
The Philippines has made a big fuss, and China is eyeing the "broken ship" at Ren'ai Jiao, and the signal has been issued?

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

Is China's re-mention of the "shipwrecked" incident at Ren'ai Jiao a signal to the Philippines?

Recently, the waters around Scarborough Shoal have become a new focal point between China and the Philippines.

When the Philippine flotilla, which has more than 100 ships, confronted Chinese warships and coast guard vessels, the Chinese side unexpectedly turned its attention to Ren'ai Jiao.

Does this subtle strategic adjustment indicate that China is about to take more decisive action?

A recent set of video footage released by the Chinese Coast Guard has given the outside world a more intuitive understanding of the situation on Second Thomas Shoal.

The Philippines has made a big fuss, and China is eyeing the "broken ship" at Ren'ai Jiao, and the signal has been issued?

In the picture, the wrecked ship of the Sierra Madre, which was illegally "beached" by the Philippines on Second Thomas Shoal, is in a shocking state.

It is more like a pile of rusty scrap metal than a ship, which has caused irreparable damage to the surrounding ecological environment.

However, what is even more outrageous is that the Filipino personnel stationed on the ship not only have no reverence for this sea area, but frequently dump all kinds of garbage, waste water into the lagoon, and even openly excrete.

This reckless destruction of the environment and disregard for international environmental norms has caused serious and irreversible damage to the surrounding marine life.

This is not only an extreme destruction of the natural environment, but also a blatant challenge to human civilization.

Ren'ai Jiao, a territory belonging to China, is now being illegally occupied and destroyed by the Philippines.

If this is on the territory of the Philippines itself, we may not be able to put a beak. However, the fact is that what the Philippines has done at Ren'ai Jiao has seriously violated China's national interests and territorial sovereignty.

The Philippines has made a big fuss, and China is eyeing the "broken ship" at Ren'ai Jiao, and the signal has been issued?

At the same time, the situation near Scarborough Shoal is not optimistic. According to Chinese media, Filipino fishermen have also committed despicable acts during their illegal landing on Scarborough Shoal.

Not only do they litter, but they also excrete and even spit at will. These actions have not only damaged the ecological environment of Scarborough Shoal, but also seriously damaged the image and reputation of the Philippine state.

In the face of provocations and aggression by the Philippine side, China has long exercised great restraint and patience.

As long as Filipino fishermen do not cross the line, China will usually choose to turn a blind eye.

However, what the Philippine side has done seems to have exceeded China's bottom line.

Whether it is the wrecked ship on Ren'ai Jiao that has not been removed for a long time, or the recent provocative behavior of the Philippine authorities, it fully shows that China's goodwill and tolerance have not received the response they deserve.

Against this backdrop, China's authoritative media outlets have published three reports on Scarborough Shoal in a row, which seems to be sending a signal to the outside world.

The Philippines has made a big fuss, and China is eyeing the "broken ship" at Ren'ai Jiao, and the signal has been issued?

The reports detail the regular training of the Chinese coast guard in the waters off Scarborough Shoal, aerial footage and details of the training. This is undoubtedly a demonstration of China's firm attitude and strong strength on relevant issues.

At the same time, the Chinese side has also released video footage of the inappropriate behavior of Filipino personnel at Second Thomas Shoal and Scarborough Shoal, so that the outside world can see the true face of the Philippine side more clearly.

The disclosure of this information not only exposes the ugly behavior of the Philippine side, but also provides strong public opinion support for China's follow-up actions.

It is worth mentioning that the dynamics of the PLA in the region have also attracted widespread attention. During the U.S.-Philippine military exercise, a Chinese warship bravely approached the military exercise site, forming a rare "same frame" picture with the U.S. and Philippine warships.

This move has undoubtedly demonstrated China's determination and courage to the world. In addition, a PLA fleet recently passed through the sensitive Sibutu waterway near the Philippines, causing shocks in the Philippines and close attention from the military.

All these developments show that China is fully prepared to deal with various complex situations.

In the confrontation in the waters off Scarborough Shoal, the appearance of PLA warships and coast guard ships undoubtedly brought tremendous pressure to the Philippine side.

Especially when there is news that the PLA's 055 drive has rushed to the scene, this pressure has reached its peak.

The Philippines has made a big fuss, and China is eyeing the "broken ship" at Ren'ai Jiao, and the signal has been issued?

The use of such advanced warships to deal with the provocative actions of the Philippine side is obviously a strong warning and deterrent.

Taken together, it is not difficult to see that China's attitude towards the Philippines has changed significantly.

The friendly and tolerant attitude of the past seems to be no longer applicable and has been replaced by a firmer and more decisive position.

The reason for this change is very simple: you respect me a foot, I respect you a foot; If you choose to provoke and violate, then I will not hesitate to take the necessary measures to defend my rights and interests.

Not long ago, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a new statement on China-Philippines relations and the situation in the South China Sea, which was harshly worded and no longer polite.

China has made it clear that the current practices of the Philippines are undermining the unity of countries in the region and are not in the interest of all.

At the same time, the Chinese side also stressed that if the Philippines insists on going its own way, then China will take more decisive actions to defend its legitimate rights and interests.

The Philippines has made a big fuss, and China is eyeing the "broken ship" at Ren'ai Jiao, and the signal has been issued?

This statement is undoubtedly a clear warning to the Philippine side: stop provoking and infringing on China's interests, otherwise you will bear the consequences!

In fact, China is fully capable of resolving all issues in one fell swoop, including Ren'ai Jiao and Scarborough Shoal, in order to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

However, China has always adhered to a foreign policy of peace, cooperation and win-win results, and hopes to resolve differences and problems through dialogue and communication.

However, if the Philippine side continues to stubbornly insist, then China will have to take tougher measures to defend its national interests.

In short, China-Philippines relations are at a very sensitive and complicated stage.

Both sides need to remain calm and restrained to resolve differences and issues through dialogue and communication. It is hoped that the Philippine side will have a clear understanding of the situation, give up provocations and violations, and work with China to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

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