
North Korean factories are piling up mountains of missiles, and as long as the Russian army pays to place an order, hundreds of missiles can be shipped at any time

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

Recently, the North Korean leader conducted an inspection of his country's Hwasong-11D ballistic missile production plant, an action that has attracted widespread attention from the international community.

As you can see from the published photos, there is a mountain of missiles inside the factory, which shows the strong strength of the DPRK in the production of military equipment.

The Hwasong-11D ballistic missile, known as the "North Korean version of Iskander", has a range of less than 200 kilometers, but is designed to achieve efficient firepower output at a low cost.

Compared with the Hwasong-11 ballistic missile launcher with a range of 500 to 800 kilometers, the Hwasong-11D ballistic missile launcher has significantly increased the number of bombs on board, from two to four.

North Korean factories are piling up mountains of missiles, and as long as the Russian army pays to place an order, hundreds of missiles can be shipped at any time

This improvement not only increases the density of the missile's firepower, but also increases the flexibility and continuity of operations.

Therefore, there are comments that as long as the funds are in place, North Korea can deliver these hundreds of missiles to the Russian army at any time.

At present, the Russian army has an urgent need for various types of guided weapons.

However, due to the limitations of its domestic production capacity, the Russian army often needs to purchase armaments from countries such as North Korea.

This kind of arms purchase not only helps alleviate the shortage of equipment for the Russian army, but also further strengthens North Korea's position as a supplier of military equipment.

The reason why the DPRK has been able to occupy a place in the international arms market is due to the support of the eastern powers behind it.

North Korean factories are piling up mountains of missiles, and as long as the Russian army pays to place an order, hundreds of missiles can be shipped at any time

That support provides a security guarantee for North Korea and allows it to take bolder actions in international affairs.

At the same time, as long as North Korea does not take the initiative to attack South Korea, it can enjoy relative freedom in the production of weapons.

This freedom allows North Korea to calmly produce a wide range of weapons, adjusting and optimizing them according to market demand.

Although North Korea has long been subject to economic sanctions and embargoes from Western countries, it has skillfully acquired raw materials such as key electronic components and chips through third countries through its ties to countries in the Middle East and Africa.

These raw materials are necessary for the manufacture of advanced weapons, and their acquisition provides strong support for North Korea's weapons manufacturing.

In addition, North Korea's ability to easily access raw materials and components for a wide range of production has been further enhanced by the abundant resources of its geographically close eastern powers.

North Korean factories are piling up mountains of missiles, and as long as the Russian army pays to place an order, hundreds of missiles can be shipped at any time

However, it is worth noting that North Korea is not unprincipled in its arms sales. According to reports, there are certain quality problems in the shells and missiles sold by the DPRK to Russia.

These problems include expired or inferior products, etc., which bring certain problems to the use of the Russian army.

Nevertheless, since Russia's own production of ammunition does not meet military needs, they have to maintain a certain tolerance for these quality problems of the DPRK.

From a deeper perspective, the plight of the DPRK and Russia in the military industry reflects the weakness of their basic industries.

Modern warfare requires more and more precision and performance of weapons, and this is inseparable from the support of high-tech products such as precision components and chips.

However, both North Korea and Russia have certain shortcomings in this regard, which prevents their weapons from reaching the top level.

North Korean factories are piling up mountains of missiles, and as long as the Russian army pays to place an order, hundreds of missiles can be shipped at any time

To compensate for this, they often need to buy civilian-grade products through informal channels or on the black market to act as military products.

Although this approach can solve the problem to a certain extent, civilian products are obviously not comparable with military products in terms of accuracy and anti-jamming capabilities.

In addition, North Korea and Russia face pressure and sanctions from the international community. These pressures and sanctions not only limited their economic development and technological progress, but also had a significant impact on their military industry.

Therefore, they need to strengthen their independent innovation and technology research and development capabilities to improve their core competitiveness.

At the same time, they also need to strengthen international cooperation and exchanges, introduce advanced technology and management experience, and promote the sustained development of their military industry.

In general, the DPRK has a certain strength and potential in the production of military equipment.

North Korean factories are piling up mountains of missiles, and as long as the Russian army pays to place an order, hundreds of missiles can be shipped at any time

However, it also faces many challenges and dilemmas. In order to improve the performance of weapons and meet market demand, North Korea needs to strengthen quality management and technological innovation to improve its own production efficiency and product quality.

At the same time, they also need to strengthen communication and cooperation with the international community, promote the sustained development of the military industry, and provide a strong guarantee for their own security and development.

At the same time, North Korea's role in the international political arena is becoming increasingly important. Its unique position makes North Korea a key geopolitical fulcrum, especially in Northeast Asia.

The stability of the DPRK has a direct impact on peace and tranquility in the region. As a result, countries are paying close attention to North Korea's developments.

At the economic level, North Korea's economy has shown some resilience, despite its long history of international sanctions.

North Korea's economic situation has improved in recent years through trade with other countries and domestic reform measures.

North Korean factories are piling up mountains of missiles, and as long as the Russian army pays to place an order, hundreds of missiles can be shipped at any time

In particular, in the military industry, the DPRK has formed a complete industrial chain, which is closely organized and managed from the procurement of raw materials to the production and sales of final products.

However, the development of the military industry in the DPRK has also raised certain international concerns. Some countries fear that North Korea's military buildup could upset the regional balance of power and even trigger a new security crisis.

Therefore, the necessary supervision and restrictions on the DPRK's military industry have also become an important issue for the international community.

Returning to the topic of the Hwasong-11D ballistic missile, the development and production of this missile undoubtedly reflects North Korea's progress in military technology.

Although its range is relatively short, it can play a huge role in certain battlefield environments. Especially in urban warfare or mountain warfare, its flexibility and stealth will be the key to defeating the enemy.

North Korean factories are piling up mountains of missiles, and as long as the Russian army pays to place an order, hundreds of missiles can be shipped at any time

In general, the military-industrial development of the DPRK is a complex and multifaceted issue.

It not only involves the issue of national security and sovereignty, but is also closely related to regional peace and stability.

Therefore, all countries need to exercise caution and restraint in handling their relations with the DPRK and seek common interests and development through dialogue and cooperation.

In addition, it is important to note that the DPRK's military equipment production capacity is not limited to meeting domestic needs.

In recent years, North Korea has begun exporting its military products to international markets, which has further increased its international influence.

However, this also comes with additional challenges and responsibilities. North Korea needs to ensure that its military exports comply with international law and humanitarian principles and avoid exacerbating regional conflicts and humanitarian crises.

North Korean factories are piling up mountains of missiles, and as long as the Russian army pays to place an order, hundreds of missiles can be shipped at any time

Finally, we also need to be concerned and vigilant about the military cooperation between North Korea and Russia.

While cooperation between the two countries can enhance each other's military capabilities to a certain extent, excessive military cooperation can also lead to regional instability and conflict.

Therefore, the international community needs to guide and regulate such cooperative relations through diplomatic means to ensure that they are consistent with the overall direction of peace and development.

To sum up, North Korea's military equipment production capacity and its military cooperation with Russia and other countries are issues that the international community needs to pay close attention to.

We need to formulate appropriate policies and strategies through comprehensive analysis and assessment to maintain peace and stability in the region.

At the same time, we also need to encourage the DPRK and other countries to strengthen communication and cooperation with the international community to jointly promote the process of global security and development.

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