
Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?


The return of "More Than Years 2" sparked heated discussions

"More Than Years 2" celebrates its return after five years, which makes drama fans excited.

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

However, the show sparked a series of discussions as soon as it returned. Let's not talk about the plot, just about being resold, it has already given Tencent Video a headache.


On the second-hand e-commerce platform, many sellers openly sell the enthusiastic resources of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", and the price is as low as 1 yuan. The seller also swore that "automatic second delivery, the first time it is updated, and the package is updated to the end". However, Tencent Video's customer service responded quickly, saying that it has never cooperated with any merchants, and suggested that viewers recognize quasi-official channels to avoid account security risks or risky shopping caused by purchasing low-cost memberships or so-called "latest plot" services.

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

In these years, even chasing a drama has to guard against a group of black-hearted businessmen who cheat dads, which is really head-scratching. Friends here, don't save that little money, and end up losing more than you gain! Being able to buy pirated resources is not only disrespectful to copyright, the World Health Organization allows you to have "close contact" with the virus, and the gains outweigh the losses!

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

Too many advertisements sparked controversy, and members were helpless

On the day of the premiere of "Yu Qingnian 2", it became the focus of heated discussions on the whole network. However, 57 minutes after the start of the broadcast, while the real-time popularity of the show on the video platform exceeded 30,000, netizens also complained that there were too many advertisements. Gangster writer I Sicun even posted: "There are so many advertisements in front! Elite members can't skip it. ”


It seems that the elite members will not escape the fate of advertising bombardment. Everyone paid the membership fee, thinking that they could follow the drama without worry and effort, but they didn't expect to still have to endure long advertisements. This wave of operations is really full of "dignity", and the members shouted: "I'm a fake member, right?" ”

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

For Tencent Video's advertising strategy, netizens are also complaining. Some netizens said: "There are so many advertisements that I almost forget what drama I am watching!" Someone else joked: "You can watch one more episode of other dramas during the advertising time!" "It seems that the advertising issue really touched the nerves of the audience.

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

The plot is exaggerated and too funny?

With the starring role of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", netizens' discussion of the plot has gradually become warm. However, after watching a few episodes, the audience said that the plot was exaggerated, and it was going to be acted, and every actor had acted it, for the sake of being funny and funny. This kind of evaluation made the fans of the drama who were looking forward to it somewhat disappointed.


An audience member complained: "It feels like every character is like participating in a comedy competition, each one is more exaggerated than the other." Someone else ridiculed: "The funny level of this drama is almost enough to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, the laughter is too dense, and I am about to laugh into abdominal muscles." However, this funny style was not accepted by everyone, and many viewers said: "It's okay to be funny, but you can't be funny for the sake of being funny!" ”

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

It seems that the screenwriter and director also need to find a balance when dealing with the plot and funny elements, otherwise, it is likely to backfire and affect the audience's viewing experience. After all, everyone follows dramas to enjoy the plot, not to watch a funny show.

The risk of reselling "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

The resources of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" that appeared on the second-hand e-commerce platform are not only expensive, but also promise automatic second delivery and timely updates, which is undoubtedly attractive to the audience. However, the hidden risks behind this behavior cannot be ignored.


Tencent Video customer service made it clear that it has no cooperation with any merchants, and it is recommended that viewers recognize quasi-official channels. Low-priced members or so-called latest plot services are very likely to have account security risks. Buying these pirated resources not only puts yourself in a difficult situation, but also makes personal information leaked, and even leads to account theft.

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

As a consumer, we must be vigilant in the face of this low price temptation, and we must not choose unofficial channels for the sake of cheapness. After all, spending a small amount of money to chase a drama, but in the end, you may spend a lot of money, and in the end, such a "cheap" is really unacceptable.

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

Ads focus on members, is it worth paying for them?

On the night of the premiere of "Yu Qingnian 2", the distinguished members could not escape the bombardment of advertisements, and the complaint of the screenwriter and gangster I Sicun jumped the hearts of many viewers: "There are so many advertisements in front!" Distinguished members can't members have said that after paying the money, they thought they could enjoy an ad-free viewing experience, but they were still upset by the advertisement.


For this phenomenon, netizens also launched a heated discussion. Some people think that since they have paid the membership fee, they should enjoy the treatment without ads, and it is really unreasonable to have so many advertisements. Someone else joked: "You can watch one episode of other dramas during the advertising time, is Tencent Video testing the patience of members?" ”

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

Judging from the feedback of netizens, the problem of membership advertising has become an important factor affecting the experience of watching dramas. Whether paid members can really enjoy the rights and interests they deserve has become the focus of attention of many audiences. After all, everyone pays not only to watch dramas, but also for a better viewing experience.

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

The plot has caused controversy, can the laughter be controlled?

With the starring role of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the controversy of the plot has gradually emerged. A large number of viewers said that the plot is exaggerated, acting for the sake of acting, and there are too many funny elements, and even a little excessive. Such an evaluation disappointed some drama fans.

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

Some netizens complained: "I feel that every character is participating in a comedy competition, and each one is more exaggerated than the other." Someone else said: "The funny level of this drama can participate in the Spring Festival Gala, the laughter is too dense, I am about to laugh into abdominal muscles." However, some viewers feel that this funny style makes people relaxed and happy, and they are in a happy mood when watching the drama.

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

For screenwriters and directors, finding a balance between comedy and plot is no small challenge. After all, the audience doesn't just chase dramas to laugh, but also wants to see wonderful plots and profound character portrayals. Blindly pursuing comedy and ignoring the rigor of the plot is likely to bore the audience.

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?


The return celebration of "Yu Nian 2" has undoubtedly set off a huge wave of discussion among the audience. From the risk of being resold, to the huge controversy of membership advertising, to the controversy of the exaggerated plot, each topic has triggered netizens Although the show has achieved good results in popularity, how to solve these problems and make the audience truly satisfied is still a challenge that Tencent Video and the production team need to face.

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

The audience's expectations and complaints reflect everyone's desire for freshness and quality and their high requirements for platform services. In the days to come, I hope that "Celebrating More Than Years 2" can continue to improve the plot and production, and bring better to the audience After all, everyone hopes that chasing dramas is a light-hearted thing, not an "advertising war" or "pompous performance". Friends, what do you think of the complaints and expectations for "Celebrating More Than Years 2"? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Yu Nian 2: Celebrated warmly? Spit on the advertising bombardment, funny performances over the head?

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