively launched many classic masterpieces, and his career was in full swing, and he became purple.

In 2013, on the seventh anniversary of his father's death, Li Jian re-recorded his masterpiece "Father" to remember him, and changed the original phrase "I finally understand" to "I am so proud".

Time flies, vicissitudes of life, but his father has always been the eternal spiritual coordinate in Li Jian's heart! Just this year, Li Jian, who has entered the age of establishment, has formed a family and lived an ordinary and comfortable life, although he has no children, he seems to know how to become a father in the true sense.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

This new masterpiece is also included in his compilation album "Picking Up the Light", which symbolizes another peak in his career.

5. Philosophy and choice: the openness and calmness of musical life

There is no doubt that if it were not for the selfless support and deep understanding of his wife Meng Xiaobei, Li Jian today may not be able to achieve such brilliant achievements. When he was at a low ebb in his career, it was Meng Xiaobei's words "You don't need to take care of me, just do what your heart yearns for" that made Li Jian regain his enthusiasm and dedication to music.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

From beginning to end, Li Jian's attitude towards the music career is full of openness and calmness, and his beliefs are firm and clear. Although Shuimu Nianhua became popular overnight, Li Jian resolutely chose to leave the band and stick to his own music style because he was unwilling to cater to the market.

This decision once put him at a low point in his life, but in the end, it was exchanged for the continuous development of his career.

Li Jian also has unique insights into life outside of music and career. He was indifferent to fame and fortune, did not have too much extravagance for money and wealth, and lived a simple and simple life.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

Entering his home in the community, the floors are airy with wooden floors, the furnishings are simple and welcoming, and the only thing that catches the eye is the study full of books and records.

Even though his career is thriving, Li Jian still maintains his original lifestyle, in addition to focusing on creation, he also actively participates in fitness sports, and sometimes meets up with his friend Jiang Wen, who lives in the same community, to exercise together.

In the eyes of others, he is like an "idler" who is "leisurely and wandering", but it is precisely this attitude of life that allows him to stay away from the hustle and bustle and devote himself to music creation.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

Regarding whether it is necessary to have offspring in order to continue the family bloodline, Li Jian has an open and inclusive attitude. "There are many problems in today's society, and I don't want my children to follow in my footsteps," he said.

In addition, I have no right to assume that my genes are superior enough to be passed on" In his view, the happiness of married life does not depend on whether or not to have children, but whether to spend the rest of his life with his beloved partner and join hands with each other.

Since he started in the pursuit of his dream of music, and now he is immersed in the simplicity and authenticity of life, Li Jian has always demonstrated an open-mindedness and leisurely attitude that transcends the constraints of the world. He has a deep love for music, but is not bothered by fame and fortune; He cherished his marriage, but he was not shaken by the gossip of the world.

Li Jian: Married a childhood sweetheart at the age of 31, and his wife Dink for 19 years, and now holds concerts to gain fame and fortune

Adhering to a unique outlook on life, Li Jian lived the most comfortable and unpretentious attitude of life!

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