
Rejoicing too soon? Israel ushered in six bad news, and 13 countries issued an ultimatum to Israel

author:Shaanxi Chengcheng financial media

As Israel continues its military campaign in the Gaza Strip, the country is facing unprecedented international pressure and internal strife. The recent series of events has not only revealed Israel's military and political tactical dilemmas, but also highlighted its isolation in the international arena.

Rejoicing too soon? Israel ushered in six bad news, and 13 countries issued an ultimatum to Israel

First, a striking international dynamic is the ultimatum given to Israel by a powerful coalition of 13 countries. This alliance included Britain, France, Germany, Italy and other European powers, who unanimously demanded that Israel end the siege of Rafah and open all border crossings to Gaza. This initiative reflects not only the international community's concern about Israel's military operations, but also the fear of a possible humanitarian catastrophe. This ultimatum undoubtedly put tremendous international pressure on the Israeli government to reassess its current military strategy.

Rejoicing too soon? Israel ushered in six bad news, and 13 countries issued an ultimatum to Israel

However, Israel's predicament goes far beyond that. On the domestic front, Defense Minister Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are at odds over how to run Gaza. Gallant insisted that Hamas could not be defeated outright by military means alone, and he advocated that after the military operation ended, Hamas replacements should be taken over Gaza, rather than under direct Israeli control. This is in stark contrast to Netanyahu's position, which wants to strengthen Israel's control over Gaza and even consider incorporating parts of Gaza into Israel's map. This internal strife not only exposes the Israeli government's differences in military and political tactics, but could also have far-reaching implications for Israel's long-term stability.

Rejoicing too soon? Israel ushered in six bad news, and 13 countries issued an ultimatum to Israel

Under both international and domestic pressure, the attitude of the United States has also attracted widespread attention. The United States has unequivocally warned Israel that it will stop supplying some weapons to Rafah if it continues with a large-scale siege of Rafah. This move undoubtedly caused a huge shock to Israel, and also reflected the United States' concern and reservations about Israel's military action. Even more embarrassing for the Israeli government is that U.S. officials are more inclined to speak with Defense Secretary Gallant than directly with Netanyahu. This subtle form of communication has undoubtedly exacerbated the Netanyahu government's sense of isolation.

In addition, Israel has suffered unexpected setbacks in its military operations. At least five Israeli soldiers were killed and seven injured in an incident, which caused a huge repercussion in Israel. The public questioned the government's military tactics and demanded a thorough investigation and a reasonable explanation for the incident. This incident not only damaged the image of the Israeli army, but could also have a negative impact on the government's public approval ratings.

Rejoicing too soon? Israel ushered in six bad news, and 13 countries issued an ultimatum to Israel

On the part of organizations such as Hamas, they have not succumbed to Israeli military pressure. Despite the fierce offensive of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has persistently resisted and launched effective counterattacks. At the same time, Iraqi armed forces and groups such as Allah Lebanon have launched retaliatory attacks against Israel, further complicating Israel's military operations.

It is worth noting that other countries in the Middle East have also begun to join forces in response to Israel's military actions. Countries such as Turkey believe that Israel's ambitions extend far beyond the Gaza Strip, and they fear that after defeating Hamas, Israel will turn its sights on other countries. As a result, Arab countries began to unite against Israel's expansionist ambitions. They made it clear that they did not support Israel's plan to take over the Gaza Strip after the war, a move that undoubtedly put more pressure on the Israeli government.

Rejoicing too soon? Israel ushered in six bad news, and 13 countries issued an ultimatum to Israel

To sum up, Israel's military operation in the Gaza Strip has been mired in multiple difficulties. In the face of international pressure, internal divisions, warnings from the United States, and the stubborn resistance of Hamas and the confronting of other countries in the Middle East, the Israeli government needs to reassess its military and political strategy. Whether to continue the siege of Gaza, how to negotiate with groups such as Hamas, and how to deal with pressures at home and abroad all need to be addressed urgently. This series of events has undoubtedly brought great challenges to Israel, and at the same time provided an opportunity for reflection and adjustment.

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