
How humble are celebrities in front of capital? Tong Liya was "talked" by a middle-aged rich man, and Cannes became a draft venue

author:Brother Lei said entertainment

Before getting into the main topic, I would like to ask everyone, how humble do you think celebrities are in front of capital? With the emergence of this problem, I believe many people have started to think about it.

But no amount of thinking is as real as a photo or a video, after all, everyone is not a star and cannot experience what they do and feel. But you can analyze their feelings from photos or videos.

How humble are celebrities in front of capital? Tong Liya was "talked" by a middle-aged rich man, and Cannes became a draft venue

Therefore, with the exposure of the dinner at the Cannes Film Festival on May 16, many people have a deep understanding and understanding of how humble stars are in front of capital.

The reason why I say this is because there are many celebrities dressed up at the Cannes dinner, including domestic stars Tong Liya, Gong Li and others.

How humble are celebrities in front of capital? Tong Liya was "talked" by a middle-aged rich man, and Cannes became a draft venue

Their achievements in China are not small, and even many people have participated in CCTV performances and programs, if nothing else, they are all developing towards first-line stars.

But even such a powerful star doesn't seem to be worth mentioning in front of the capital, because everyone finds that when they appear at the dinner party, they are not as natural and relaxed as they are at the award ceremony.

How humble are celebrities in front of capital? Tong Liya was "talked" by a middle-aged rich man, and Cannes became a draft venue

Instead, he looks very restrained, and he is very stiff at the table, looking like a freshman who has just entered the school, and this picture is really surprising on the stars, because everyone doesn't understand why they are so nervous and stiff.

But as soon as the picture turned, when everyone found that there was a man in the picture, this question seemed to be answered. Because everyone found that the man had a small beer belly, but the whole popularity should be very good.

How humble are celebrities in front of capital? Tong Liya was "talked" by a middle-aged rich man, and Cannes became a draft venue

Although people can still see that his identity is not an ordinary person when he is middle-aged, and ordinary people who can participate in the dinner party will not have a small capital, otherwise they will not be invited to participate in this kind of event.

And compared with celebrities, his state is very relaxed, and he is even very happy and happy to talk to Tong Liya, and the picture of Tong Liya being talked to by a middle-aged rich man also came into everyone's eyes with the release of the video.

How humble are celebrities in front of capital? Tong Liya was "talked" by a middle-aged rich man, and Cannes became a draft venue

Everyone can see that he is very restrained when chatting with the other party, which shows that the identity of the other party is not something that he can shake or ridicule as a star, otherwise he would not seem so restrained.

and worries, it is these behaviors that make everyone feel that celebrities are very humble in front of capital, at least they dare not move around at will or express their opinions, and even need to ask each other for instructions when eating and drinking.

How humble are celebrities in front of capital? Tong Liya was "talked" by a middle-aged rich man, and Cannes became a draft venue

This kind of behavior makes everyone feel that although Cannes is nominally a film festival, in fact it makes people feel that Cannes has become a talent show, and the main mentors of the talent show are those capitalists who have money and time.

As long as they want, any star can talk. It can be seen that although celebrities are star-studded, they have to bow their heads in front of capital, because only in this way can their lives in the entertainment industry be smooth sailing.

How humble are celebrities in front of capital? Tong Liya was "talked" by a middle-aged rich man, and Cannes became a draft venue

Otherwise, if you anger someone, their future situation in the entertainment industry may be very worrying. This also caused them to be so reserved when they attended this dinner, but they didn't know when that would change.

Because everyone thinks that the humility of celebrities in front of capital is really bad. Not at all. The picture that everyone wants to see, but whether such a picture can be changed is not clear to anyone, and no one knows. I can only hope for themselves, do you think I am right?

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