
"There are 3 things in the toilet, and the family is in decline", the toilet can't put these 3 things, why? See if you have one at home?

author:Sharp-eyed life

The ancients said: "If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world?" This sentence is not only an advocacy of personal tidy habits, but also a deeper revelation of the close connection between the home environment and personal destiny and family happiness.

The toilet, a seemingly inconspicuous living space, is actually an important part of the family's daily life. Whether it is clean or not is directly related to our physical and mental health and the harmonious atmosphere of the family.

However, you know what? There are some items in the toilet that may cause unexpected distress to your family.

"There are 3 things in the toilet, and the family is in decline", the toilet can't put these 3 things, why? See if you have one at home?

As the saying goes: "There are three things in the toilet, and the family is in decline." These three items, seemingly ordinary, can become "invisible killers" in the family. So, what exactly are the three items? And why do they adversely affect our families?

"There are 3 things in the toilet, and the family is in decline", the toilet can't put these 3 things, why? See if you have one at home?
"There are 3 things in the toilet, and the family is in decline", the toilet can't put these 3 things, why? See if you have one at home?


In toilets, trash cans are an essential facility for discarding waste paper and other hygiene products. However, many families often choose lidless trash cans for convenience, which undoubtedly provides a "breeding ground" for the growth of bacteria and odors.

The toilet environment itself is relatively humid, and if the trash can does not have a lid, waste paper and garbage are exposed to the air for a long time, which can easily attract the breeding of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

Especially during the season when temperatures are high or humid, bacteria and odors can spread quickly, not only making the toilet smell unpleasant, but also posing a potential threat to the health of family members.

Therefore, for the sake of the health of the family, we should choose trash cans with lids. The trash can with a lid can effectively isolate the air circulation inside and outside the trash can, thereby reducing the spread of bacteria and odors.

"There are 3 things in the toilet, and the family is in decline", the toilet can't put these 3 things, why? See if you have one at home?

At the same time, it is essential to clean the trash can regularly. It is recommended to clean at least once a day to keep the trash can clean and hygienic.


To keep toilets clean and hygienic, many households use detergents and disinfectants. However, the use and storage of these chemicals requires extreme care.

Cleaners and disinfectants often contain strong chemical ingredients that can cause irritation and damage to the skin, eyes, etc., if accidentally spilled or misused.

At the same time, these chemicals can also produce harmful gases in a humid toilet environment, which can be harmful to the health of family members.

Therefore, we should keep these chemicals in a safe, dry, ventilated place and ensure that they are out of the reach of children.

"There are 3 things in the toilet, and the family is in decline", the toilet can't put these 3 things, why? See if you have one at home?

When using these items, be sure to wear protective equipment such as gloves and masks, and avoid direct contact with the skin and inhalation of harmful gases. In addition, tighten the cap in time after use to prevent volatilization and leakage.


Towels and bath towels are indispensable items in our daily lives, used to wash our face, wipe our bodies, etc. However, many families often hang towels and bath towels in the toilet for convenience, which undoubtedly facilitates the growth of bacteria.

Toilets are humid and prone to bacteria, and towels and bath towels can easily become contaminated if they are hung in such an environment for a long time.

Bacteria can attach to towels and bath towels, and when we use these products, they can bring bacteria to the skin, causing problems such as itchy skin, allergies, and even skin infections.

"There are 3 things in the toilet, and the family is in decline", the toilet can't put these 3 things, why? See if you have one at home?

Therefore, we should avoid storing towels and bath towels in the toilet. It is recommended to hang towels and bath towels in a dry, ventilated place, such as a balcony or outside a well-ventilated bathroom.

At the same time, it is essential to wash and dry towels and bath towels regularly. It is recommended to wash at least once a week and dry in the sun to kill the attached bacteria.

Cleaning toilets regularly and keeping them dry and ventilated is an effective measure to prevent the growth of bacteria.

At the same time, we can also use some natural detergents such as white vinegar, baking soda, etc. to replace detergents with stronger chemical ingredients to reduce the harm to the environment and the human body.

In addition, the hygiene habits of the family should not be neglected. Developing a good habit of washing hands after using the toilet and avoiding long periods of time in the toilet can effectively reduce the spread of germs and the risk of infection.

The cleanliness and hygiene of toilets are not only related to the quality of our daily life, but also closely related to our health.

"There are 3 things in the toilet, and the family is in decline", the toilet can't put these 3 things, why? See if you have one at home?

We must take the cleanliness of the toilet and the reasonable placement of items seriously, and create a clean, hygienic and safe living environment for the family.

Remember, the devil is in the details, and a clean toilet will not only make our lives more comfortable, but also prevent diseases and protect the health of our families.

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