
Li Jian, the inheritor of the "Mei School" Peking Opera, gave a lecture

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Li Jian, the inheritor of the "Mei School" Peking Opera, gave a lecture
Li Jian, the inheritor of the "Mei School" Peking Opera, gave a lecture

"The orchid finger gestures of the 'Mei School' Peking Opera are divided into various types of ......, such as stamens, stumps, flowers, and pedicles," on May 9, Li Jian, the inheritor of the "Mei School" Peking Opera, seriously explained the performance skills of Peking Opera to the audience. On May 9, the Karamay Education System Peking Opera Exhibition and National Compulsory Education Quality Monitoring Training Conference sponsored by the Shanghai Aid Front Headquarters and the Karamay Education Bureau was held at the Karamay Open University. This year marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang and the 90th anniversary of Mei Baojiu's birth. The event specially invited Li Jian, a cadre and talent from Shanghai to aid Xinjiang, a disciple of Peking Opera performance artist Mei Baojiu, and the inheritor of Peking Opera of the "Mei School", to perform excerpts from Peking Opera for more than 150 primary and secondary school music teachers, members of the Dramatists Association and opera lovers in the city, and at the same time to carry out training on Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera appreciation and basic performance methods of Peking Opera.

Li Jian, the inheritor of the "Mei School" Peking Opera, gave a lecture

On May 9th, Li Jian, the inheritor of the "Mei School" Peking Opera, performed excerpts from the Kunqu Opera "Dream in the Garden" for the audience. Photo by Karamay Media Intern Reporter Nurshati Nigati

At the event, Li Jianqing sang the representative repertoire of Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang "The Drunken Concubine", and vividly presented Yang Yuhuan's "expensive, beautiful, drunk" and other character characteristics with euphemistic and beautiful "Four Flat Tunes" singing and elegant dance movements. Later, he performed "Farewell My Concubine", "Mulan in the Army", "Garden Dream", "Princess Wencheng" and other plays, and his beautiful singing voice won warm applause from the audience.

After the performance, Li Jian gave a special lecture on "A Brief Analysis of Chinese Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera Appreciation", explaining the characteristics of traditional Chinese drama to the audience, and showing the gestures and steps of "getting on the horse", "getting off the horse", "opening the door" and "closing the door" in the Peking Opera performance, actively interacting with the audience and leading them to learn and experience the essence of Peking Opera. At the end of the event, Li Jian and the student representatives of the No. 3 Middle School of the city performed the Peking Opera singing segment "Ode to Pear Blossom" on the same stage as a curtain call.

Li Jian said that he hopes to further popularize and promote the traditional Chinese opera culture through this activity, so that the seeds of excellent traditional Chinese culture can take root and sprout in the hearts of students.

"As a music teacher and instructor of the school's drama club, I have benefited a lot from listening to Mr. Li Jian's professional lectures, and I will work harder to learn professional knowledge related to opera in my future teaching work, so that more students can feel the charm of the quintessence of China." Liang Juan, a music teacher at the city's eleventh primary school, said.

Ma Jing, a music teacher at the No. 3 Middle School in the city, said: "The children in Youcheng have fewer opportunities to get in touch with the art of Peking Opera, and today we took the students to watch Mr. Li Jian's opera performance and performed on the same stage with Mr. Li Jian, so that the children could feel the charm of the opera performance and stimulate their interest in the excellent traditional Chinese culture." ”

The training on the relevant requirements of the national compulsory education quality monitoring art discipline test was also carried out for music teachers in the compulsory education stage of the city.

Li Jian, the inheritor of the "Mei School" Peking Opera, gave a lecture

Source: Karamay Media Intern Reporter Nurshati Nigati

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