
The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

author:Senior science popularizer


Galileo Galilei used a telescope to observe the earth and the sun in the 16th century, Galileo not only invented the multi-lens telescope, but also confirmed Copernicus's "Kepler's first law" from the observed data, proving that the earth is not the center of the universe, the sun is the center of the solar system.

Galileo's discovery showed that the Earth is only a planet in the solar system, and that planets and various small celestial bodies orbit the sun, and that the Earth is the third planet in the solar system, and that the blue planet is on average 150 million kilometers away from the sun, which is tiny and small on the scale of the universe.

So, where does the Earth fit into the universe?

The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

1. The "home" in the solar system.

The earth is just a planet in the solar system, and the planet is a "vassal" of the sun, so the sun is the "main star" of the earth, but what does the sun also move around?

Galileo's discovery showed that the Earth is a planet in the solar system, which means that the Sun is not in motion, but in a stable position, and other planets and small bodies orbit the Sun.

Among them, there are 8 planets in the solar system, sorted by their distance from the sun:

They are "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune".

Pluto, on the other hand, is not a planet, but a dwarf planet, so Pluto is no longer one of the nine planets in the solar system.

The asteroids in the solar system are divided into two major groups, one is the "main belt asteroids", these asteroids are mainly distributed in the regions on both sides of Mars and Jupiter, and the number of main belt asteroids is ranked on the premise of "Ceres, Belt, Hilda, Vesta" and so on.

The second largest group is the "extra-Neptune planets", which are asteroids mainly located in an area outside Neptune, which are few in number and difficult to observe.

In addition, there are some other small bodies in the solar system, such as "comets, dwarf planets, moons", etc., which are mainly distributed at the edge of the solar system, and satellites are also distributed in the periphery of large planets, such as "Saturn's Titan" and "Jupiter's many moons".

There are millions of small celestial bodies in the solar system, and they are all "vassals" in the solar system, and there is still a lot that humans do not know about these small celestial bodies.

Under Galileo's telescope, human beings really "saw" the earth for the first time, and at the same time saw the sun more clearly, and for the first time people discovered that the sun was not the "false sun" in the center of Nirvana, and the sun itself was also moving.

Of course, the Sun is not rotating in shape, the Sun is a "star" in motion, it will periodically transmit energy, transmitting free information into the surrounding space.

The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

According to scientists, in fact, the speed of the sun is not slow, its rotation and revolution are while rotating and rotating, the speed of revolution is about 52 kilometers per second, and the speed of rotation is even more amazing, about 70 kilometers per second, compared to the rotation of the earth is simply "fast".

Therefore, the rotation of the sun is actually not a slow pass, and the traces of the sun's rotation are not visible on the sun.

The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

The rotation of the Earth, other planets and the Sun is a stable environment, and this stable "order" reflects the harmony and beauty of the solar system, which is the "home" of the solar system and the earth.

According to the orbital period and distance of the planets in the solar system, from near to far, they are "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune".

Among them, the closest to the Sun is "Mercury", and the closest to Neptune is "Neptune", let's take a look at the position of the Earth in the solar system.

2. Tiny Earth.

We all know the specific position of the Earth in the solar system, the Earth is the third planet to revolve and the only planet inhabited by humans.

The radius of the Earth's orbit around the Sun is about 100 million kilometers, and the average distance between the Earth and the Sun is 15 billion kilometers, which is often referred to as "1 astronomical unit".

"1 astronomical unit" is a unit used to express length, the length of 1 astronomical unit is about the average distance between the earth and the sun, which is converted into kilometers or kilometers or is still very long.

Galileo's invention was not as precise as the telescope, so there was no way to accurately measure the distance from the Earth to the sun, but in his telescope, he still roughly calculated through observations.

Based on Galileo's observations, one can roughly determine that the diameter and circumference of the Earth are 10 times longer than the diameter and circumference of the Sun, and the diameter is more than 100 times that of the Earth.

