
Within one day, hundreds of Philippine ships came to break in, and the People's Liberation Army took action to take control of the coast guard, and Huangyan Island was already monolithic

author:Xu Xu.


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Within one day, hundreds of Philippine ships came to break in, and the People's Liberation Army took action to take control of the coast guard, and Huangyan Island was already monolithic

Text: Xu Xu.

Edited by Xu Xu.

In a flash, there are thousands of storms. The rivalry between China and the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal has long gone beyond a simple territorial dispute.

This is not only a defense of national sovereignty, but also a portrayal of a game between international powers in the current international order.

As more and more stakeholders become involved, we have to look at the deeper issues behind the Scarborough Shoal standoff.

Although the Philippines' "100 ships breaking into the reef" appear to be vigorous, it is actually hiding a murderous motive

The Philippine side claimed that it would send 100 ships to force the Scarborough Shoal.

They will also plant buoys in the sea in an attempt to find bargaining chips on the issue of sovereignty over islands and reefs. This kind of scene of "hundreds of battles" seems to be exciting, but in fact it is a hidden plot.

Jiang Shuqing issued a statement a few days ago, saying: "We will send 100 ships to Scarborough Shoal by the 15th, and will scatter buoys."
Within one day, hundreds of Philippine ships came to break in, and the People's Liberation Army took action to take control of the coast guard, and Huangyan Island was already monolithic

Why is the Philippines so focused on Scarborough Shoal?

This is not the first time that the Philippines has deliberately escalated tensions over the Scarborough Shoal issue. As early as 1988, armed clashes broke out between the two countries off the coast of Scarborough Shoal, resulting in many casualties.

In recent years, the Philippines has intensified its claims to Scarborough Shoal and other islands and reefs in the South China Sea, not only to gain access to the fishery resources in its waters, but also to gain geopolitical bargaining chips.

In the final analysis, this dispute over sovereignty over islands and reefs is a microcosm of the current international situation

The Philippines dared to make such a deliberate provocation largely thanks to the instigation and support of the United States. In recent years, the United States has intensively conducted military exercises with the Philippines, undoubtedly in an attempt to strengthen its influence in the Asia-Pacific region and suppress China's growing power in the region.

Against this backdrop, the Philippines has seized the opportunity to hype up the South China Sea issue, which has become a bargaining chip between the United States and the Philippines. On the one hand, the Philippines seeks to use the United States to gain a greater say in the South China Sea; The United States, on the other hand, wants to strategically contain China's development in the Asia-Pacific region.

"We have a comparative advantage, even if China comes, we can tow more ships to fight." A Philippine military source told the media.

The two sides are using the dispute between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea, which is actually a microcosm of the current balance of power between China and the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. Just when the United States just announced its Indo-Pacific strategy, the friction between the Philippines and China escalated over Scarborough Shoal, which inevitably raises the question of whether there is a connection between the two.

Within one day, hundreds of Philippine ships came to break in, and the People's Liberation Army took action to take control of the coast guard, and Huangyan Island was already monolithic

Analyze the Sino-US Asia-Pacific wrestling behind the Sino-Philippine contest

The Philippines' deliberate provocation on the South China Sea issue undoubtedly stems from the implicit support of the United States.

This not only reflects the further deepening of US-Philippine military relations, but also means that China faces greater resistance to its development in the Asia-Pacific region.

The United States is trying to use the Philippines as a bridgehead and use its arguments on the South China Sea issue to coerce more Asia-Pacific countries into confronting China. Its strategic intent is self-evident.

"There is a high risk that the Philippine Coast Guard vessel will be 'accidentally rammed' and fired upon by the Chinese Coast Guard's water cannons during this operation." A former US military officer stationed in the Philippines said.

In view of the contest between China and the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, we might as well compare historical cases. In the 70s of the last century, China and the United States launched a competition for equal maritime power in the Indian Ocean. Now, under the banner of the "Indo-Pacific Strategy", the United States has begun to return to the Asia-Pacific region in an attempt to rebuild its influence in the region.

Within one day, hundreds of Philippine ships came to break in, and the People's Liberation Army took action to take control of the coast guard, and Huangyan Island was already monolithic

China needs to think twice when responding to the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy

So, how should China better respond to the U.S. strategic deployment in the Asia-Pacific?

On the one hand, we need to continue to strengthen national defense while adhering to the path of peaceful development.

No matter how much pressure the United States exerts, we must adhere to our strategic determination, make full preparations, and avoid the occurrence of armed confrontation. As for other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, we must pursue a policy of good-neighborliness and friendship and patiently dispel their wariness of China.

On the other hand, China should also enhance its international discourse on the South China Sea issue and enhance its international influence. This requires not only more political energy, but also a demonstration of the unending cultural power on the basis of strengthening cross-strait relations.

With regard to the dispute over Scarborough Shoal between China and the Philippines, we certainly need to stand firm and safeguard the integrity of our territorial sovereignty. At the same time, however, it is necessary to win the understanding and support of the international community in a more open, inclusive, and well-founded manner, so as to demonstrate the rationality and wisdom of major countries.

Within one day, hundreds of Philippine ships came to break in, and the People's Liberation Army took action to take control of the coast guard, and Huangyan Island was already monolithic

What do netizens think of this confrontation between China and the Philippines?

According to a report by, the dispute between China and the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal soon sparked widespread heated discussions among netizens.

"China must resolutely defend its territorial sovereignty and must not give the Filipinos a little bit of a loophole. Just like Japan's sowing of fishing floats near the Diaoyu Islands, this is a pre-occupation of sovereignty. ——Netizen "China's First Sail"
"Although China is strong now, it still needs to be very cautious in the face of the form of instigation by the United States behind it. Only by strengthening military strength can these countries not dare to take it lightly. ——Netizen "The Glorious Cry of the Times"
"The United States is using Vietnam, the Philippines, Japan and other countries to exert pressure on China and expand its right to speak. We need to unite Asian countries to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability. ——Netizen "East Asian Cultural People"
"As a big country, China should have a stronger sense of tolerance and determination. We should not be like flies and dogs, but we should still adhere to the path of peaceful development and convince others. ——Netizen "Jun looks at the past and the present"

It can be seen that netizens realize that this is just the beginning of a contest. While expressing their determination to defend territorial sovereignty, more people are calling for a rational and wise response, so that China's development path can win more international understanding and support.

Within one day, hundreds of Philippine ships came to break in, and the People's Liberation Army took action to take control of the coast guard, and Huangyan Island was already monolithic

There is still a long way to go for a major country, and we need to reconcile with the world with an open and inclusive mind

The dispute over Scarborough Shoal is just a microcosm of the overall situation of the game between China and the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. At present, the United States is trying to use its military superiority to contain China's development in the region and reassert its leadership.

In the face of this strategic deployment of the United States, China needs to firmly defend its territorial sovereignty, uphold the concept of peaceful development, and win the understanding and support of more countries with a wise and open attitude. Only in this way can we truly reverse the passive situation, win the right to speak in the international arena, and embark on a development path that belongs to a major country.

So how can China defend its national interests in the Scarborough Shoal dispute while avoiding a larger conflict? How should we respond to the U.S. strategic layout in the Asia-Pacific region? These are all worth pondering.

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