
Healthy blood pressure for a happy life

author:New Medical Line 306
Healthy blood pressure for a happy life

Wu Yaxu, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Characteristic Medical Center (formerly 306 Hospital).

Edited by Liu Yan/Cui Yan, Medical Science Popularization Center

May 17, 2024 is the 20th "World Hypertension Day", and this year, the theme of World Hypertension Day is still "Accurate Measurement, Effective Control, Healthy and Longevity".

High blood pressure, the "invisible killer", often silently threatens people's health. Understanding hypertension and mastering the knowledge of prevention and treatment are essential for maintaining human health.

Awareness and prevention of hypertension

Hypertension is a systemic disease characterized by increased systemic arterial blood pressure, which can be diagnosed with hypertension ≥ 140 mmHg and/or low blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg. Hypertension is the most important risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and hypertension is often called the "invisible killer" because most patients with hypertension have no obvious symptoms.

To prevent and treat hypertension, the following points need to be done

Lifestyle adjustments: Maintain a low-salt, low-fat diet, quit smoking and limit alcohol, have a regular work and rest, and avoid overeating and strenuous exercise.

Take your medication on time as prescribed: Once you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, you need to take antihypertensive medication for a long time according to your doctor's instructions, and you should not stop taking it even if you have no obvious symptoms.

Pay attention to blood pressure monitoring: Monitor your blood pressure regularly to see how well your blood pressure is controlled. If blood pressure is unstable, consult a doctor promptly.

Healthy blood pressure for a happy life

Principles of taking antihypertensive drugs

When taking blood pressure medications, we need to follow the principle of "three do's and five taboos".

Do three things:

(1) Adjust your healthy lifestyle.

(2) Take medication according to the doctor's instructions for a long time.

(3) Take the medicine before the peak of blood pressure.

Follow the five taboos:

(1) Do not measure blood pressure.

(2) Do not follow the doctor's advice.

(3) Avoid intermittent medication.

(4) Do not take medication without symptoms.

(5) Do not change the type and dosage of drugs at will.

Healthy blood pressure for a happy life

Vegetables with antihypertensive effects

In addition to medication, dietary modification is also an important means of preventing and treating high blood pressure, and the following are some foods that have a hypotensive effect.

Tomato: rich in vitamins and minerals, it has a pro-digestion and diuretic effect, among which glutathione can delay cell aging, and vitamin D helps protect blood vessels and treat high blood pressure.

Celery: Contains acidic antihypertensive ingredients, which have a significant antihypertensive effect, and is rich in dietary fiber, which helps to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. High levels of potassium, calcium, and phosphorus also have the effect of regulating blood pressure.

Spinach: Rich in vitamin C, it has the effect of dilating blood vessels, lowering cholesterol and promoting glycerol decomposition, and is suitable for people with high blood pressure.

Broccoli: a representative of cruciferous vegetables, it has high nutritional value and is beneficial to chronic diseases such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

Winter melon: Low in sodium and high in unsaturated fatty acids, it helps stabilize blood pressure, and studies have shown that winter melon can also improve the body's blood sugar balance.

Leek: contains more fiber, can enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, and contains volatile essential oils and sulfur compounds, which have the effect of lowering blood pressure and blood lipids.

Onion: Activates the active ingredient of hemolytic fibrin, reduces the resistance of peripheral blood vessels and coronary arteries, promotes the excretion of sodium salts, and thus lowers blood pressure.

Healthy blood pressure for a happy life

Understanding high blood pressure, adjusting lifestyle, taking medications regularly, and monitoring them regularly are the keys to maintaining health, and paying attention to the combination of medicine and food is the beginning of a healthy and happy life.

(The picture comes from the Internet)

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