
This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

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A wake-up call for life

50-year-old Li Dawei has been feeling dizzy lately, and his walking is a little unsteady. His wife Li Ming repeatedly urged him to go to the hospital for examination, but he was troublesome and always perfunctory.

Until one day, he suddenly felt that the world was spinning in the company, and his speech was a little unpleasant, and his colleagues saw this and rushed him to the hospital.

After giving Li Dawei a detailed examination, the doctor Zhao Hong said with a solemn expression: "Mr. Li, judging from your symptoms and examination results, you are likely to suffer from lacunar cerebral infarction, fortunately, it was detected in time, and I am afraid that it will be life-threatening if it is too late!"

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

"Lacunar cerebral infarction? Is it serious? I only get dizzy occasionally, how did it get to the point where my life was in danger?" Li Dawei was a little overwhelmed.

Dr. Zhao explains, "Lacunar cerebral infarction is a small lesion, but it is actually a red flag of cerebral infarction. If you don't intervene in time, you can have a serious ischemic stroke at any time, and the consequences will be unimaginable. Have you been experiencing dizziness, headaches, unsteady walking, numbness in your hands and feet, memory loss, etc., lately?"

Li Dawei thought for a while and nodded: "It seems that there are these problems, I thought it was because I was old and too tired from work."

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

Dr. Zhao continued, "These symptoms are typical of lacunar cerebral infarction. Lacunar cerebral infarction is mostly caused by small arteries deep in the brain, which is mostly caused by hypertension and atherosclerosis, which will lead to ischemia and necrosis of local brain tissue.

Although the onset is insidious and the disease progresses slowly, it should not be taken lightly. Once the disease accumulates to a certain extent, it is very easy to induce the expansion of cerebral infarction, and even life-threatening cerebral hemorrhage!"

Li Dawei woke up like a dream, and hurriedly asked, "Then what should I do?" Can it be cured?"

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

Dr. Zhao comforted: "Don't worry too much, lacunar cerebral infarction can still be controlled through active treatment and intervention, and serious consequences can be avoided."

I will prescribe you some drugs for the treatment of cerebral infarction, usually pay attention to control blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, quit smoking and limit alcohol, eat more vegetables and fruits, moderate exercise, but also ensure adequate sleep, and avoid excessive fatigue. The most important thing is to have regular check-ups and observe changes in your condition at any time, and don't delay any longer. "

After listening to Dr. Zhao's words, Li Dawei suddenly realized, and secretly congratulated himself that he had discovered it in time. He vowed to strictly follow the doctor's instructions, get rid of bad habits, and strive to recover as soon as possible.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

After a period of treatment, Li Dawei's symptoms really improved a lot. He also became more considerate of his body, paid attention to health, and walked with his wife every day, and his relationship became more harmonious.

He sincerely sighed: Although this cerebral infarction was a wake-up call, it also woke up the bell of his life, allowing him to learn to cherish life more and take care of his health!

Li Dawei's story has sounded the alarm for many middle-aged and elderly friends: symptoms such as dizziness and numbness of limbs should not be taken lightly, and they are likely to be a harbinger of cerebral infarction.

This disease is the last warning of cerebral infarction, and doctors: timely detection and early intervention may save lives

Once an abnormality is found, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time, and early detection and early treatment can avoid tragedy. At the same time, we should also pay attention to prevention in daily life, control the "three highs", balance the diet, exercise moderately, and have regular physical examinations, so as to keep ourselves away from the haze of cerebral infarction and enjoy a healthy and happy life in old age!

As doctors, we sincerely hope that everyone will be vigilant and learn to listen to the voice of the body. Once there is a danger signal of cerebral infarction, do not turn a blind eye and seek professional help in time.

Only when we go hand in hand can we win the protracted battle of cerebral infarction prevention and treatment! Let's start from now on, start from bit by bit, and let more the bell of life ring in the healthy movement!

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)

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