
The unspoken rules of the decoration industry, 8 insider secrets ❗

author:Persistent orange Ue
The unspoken rules of the decoration industry, 8 insider secrets ❗
The unspoken rules of the decoration industry, 8 insider secrets ❗
The unspoken rules of the decoration industry, 8 insider secrets ❗
The unspoken rules of the decoration industry, 8 insider secrets ❗
The unspoken rules of the decoration industry, 8 insider secrets ❗
The unspoken rules of the decoration industry, 8 insider secrets ❗
The unspoken rules of the decoration industry, 8 insider secrets ❗
The unspoken rules of the decoration industry, 8 insider secrets ❗
The unspoken rules of the decoration industry, 8 insider secrets ❗

The smoke and rain in the south of the Yangtze River, the waves in the decoration industry

The smoke and rain in the south of the Yangtze River are always so lingering and compassionate, like an ink painting scroll, dyeing every brick and tile of the ancient town with traces of time. However, behind this antiquity, there are hidden secrets, especially in the decoration industry.

Standing on the bluestone slab, I couldn't help but feel a ripple in my heart as I looked at the old mansion in front of me, which was about to be renovated. This house, which carries the memories of generations, is now being revitalized in my hands. However, before stepping into this industry, I didn't know that there were so many unspoken rules and insider stories hidden behind it.

"Jiangnan can pick lotus, lotus leaves He Tiantian." I chanted an ancient poem softly, but in my heart I remembered the renovation project that was about to begin. I know that this is not only a simple renovation, but also a battle with the unspoken rules of the decoration industry.

First, the price fog

At the beginning of the renovation, I was told a plausible budget. However, as the works progressed, various additional costs sprung up. I was puzzled and asked the foreman, but he was only vague, saying that it was "industry practice". I know very well that there must be an unknown trick behind this.

Second, the confusion of materials

When it came to choosing finishing materials, I was told that there were only a few specific materials to choose from. However, when I asked for other materials, I was told that they were "not of good quality" and "not suitable for this house". I thought to myself, is there an unknown collusion of interests behind this?

3. Delay in the construction period

The originally agreed construction period has been repeatedly delayed. Whenever I asked why, the foreman always prevaricated on various grounds. I knew that it wasn't just because of the complexity of the project, but also because they wanted to add extra revenue by delaying the project.

Fourth, the construction is rough

During the renovation process, I found that the craftsmanship of the construction workers was not as exquisite as I imagined. The walls are uneven and the lines are not smooth...... These questions are endless. When I questioned the foreman, he just said lightly: "This is a common problem in the industry, and there is no way to do it." "However, I know that there must be a neglect and perfunctory construction quality behind this.

Fifth, there is no guarantee after sale

After the renovation was completed, I thought I would be able to live with peace of mind. However, it didn't take long for various problems to arise: leaking faucets, short circuits in circuits...... I contacted the renovation company to find a solution, but was told that "the warranty period has expired" and I need to pay for the repairs myself. I am deeply angry and helpless, what kind of conspiracy is hidden behind this?

6. Design traps

Before the renovation, I hired a well-known designer to design the style of the house for me. However, during the renovation process, I found that there was a big discrepancy between the designer's drawings and the actual construction. When I confronted the designer, he just shirked the blame, saying that it was the construction worker's problem. I am well aware that there must be collusion of interests and mutual blame between the designer and the construction team behind this.

7. Contract Traps

When I signed the renovation contract, I thought I had read every clause carefully. However, during the renovation process, I found that there were many vague and misleading clauses in the contract. When I raised my questions, the renovation company rejected my request on the grounds that the contract had already been signed and could not be changed. I feel deeply remorseful and helpless, what kind of fraud and trap are hidden behind this?

8. Shady industry

After in-depth understanding of the renovation industry, I found that there are many shady things in this industry. From material procurement to construction management, from after-sales service to contract signing...... There are various unspoken rules and insider stories in every link. These shady scenes not only harm the interests of consumers, but also affect the healthy development of the entire industry.

In the face of these unspoken rules and insider stories, I feel deeply angry and helpless. However, I also understand that only by understanding the industry in-depth and constantly improving my vigilance can I avoid being pitted by these unspoken rules. So I started to work hard to learn about decoration, communicate with people in the industry, and find a reliable decoration company...... I firmly believe that as long as I work hard enough, I will be able to gain a foothold in this industry and earn the trust of consumers.

Looking back now, I am glad that I was able to discover and respond to these unspoken rules and insider stories in a timely manner. They have made me more aware of the complexity and challenges of the renovation industry, and they have also made me cherish the achievements and opportunities I have now. At the same time, I also hope that more people can understand these unspoken rules and insider stories, avoid being harmed by them, and jointly maintain a healthy and transparent decoration market environment.

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