
2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

author:Jiang said bluntly
2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Recently, the weather has become hotter and hotter, and at the same time, it is also just in time for the season when durian is on the market, and durian placed in major markets has also become the "darling" of fruits.

At this time in the first two years, as soon as durian was on the market, it was snapped up by the people, even if the price was more expensive, but it still couldn't stop the people's love for durian.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

In particular, durians imported from Thailand and Vietnam have been speculated to sky-high prices by many merchants, making Thailand and Vietnam, the two main durian importers in our country, make a lot of money.

Thailand and Vietnam still want to replicate the success of previous years this year, and make a lot of money from durian.

And this year, the price of durian has shrunk significantly, even less than half of last year's, which makes both Thailand and Vietnam inevitably have a major question, "Is there no market for high-priced durian in China now?" ”

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

1. Domestic durian will reach 2.5 million tons! Thailand and Vietnam are "full of sadness"

In recent years, the durian market can be said to be very hot, which can be seen from the gradually rising durian imports in our country. In just five years, our country's durian imports exceeded 100 tons, of which Thailand and Vietnam accounted for a large proportion, 65% and 34.6% respectively.

This makes durian growers in both countries think all day long that the durian is ripe, and they are ready to package and sell to the Chinese, and they are all sold at sky-high prices.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

This year's durian market seems to be different, when the durians from the two countries are shipped to our countries' markets, they find that their durians cannot be sold at the same high price as last year, because this year, the number of domestic durians alone can reach 2.5 million tons.

The price of durian has also dropped significantly, and durian at civilian prices can be seen everywhere in the market, and the advantage of high-priced imported durian is not obvious, so it can only be forced to start a price war in the domestic market.

Not only is there a difference in price, but the amount of imports is also unexpected for Thailand and Vietnam. Compared with previous years, the number of foreign durians imported by our country this year has been greatly reduced, and it seems that imported durian is no longer the best choice.

For Vietnamese durian, our country's imports have dropped by 10%. This makes the number of Vietnamese durians visible in the country even less, and Vietnam can only find a way to solve the market for this extra durian.

Thailand's losses are even greater, and the price of Thai durian in the past can sometimes reach 60 yuan a catty.

But now in the domestic market, there is no market for high-priced durians at all, and the surrounding area is full of golden pillow durians of more than ten yuan a catty.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Such a situation directly makes it more difficult for Thailand to export durian to our country.

In order not to let all the ripe durians spoil in their own hands, Thailand can only find a way to open up a new trade route from other countries.

But this is not a simple matter for Thailand, which is now more worried about where to sell these durians than Vietnam.

2. Why was durian expensive in the past?

First of all, the nutritional value of durian is very high. It is a fruit that is only produced in the tropics, so it is a hot food in itself.

For women, durian, as a hot food, can help them invigorate their blood and dispel cold, thereby relieving the pain caused by menstrual cramps.

The benefit of eating durian for men is that it can strengthen the body and enhance the function of the spleen and stomach.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

In addition to the theories of traditional Chinese medicine, the pulp of durian is rich in vitamins, minerals and sugars.

The types of vitamins covered in durian are relatively comprehensive, so consuming durian can enhance eyesight, improve skin and help lose weight.

Then there is the limited production of durian. As a fruit with high environmental requirements, durian can only be grown in tropical areas.

So just because of the origin problem, a large number of regions can be screened out, just like our country, and only a small part can be grown durian.

The demand for durian in our domestic consumer market can be said to be the largest in the world, but the previous domestic durian production was difficult to meet this demand, resulting in a very large gap.

In order to make up for this gap, we can only import from countries with high durian production to meet the domestic durian consumers who are "eager to wear".

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

This has given our two neighbors the opportunity to Thailand and Vietnam as one of the producing areas of durian, and the export of durian has become one of the important economic sources.

In addition, the quality of durian in the two countries is also very good, and the durian exported to our country is the best quality. Therefore, the previous durian was relatively expensive, after all, it was imported and had excellent quality.

In addition to the fact that durian needs to be imported, the cost of durian preservation and transportation is not low.

As a tropical fruit, durian will be affected by local temperature during transportation, reaching the ripening stage or even "overripe" and causing spoilage.

Therefore, many durians have been picked and transported to all parts of the country before they are ripe.

During the transportation process, it is necessary to ensure that the durian cannot be broken on the road, which increases the transportation cost, so the durian on the market has a relatively high price in the past.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

3. What is the reason for the price plummeting by half?

As for why the price of durian this year has plummeted by half, there is also a reason.

Our country is the country with the largest demand for durian, and the number of domestic durians cannot meet the needs of all citizens for the time being.

In order to make up for the gap in the domestic market, importing durian is the easiest way.

Most of the durian imported by our country is imported from Thailand and Vietnam, which makes the two countries make a lot of money in durian.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

However, these two countries are not the only countries that are rich in durian, basically all tropical countries in Southeast Asia have begun to plant durian on a large scale, and they also hope to make a lot of money through durian.