The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

Although the earth is very small under the sun, the sun is a huge source of light at the angle that the human eye can see on the earth, and when the sun shines on the earth, it is everywhere, so for everything on the earth, the sun's light is endless.

Relying on this endless light between the earth and the sun, living beings have evolved under various conditions such as high temperature, light, and gravity, and have become the "amazing species" on the earth - human beings.

The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

Human beings have lived on the earth for "tens of millions of years" and evolved into what they are today, which has experienced "countless hardships", looking up at the sun, people naturally feel that the sun is the enlightener of all things on the earth, transmitting light and warmth to the earth.

If the sun is the enlightener of all things, then human beings are the children of the sun, and everything in human beings comes from the care and light of the sun, so the sun is also regarded as the "father" of people.

The earth is like the "mother" of human beings, and all human beings on the earth have experienced birth, old age, sickness and death, so people also call the earth the "blue planet".

Therefore, the sun and the earth are the "parent stars", and in the universe, there is an old saying that "the avenue is invisible, the mother of heaven and earth", which also means that the sun and the earth are the parents in the universe.

The sun is like a "kind father", taking care of the family, and the earth is like a "gentle mother", under the care of the sun, carefully raising the family.

Together with the earth, the sun and the earth have maintained this third planet for tens of millions of years, allowing life to thrive on this planet, and this "base camp" of mankind has gradually grown.

The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

3. The insignificance of the blue planet in the stars.

But although everything on Earth is "superior", on the scale of the universe, the Earth is not nothing, but only runs steadily in the solar system, but in the universe, it is just a planet in the solar system.

Leaving the solar system and entering the wider interstellar space, the "Pythagorean" embedded in the night sky is like a seed, and this seed is connected to the "big pole star" and extends to the "South Gate II".

In the night sky, people can see these stars through telescopes, and their "spectral" colors are "yellow", "red", and so on.

What are these stars? They are all stars very far away from the Earth, and they should be the closest star to the Earth within the night sky, this star is "α Centauri", or "Proxima Centauri".

The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

Proxima Centauri is about 4.22 light-years away from Earth, and although this Proxima Centauri is very far away from human eyes, it is still very close in the Milky Way.

The Milky Way is a collection of hundreds of billions of stars, so Proxima Centauri must be located farther away from the river system.

The Milky Way is known as the "Great Matrix" in the eyes of people, and the Milky Way is made up of countless stars and various planets and other celestial bodies, with an average diameter of about 100,000 light-years, and this is only the data that enters the silver disk.

At the center of the Milky Way is a supermassive "black hole", which occupies a position of about "20,000 light-years", and this is only the location of a black hole.

The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

Galileo discovered that the Earth is only a planet in the solar system, which is undoubtedly very large for human cognition, but compared to other planets, the Earth is still a particularly small one.

The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

It takes 250 million years for the sun to circle around the center of the Milky Way, so the time for the sun to "go around" is also very long.

Hundreds of millions of years on the earth is also a big data, but time in the universe is calculated in billions, so the earth is not clear in hundreds of millions of years, and the impact of Galileo's discovery on the universe is still being discussed and studied.

The earth is just a speck of dust, not worth mentioning in the universe, and humans are as small as bacteria

What is known as "limited" in the universe, everything on Earth seems insignificant on a cosmic scale.

Everything on earth is composed of energy elements produced by the sun, so people call the sun the "king of stars".

Every star is born from a "common nebula" in the universe, which is itself a combination of solar elements.


On the surface of stars in the universe today, scientists have revealed that there may be "hundreds of billions" of galaxies, while the number of galaxies known to mankind is only "hundreds of billions".

Therefore, in the universe, there are still "innumerable" stars waiting for human beings to explore and discover, people's exploration and discovery are endless, people will always be just a speck of dust in the universe, but they are also the main body of exploration and cognition in this universe.

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