
Ministry of Education: It is strictly forbidden to occupy 10 minutes between classes, and new measures to standardize school-running behaviors are implemented

author:Rock sugar king Sydney

Recently, the Ministry of Education issued an important notice in the field of basic education, requiring schools around the country to strictly prohibit the use of 10 minutes between classes in various ways, and to clean up and rectify 12 non-standard school-running behaviors. The issuance of this notice aims to safeguard the physical and mental health of students, protect their legitimate rights and interests, and promote the optimization and reform of the educational environment. Ten minutes between classes is an extremely valuable rest time for primary and secondary school students who are in the growth and development period. In this short 10 minutes, students can relax their tense nerves, adjust their study status, do the necessary physical activities, and have a relaxed and enjoyable communication with their classmates. However, in recent years, in order to pursue a high admission rate, some schools often ignore the actual needs of students and squeeze out recess time for various reasons, resulting in physical and mental exhaustion of students and a decline in learning effectiveness.

Ministry of Education: It is strictly forbidden to occupy 10 minutes between classes, and new measures to standardize school-running behaviors are implemented

The issuance of the notice by the Ministry of Education is a powerful response to this phenomenon. The notice stresses that schools should strictly follow the provisions to implement the curriculum plan and ensure that students have enough time for rest and exercise during their time at school. The 10 minutes between classes should not be occupied by any form of instructional activity or group activity to ensure that students can fully relax and recover. At the same time, the notice also clearly pointed out 12 non-standard school-running behaviors that need to be cleaned up and rectified, including undesirable phenomena such as "toilet socialization". The existence of these behaviors not only affects the normal learning and living order of students, but also poses a potential threat to students' physical and mental health. Therefore, the Ministry of Education requires schools everywhere to carry out in-depth self-examination and self-correction, effectively solve these problems, and create a safe, healthy and harmonious educational environment.

Ministry of Education: It is strictly forbidden to occupy 10 minutes between classes, and new measures to standardize school-running behaviors are implemented

It is worth noting that this notice also mentions a change in conventional thinking. In the past, some schools and teachers tended to focus too much on students' academic performance and neglect their physical and mental health and well-rounded development. However, with the progress of society and the renewal of educational concepts, we have increasingly realized that the growth of students is not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also the all-round development of physical and mental health. Therefore, changing the traditional thinking and paying attention to the actual needs and development characteristics of students has become an important direction of the current education reform.

Ministry of Education: It is strictly forbidden to occupy 10 minutes between classes, and new measures to standardize school-running behaviors are implemented

Of course, to truly implement these requirements, we need the joint efforts of schools, teachers, parents and all sectors of society. Schools should establish and improve relevant systems and mechanisms to ensure the rational use of recess time and standardize the implementation of school-running behaviors; Teachers should pay attention to the individual differences and needs of students, and adopt scientific teaching methods and means to promote the all-round development of students. Parents should actively cooperate with the work of the school and pay attention to their children's physical and mental health and learning. All sectors of society should also strengthen supervision and support for education and jointly promote the healthy development of education.

Ministry of Education: It is strictly forbidden to occupy 10 minutes between classes, and new measures to standardize school-running behaviors are implemented

In summary, students should be protected during recess, and they have the right to move freely during recess in a safe and unrestricted manner.

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