
What is the cause of frequent low back pain in men? Beware of these diseases!

author:Po talks about health

Low back pain is a common symptom, especially in men, and may occur frequently due to work, lifestyle habits or health problems. However, frequent low back pain can be a sign of some health problems. Here are four conditions that can cause frequent low back pain in men, as well as some suggestions for preventing and relieving it.

What is the cause of frequent low back pain in men? Beware of these diseases!

1. Lumbar disc herniation

A herniated disc is one of the common causes of low back pain. Intervertebral discs are soft pads between the bones in the spine that, when they are stressed or damaged, can herd out and compress the surrounding nerves, causing severe pain.

Prevention and mitigation measures:

  • Maintain a correct sitting and standing posture and avoid staying in the same position for long periods of time.
  • Strengthen the lower back muscles and improve the stability of the spine.
  • Control your weight and reduce the strain on your spine.

2. Kidney disease

The kidneys are located on both sides of the lower back, and kidney diseases such as kidney stones, nephritis, etc. can also cause low back pain.

Prevention and mitigation measures:

  • Maintain adequate water intake to help the kidneys pass stones.
  • Avoid a diet high in salt and protein to reduce the burden on the kidneys.
  • Have regular physical exams, especially kidney function tests.
What is the cause of frequent low back pain in men? Beware of these diseases!

3. Muscle strain

Muscle strain due to work or exercise is also a common cause of low back pain.

Prevention and mitigation measures:

  • Avoid overusing your lower back muscles, such as lifting weights for long periods of time or in incorrect weightlifting postures.
  • Warm up and stretch well before and after exercise.
  • Use heat or cold compresses to relieve muscle pain.

4. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that especially affects middle-aged and elderly people. It can cause brittle bones, increase the risk of fractures, and may also cause low back pain.

Prevention and mitigation measures:

  • Ensure adequate calcium and vitamin D intake to support bone health.
  • Perform appropriate weight-bearing exercises, such as walking or lifting weights, to enhance bone density.
  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which can accelerate bone loss.


Low back pain, although common, should not be overlooked. If low back pain is frequent, you should seek medical attention to find out the underlying cause. At the same time, by improving lifestyle habits and strengthening physical exercise, low back pain can be effectively prevented and relieved. Remember, a healthy lifestyle is key to preventing low back pain.

What is the cause of frequent low back pain in men? Beware of these diseases!

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