
North Korean Pilot Defects to South Korea: From Air Force Lieutenant to American Professor The Price and Glory of Pursuing Freedom

author:Taa's story

In 1953, just after the war on the Korean Peninsula had subsided, the two Koreas signed an armistice, however, there was a sensational defection on this land. Roh Jin-seok, North Korea's youngest pilot, made a surprising choice by defecting from North Korea to South Korea and eventually becoming a U.S. citizen. This incident not only shocked the world at that time, but also drew a strong stroke on Lu Jinxi's life.

North Korean Pilot Defects to South Korea: From Air Force Lieutenant to American Professor The Price and Glory of Pursuing Freedom

Roh Geum-seok, a 21-year-old lieutenant in the North Korean Air Force, enjoys a high reputation in the North Korean Air Force. However, in the course of a mission, he suddenly changed course and flew to South Korea in the south. This act shocked the North Korean authorities and aroused widespread concern in the international community. Roh Jin-seok's defection not only disgraced the North Korean side, but also raised speculation and questions about the internal situation of the North Korean military. To explore the reasons for Roh's defection, we need to start with his personal experience and background. In fact, Roh Jinxi's defection was not impulsive, but the result of careful consideration. His father had always admired the West and was opposed to the development of socialism in the Soviet Union. This family background deeply influenced Roh, making him suspicious and dissatisfied with the North Korean system. At an early age, Roh dreamed of leaving North Korea and defecting to the United States to become an American citizen.

In order to realize this dream, he studied hard, was admitted to the North Korean Air Force Academy, and became a pilot. During his time at the Air Force Academy, Roh not only showed excellent flying skills, but also successfully selected for the flying team that carried out secret missions. This experience provided crucial aid to his later defection. On September 21, 1953, Roh Jin-seok seized a golden opportunity and flew to South Korea in a fighter plane. Throughout the defection, he had to not only evade his comrades, but also deal with the attacks of American anti-aircraft guns. Fortunately, with his excellent flying skills and calm judgment, he managed to overcome many obstacles and land at the South Korean Air Base. After a successful landing, Roh Jin-seok immediately surrendered to the American forces. His arrival made the US military ecstatic, because for the first time they received a full-fledged MiG-15 fighter. In recognition of his contributions, the U.S. government gave him a $100,000 bonus. The fighter was then painted with the logo and number of the U.S. military and handed over to the top pilots for testing.

North Korean Pilot Defects to South Korea: From Air Force Lieutenant to American Professor The Price and Glory of Pursuing Freedom

Roh didn't stop there. He used the prize money he received and the support of the U.S. military to study mechanical and electrical engineering at the University of Delaware. During his studies, he not only delved into the field of aviation, but also met his future wife. After graduating, he became an aeronautical engineer and worked on many important projects. He also held professorships, mainly teaching aeronautical engineering and mathematics. After decades of hard work, Roh finally realized his dream of becoming an American citizen. He also published his autobiography, telling about his defection and his thoughts on life. In his autobiography, he described the hard life in the barracks of the Korean People's Army, the harsh requirements of the academy for the image of students, and the embarrassing experience of how he plucked his beard with his fingers. Although these stories have a certain subjectivity, they also reflect some of the real conditions of Korean society at that time.

However, Roh's success has not come without a price. His defection not only cost him everything he had in North Korea, but also saddled him with the infamy of a "traitor", even his relatives and friends. His friend, because of his relationship with him, became the first person to be executed. His unit was also severely punished by the North Korean government because of him, with regiment commanders, division commanders, and pilots flying with him being executed, and their families being imprisoned in concentration camps and suffering untold suffering. Although all this made Roh Jinxi feel deeply guilty and painful. However, he did not regret his choice because of this. He was convinced that he was seeking freedom and happiness that he could not obtain in North Korea.

North Korean Pilot Defects to South Korea: From Air Force Lieutenant to American Professor The Price and Glory of Pursuing Freedom

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