
On the tenth day of April, the "Four Dragons Gathering" pays attention to the big? What does the old man mean when he says "don't do it on the 10th day of the first month"? Are these taboos justified?

author:Sharp-eyed life

Every season of nature contains a profound cultural heritage and rich folk traditions. In the lunar calendar of the Chinese land, the tenth day of the fourth month is full of mystery and unique charm.

It is popularly known as the "Gathering of the Four Dragons", and the name alone is enough to arouse people's inner curiosity and desire to explore.

On the tenth day of April, the "Four Dragons Gathering" pays attention to the big? What does the old man mean when he says "don't do it on the 10th day of the first month"? Are these taboos justified?

Folks also call this day "Earth God's Day", which is to commemorate and celebrate the birthday of the land lord. The land lord occupies a pivotal position in Chinese folk beliefs, and is regarded as a god who controls a piece of land and protects the harvest of grains.

So, how should we behave on this special day? Old people often say, "Don't do it on the 10th day of the first month", which is not only a simple folk proverb, but also a summary of many taboos and exquisiteness on this day.

On the tenth day of April, the "Four Dragons Gathering" pays attention to the big? What does the old man mean when he says "don't do it on the 10th day of the first month"? Are these taboos justified?
On the tenth day of April, the "Four Dragons Gathering" pays attention to the big? What does the old man mean when he says "don't do it on the 10th day of the first month"? Are these taboos justified?


On the tenth day of the fourth lunar month, although this day seems ordinary in the lunar calendar, it has a unique meaning in the traditional customs of China.

This day, commonly known as the "Four Dragons Gathering", is full of mystery and solemnity. What's more worth mentioning is that the folk also call this day the "Earth God's Day" to commemorate and celebrate the birthday of the land lord.

The land lord, also known as the land god or the land lord, is an important deity in Chinese folk beliefs. He is not only a god in charge of a land, but also a symbol of a good harvest and good weather.

In the hearts of the people, the image of the land lord is often closely associated with a good harvest and peace.

Every year on the 10th day of the fourth month, people in both cities and villages will hold a grand celebration to commemorate the birth of the land lord.

On the tenth day of April, the "Four Dragons Gathering" pays attention to the big? What does the old man mean when he says "don't do it on the 10th day of the first month"? Are these taboos justified?

These events are rich and varied, ranging from traditional rituals to various cultural performances. On this day, you can see the villagers gather together to offer their most sincere respect and gratitude to the land lord.

In addition, the weather changes between April 10 and April 12 are also given special omen significance.

According to the ancient book "Tianjing Zhan", "the wind first and then the rain is a good omen, and the rain first and the wind is a bad omen". It is believed that the weather changes in the past few days are indicative of future climate trends, so special attention is being paid to them.

Especially on the 10th day of the fourth month, if it rains, it is considered to be a gift from the land lord, indicating that the following days will be smooth and rainy, and the five grains will be abundant.


On the 10th day of the fourth lunar month, folk taboos and exquisiteness are particularly abundant, and these traditional customs condense the wisdom of the ancients and the reverence for the gods.

On the tenth day of April, the "Four Dragons Gathering" pays attention to the big? What does the old man mean when he says "don't do it on the 10th day of the first month"? Are these taboos justified?

It is taboo to turn over the soil for planting. On this day, people believe that the land is sacred, and turning over the soil disturbs the earth's atmosphere, disrespects the land, and may also affect the growth of crops. Therefore, farmers will avoid plowing on this day as a sign of respect for the landowner.

It is taboo to dig wells and dig holes. Folklore believes that digging wells and holes will damage the structure of the land, may disturb the land spirits, and even bring bad omen. So, on this day, people choose to suspend excavation work even if they urgently need water or expand their homes.

It is taboo to kill. The 10th day of the fourth month is the birthday of the land lord, and killing is considered an unlucky act that may bring blood and light. Therefore, people will choose a vegetarian diet and avoid killing as a sign of respect for life and reverence for the gods.

On the tenth day of April, the "Four Dragons Gathering" pays attention to the big? What does the old man mean when he says "don't do it on the 10th day of the first month"? Are these taboos justified?

In addition, although the 10th day of the fourth month is considered auspicious, marriage is taboo. It is believed that holding a wedding on such a day may collide with the land lord and bring bad omens. As a result, many couples avoid this day and choose a different day to tie the knot.

At the same time, it is taboo to fight and brawl. It is believed that fighting on this day will destroy social harmony, affect the blessings of the land lord, and may even lead to greater strife.

Therefore, even neighbors who have conflicts on weekdays will choose to reconcile on this day and jointly maintain the peace and tranquility of the community.

Finally, it is also an important rule to avoid saying discouraged words. It is believed that speaking unlucky words on this day will bring bad luck and affect one's fortune and the happiness of one's family.

Therefore, people will pay special attention to their words and deeds, avoid saying negative things, and hope for good luck and success.

On the tenth day of April, the "Four Dragons Gathering" pays attention to the big? What does the old man mean when he says "don't do it on the 10th day of the first month"? Are these taboos justified?

On the 10th day of the fourth lunar month, a special day commonly known as the "gathering of the four dragons", occupies a unique place in Chinese folk history and culture. On this day, we commemorate the birth of the land lord and celebrate the harvest and peace, while also following the ancient taboos and rituals.

These traditional customs and rules are not only our reverence for the gods and our expectation of a better life, but also our respect for nature and harmony.