
These snacks may be secretly destroying the pancreas, no matter who you are, you should eat less!

author:Starfire Life

Snacks have become a part of many people's lives, they are delicious, but the hidden health hazards are often overlooked.

From melon seeds to sodas, potato chips to desserts, our eating habits may be quietly harming our pancreatic health. So, what snacks should you eat less?

01 These snacks may be secretly destroying the pancreas

High-fat snacks:

Affect insulin secretion: Excessive intake of high-fat foods, such as potato chips, fried foods, etc., will increase the demand for insulin, resulting in increased insulin secretion, thus increasing the burden on the pancreas.

Blood sugar fluctuations: High-fat foods can affect the stability of blood sugar, making blood sugar fluctuate greatly, especially for diabetics.

These snacks may be secretly destroying the pancreas, no matter who you are, you should eat less!

Carbonated drinks:

Sugars and additives: Carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugars and additives, and long-term intake can stimulate insulin secretion, leading to increased insulin resistance.

Diabetes risk: Studies have shown that long-term consumption of carbonated beverages is associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes.

Fried foods:

Carcinogens: Deep-fried foods cooked at high temperatures produce carcinogens that can cause damage to the pancreas and digestive system.

Fat accumulation: Fried foods contain a lot of unhealthy fats, and long-term intake can easily lead to pancreatic fat accumulation and increase the risk of disease.

These snacks may be secretly destroying the pancreas, no matter who you are, you should eat less!


Blood sugar control: High-sugar foods can quickly raise blood sugar levels and stimulate insulin secretion, and long-term intake will increase insulin resistance and aggravate the condition of diabetic patients.

Risk of obesity: Sweets are high in calories and sugar, and long-term intake can easily lead to obesity, which in turn increases the burden on the pancreas and affects insulin sensitivity.

In summary, reducing the intake of high-fat, carbonated drinks, fried foods and sweets, and choosing healthier eating habits, such as eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., can help reduce the burden on the pancreas and maintain pancreatic health.

These snacks may be secretly destroying the pancreas, no matter who you are, you should eat less!

02 TCM health advice

Adjust your eating habits:

Light diet: Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes a light diet, less oil and less salt, and try to avoid excessive intake of oil and high-sugar foods to reduce the burden on the pancreas.

Eat more cereals, vegetables, and fruits: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cereals, vegetables, and fruits are rich in fiber and vitamins, which are good for regulating blood sugar levels and protecting pancreatic health.

Appropriate Exercise:

Relax the muscles and invigorate the blood: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that proper exercise can relax the muscles and invigorate the blood, promote the blood circulation of the pancreas, and is conducive to the secretion of insulin and the metabolism of blood sugar.

These snacks may be secretly destroying the pancreas, no matter who you are, you should eat less!

Practicing Qigong: Qigong practice helps regulate the flow of qi and blood in the body, maintains physical and mental health, and has certain benefits for the prevention and improvement of pancreatic diseases.


Zusanli acupoint: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Zusanli acupoint is located at the three horizontal fingers under the knee, and massaging this acupoint can regulate pancreatic function, promote insulin secretion, and help stabilize blood sugar.

Zhongguan acupoint: Located in the subdiaphragmatic depression under the sternum, massage this acupoint can soothe the digestive system and help improve blood circulation in the pancreas.

These snacks may be secretly destroying the pancreas, no matter who you are, you should eat less!

Medicinal Diet:

Bitter gourd soup: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bitter gourd has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying and lowering blood sugar, and regular consumption of bitter gourd soup can protect pancreatic health and prevent diabetes.

Yam porridge: Yam is rich in mucin and dietary fiber, which has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness and regulating blood sugar, and is suitable for diabetics.

Regulates mood:

Emotional peace: TCM emphasizes the importance of emotions for pancreatic health, and excessive stress and mood swings can affect insulin secretion and blood sugar control. Therefore, maintaining emotional peace and avoiding overly emotional or depressed emotions is conducive to maintaining normal pancreatic function.

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