
It would be nice to force yourself to look at your clothes

author:Persistent orange Ue
It would be nice to force yourself to look at your clothes
It would be nice to force yourself to look at your clothes
It would be nice to force yourself to look at your clothes

Force yourself to read it, and your clothes will be good

The morning dawn is broken, the mist is light, and the ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River slowly wakes up in the morning light. On the bluestone slab, the dew drops are crystal clear, as if they are pearls embellished by nature. The breeze is blowing, bringing bursts of floral fragrance, I stand on this antique street, and an inexplicable expectation wells up in my heart - today, I want to force myself to finish reading this book about clothing, so that I can also have a place in the fashion trend of the Republic of China.

"The clouds want clothes, the flowers want to look, and the spring breeze blows Revlon." I chanted the verses softly, the pages in my hand turning in the wind. This book, which I stumbled upon at a second-hand book stall, has yellowed pages but exudes a unique charm. I knew that this book would be my secret to improving my clothes.

In this era of the Republic of China, clothing is not only an external performance, but also an internal cultivation. People show their identity, taste, and personality through their clothing. And I, as a fashion-conscious woman, naturally can't be left behind. However, I often feel lost when choosing clothes and don't know how to style them to make myself stand out.

Just as I was deep in thought, a woman in a cheongsam approached. Her figure is graceful, and the patterns on the cheongsam are exquisite, like a flowing painting. I couldn't help but exclaim, "This lady's clothes are amazing!" ”

She smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for the compliment." In fact, clothing is not achieved overnight, and it requires continuous learning and practice. I used to be as confused as you, but then I forced myself to read a lot of books about fashion, and I also went to some fashion salons, and slowly, my clothes improved a lot. ”

Listening to her words, I suddenly became enlightened. Yes, only by continuous learning and practice can we make our clothes better and better. So, I made up my mind to force myself to finish reading this book about clothing.

In the days that followed, I immersed myself in the world of books every day. I learned how to choose clothes, how to match colors, how to grasp fashion trends...... Every knowledge point in the book has benefited me a lot. I continued to try and practice the techniques and methods in the book, and gradually, I found that my clothes had improved significantly.

One day, I wore a newly bought cheongsam to a friend's birthday party. When I walked into the banquet hall, the people around me were looking at me with admiration. A friend came over and complimented, "Your cheongsam is so beautiful!" Your clothes are getting better and better! ”

I smiled slightly, filled with pride and satisfaction. I know it's all because I forced myself to finish reading that book about clothing and kept learning and practicing.

However, I also understand that the improvement of clothing is not just about getting appreciated and recognized. More importantly, through continuous learning and practice, I have learned more about myself and how to express my personality and taste. I have become more confident and calm, and I no longer feel lost and anxious about choosing clothes.

In the process, I also made many like-minded friends. Let's discuss fashion, share matching tips, and exchange experiences...... We encourage and support each other to move forward together in the pursuit of fashion.

Looking back now, I'm glad I forced myself to finish reading that book about clothing. It has not only made me a great improvement in my clothes, but also benefited me a lot on the road of life. I learned how to face challenges and difficulties, how to keep learning and growing, how to express my personality and taste...... These are all precious treasures in my life.

"Thousands of blows are still strong, and the wind is blowing from east to west, north and south." In the days to come, I will continue to push myself to learn and practice the knowledge and skills of fashion. I believe that as long as I continue to work hard and persevere, my clothes will get better and better, and my life will be more exciting because of this. At the same time, I also hope that more people can force themselves to learn and practice like me, and constantly improve their clothing and inner cultivation, so that they can shine with a unique light in this era full of changes.