However, if the durians from other countries are not exported to our country, those ripe durians are likely to rot in the ground, which will eventually cause losses to the country.

Therefore, the domestic consumer market can be said to make all durian-growing countries yearn for it, and they want to package their own durians into brands and sell them to our country, so as to become a new durian exporter.

And if you want to replace Thailand and Vietnam, you must have an absolute advantage. In terms of quality, the durians of various countries are on par with Thailand's Golden Pillow durian, so it is difficult to form a quality advantage.

So for these countries, there is only one way to go, and that is to fight a price war with them Thailand and Vietnam.

In order to sell to our country and solve the problem of their own durian sales, Southeast Asian countries compete with each other and constantly reduce the price of durian to become the final winner.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

And the benefits of this will naturally come to our consumers, the price of durian imported by the country will decrease, and the price of selling to citizens will naturally decrease.

Southeast Asian countries have sharpened their heads and want to sell durian to our country, and even "fight", which can fully meet the demand for durian in the domestic consumer market.

Our country will never be controlled by others, although the price of durian in recent years because of the price competition between exporting countries, so that our country's citizens can eat affordable durian, but the situation in the next few years is not necessarily so optimistic.

Our country is also vigorously developing durian cultivation. Durian needs to grow in a tropical environment, and in our country, there are many areas in the tropics, including Hainan Island, but most of Hainan Island was previously considered unsuitable for durian cultivation.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

But how can this stump our country's agricultural researchers, after on-the-spot inspection, found that the argument that Hainan Island is not suitable for growing durian is wrong.

As soon as the new findings were released, durian was grown in many more places on Hainan Island, and it has begun to gradually appear in the domestic market.

Through professional planting and cultivation technology, durian from Hainan Island can even surpass imported durian in quality, and is loved by consumers.

The domestic durian that has achieved the first fruits has now become the new "darling" in the eyes of the people, and the purchase of durian is no longer divided into domestic or imported, and some even specify to buy domestic durian.

This also makes durian growers on Hainan Island full of confidence in their durians, and are expanding the planting area of durian on Hainan Island step by step, hoping that in the future, only domestic durian can meet the national durian demand.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

In addition, in the past, Thailand's durian was the benchmark of durian quality in the world, but this year's durian in Thailand cannot keep the "world" that was laid before because of a variety of problems.

This year, the weather in parts of Thailand was drier, so the rain was not as abundant as before, resulting in durian not growing to its previous size.

This year, the size of durian in Thailand is relatively small, and the price is naturally unsellable.

And Vietnam's durian also has its own problems, that is, Vietnam's durian is not easy to store, if it is not sold for a long time, there is a possibility of deterioration, and eventually it can only rot in the hands of merchants.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Fourth, how to pick a "good" durian

The price of durian this year is so cheap, presumably everyone can't wait to buy durian to spend this hot summer. Don't worry, here are a few ways to buy durian so that you won't "suffer".

1. Touch the appearance of the durian

The durian shell is covered with sharp spikes, which are attached to the durian to make it look like a dangerous weapon.

However, these spikes can help us judge the ripeness of the durian, if the spikes are soft to the touch, it means that the durian is basically ripe and can be eaten immediately after purchase. On the other hand, if the spikes are still hard, they are not completely ripe, and they can be left for a few days before eating.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

2. Size and color

In terms of size, the bigger the durian, the better, after all, if the durian is big, Guangxi will not have a durian of 38 yuan.

As for the color, the ripening process of durian is from cyan to yellow, so if you are in a hurry to eat, choose a darker yellow durian.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

3. Smell the smell

The smell of durian is relatively special, and many people feel that this smell is more "stinky", so they stay away from durian. But if you want to judge the quality of durian, you still need to smell its smell, if it is a normal fruit smell, it is naturally a better quality durian.

But if there is a special smell, such as smelling alcohol, don't buy it anymore, this durian has already begun to deteriorate, and even the flesh inside can no longer be eaten.

2.5 million tons? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians


The decline in the price of durian can be said to be something that consumers are very willing to see, and everyone can also enjoy low-cost and high-quality durian.

However, there are many people who are keen to buy cracked durian, thinking that this is the best taste, although this statement does make sense. But if the tear of the durian is too large, it is better not to buy it, because there is a high chance that bacteria will grow.

References: 2024-5-7——"Price Dropped!" The king of fruits, "durian is listed in large quantities, and the price has dropped a lot"

Qilu One Point 2024-5-15——"Hot News|Durian Falls Below 10 Yuan/Jin!" To achieve "durian freedom"? Why are prices falling? 》

Guangzhou Daily 2024-5-14——"The price has fallen by half, and "durian freedom" is coming? 》 2024-5-14——"China's durian prices plummet, Thailand and Vietnam are worried, and domestic bumper harvests hit the market"

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