
From the ICU to the geriatric ward, warm healing inspires the journey to recovery

author:New Medical Line 306
From the ICU to the geriatric ward, warm healing inspires the journey to recovery

Zhuang Xinting and Yan Weilan, Department 1 and 4 of Special Medical Center (formerly 306 Hospital).

Edited by Liu Yan/Cui Yan, Medical Science Popularization Center

In intensive care in the intensive care unit (ICU), patients face not only physical extreme challenges, but also a significant psychological burden. This scenario is undoubtedly an all-round test for many patients who are experiencing ICU treatment for the first time. In this highly stressful and technology-intensive environment, patients are placed in a range of life-support devices such as tracheostomy, urinary intubation, gastric and jejunal tube placement, while relying on parenteral nutrition to sustain life.

Such treatments, although medically designed to maximize the preservation of life, have a profound impact on the psychological and emotional state of the patient. Prolonged bed confinement and restriction of external stimuli, such as preserving only hearing, can leave patients under tremendous physical and mental stress and feel isolated.

When dealing with these challenging situations, the care team should not only focus on the biomedical treatment of the disease, but also on the comprehensive assessment and whole-person care, and implement a personalized treatment plan. The team members adhere to the department concept of "sincerity, strictness, refinement, love, harmony and innovation", and carry out accurate and thoughtful care from the details.

From the ICU to the geriatric ward, warm healing inspires the journey to recovery

We cared for a chief, a former soldier with a strong backbone, who was accustomed to being strong and autonomous on the battlefield, but now had to rely on a series of tubing and parenteral nutrition, which put an unprecedented physical and mental burden on him.

Immediately after the elderly person was transferred to the geriatric unit, our team conducted a comprehensive assessment of him, paying particular attention to his needs for tubing management and parenteral nutrition. We use the "rigorous and realistic" work style and the quality standard of "precise and standardized" to ensure the normal operation of all pipelines and the reasonable ratio of nutrients. At the same time, the body's response is closely monitored through an accurate health assessment to optimize care and treatment measures.

In the follow-up relationship, we found that the chief's most sensitive sense is hearing, so we adopted a series of innovative care strategies. From the welcome sound of admission to the farewell sound of discharge, we try our best to infiltrate the spiritual pursuit of "care and dedication" and the department atmosphere of "harmony and enterprising" in every link.

Every day, we provide him with a sincere smile and a kind greeting, motivate him through patient daily communication, use positive language, and strengthen his willpower and positive attitude towards treatment. Based on the "pioneering and innovative" mandate, we developed a personalized comprehensive geriatric assessment and treatment plan for the chief, taking into account his long-term bed rest and inability to express himself. Through a variety of pipeline management and spiritual care, the chief gradually adapted to the new environment, and his physical and mental state also stabilized.

One day, my wife came over, and we watched my aunt come tremblingly, clasped her hands tightly beside the chief's hospital bed and said, "Old man, you have to come on, we will take you home when you are well." In an instant, the chief burst into tears. After the tracheotomy, the chief could not express himself in words, only the deep emotions expressed in his heart were conveyed through tears. With his aunt's company, the chief gradually fell asleep, which was the most solid sleep he had ever slept since he turned around.

The meticulous and all-round care of the nursing team made the chief feel a deep warmth and security, and inspired his inner perseverance.

From the ICU to the geriatric ward, warm healing inspires the journey to recovery

In the geriatric ward, every nursing staff adheres to the "people-oriented" nursing concept and applies the "six comprehensive nursing model" to practice. This model includes whole-person care, whole-process care, comprehensive assessment, and full participation. The care team not only focuses on the chief's physical recovery, but also pays more attention to his mental, social and spiritual needs. The chief's experience in the Humanistic Care Unit for the Elderly is not only a physical and psychological rehabilitation journey, but also a profound humanistic care experience. This process demonstrates the power of the combination of professional care and affectionate care, proving that every patient can feel dignity, hope, and the beauty of life, even at the end of life.

(The picture comes from the Internet)