
He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

author:Aoman 求知所
He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

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In the summer of 2014, Wu Kaisi set off from the bustling city of Guangzhou and walked to distant Chengdu. Along the way, he wore slippers, and was jokingly called "Brother Slippers" by the outside world.

To most people, this is undoubtedly a crazy dream that seems like a fantasy.

After all, 10,000 yuan is still insignificant in China, and it is a fool's dream to travel around such a distant country with it.

However, Wu Kaisi was confident in his plan. Wandering around with his parents since he was a child, he honed his tenacity to be independent and dare to try.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

He is confident that with his wisdom and experience, he will be able to complete this round of the world smoothly.

As a result, Wu Kaisi was like a brave lion who resolutely stepped into the journey to the United States. To save money, he chose to walk or take a hitchhike as his main mode of transportation, and never stayed in a luxury hotel.

Whether it's a bench he encounters while strolling through the streets, a quiet sofa in the afternoon, or a hurried train station or an international airport in the waiting hall, it is enough for him to take a short break.

On a special day, he even insisted on not bathing for three whole days, until the moment when the warm water poured down from the top of his head again, and the comfort and comfort in his heart could not be described in words.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

However, with perseverance, it took him 60 days to travel every inch of land in 11 states and 16 cities in the United States.

When he returned to his homeland, he did not hesitate to share this challenging and passionate journey with the online world, which instantly detonated the hot spot of public opinion and won wide attention.

He has also been invited as a special guest by many tourism companies and websites, and has successfully held nearly 15 wonderful sharing sessions, which have been highly praised by industry professionals.

In addition to being a lover of old collecting, Wu Kaisi also has a lesser-known identity - a rights defender. He carefully runs a personal public account with the same name, and writes and publishes many articles on this platform to defend his legitimate rights and interests.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

These articles are logically rigorous, well-argued, and sharply written, and once they were published, they sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Sometimes, it is difficult to hide the emotional emotion of Wu Kaisi in the text, which makes the reader can't help but be amazed. In fact, this passionate emotion stems from his deep persistent belief and strong sense of justice.

Years of in-depth research in the field of law have provided a solid theoretical foundation for his rights protection actions. Therefore, whenever his rights and interests were violated, he always showed an extremely firm and courageous attitude.

Looking back, as early as the age of 13, Wu Kaisi publicly expressed his strong dissatisfaction with the interference during the 2008 Olympic torch relay. When he entered high school, he exposed the irregularities of the school's news agency, which led to the reform of class rules and regulations.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

Even in the face of such a social hot issue as food safety, Wu Kaisi has never shied away from it and dares to speak out.

After entering the university, Wu Kaisi's struggle for rights protection became more and more intense. He repeatedly publicly criticized the indiscriminate charging of school canteens, which caused a sensational storm.

In 2015, he spent two weeks visiting 12 thrift markets in Guangzhou and completed an in-depth report titled "Guangzhou's "Ghost Market" Secret Visit".

However, this work, which embodies his countless efforts, was tragically plagiarized by the Guangzhou Internet Information Office.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

Wu Kaisi made a decisive move, without the slightest hesitation, and in just one day, the other party had to bow his head and admit his mistake and issue a public apology! This is undoubtedly a strong example for the public!

In January 2017, a public account called "Guangzhou Departure" used Wu Kaisi's photo without permission. In the face of this infringement, he insisted on compensation from the other party.

However, when his reasonable appeal was rejected, he immediately published an article on his official account, exposing the matter, which attracted widespread attention and heated discussions.

Under the strong pressure of public opinion, "Guangzhou Departure" could only choose to compromise in the end and pay the corresponding compensation to Wu Kaisi.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

This incident fully demonstrated Wu Kaisi's determination and courage to firmly safeguard his legitimate rights and interests.

However, just a few weeks later, another well-known media outlet, the North American Student Daily, made the same mistake. Wu Kaisi once again stepped forward and started a fierce online debate with him.

This battle between the "post-95s" and the big media finally ended with a public apology from the other party.

Although some of Wu Kaisi's actions in the process of defending his rights may be a little extreme, it is undeniable that he has won praise from the majority of netizens by virtue of his brave and fearless spirit and practical actions to defend his legitimate rights and interests.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

As many netizens said, "Our society needs more people like Wu Kaisi who have the courage to speak out."

In the process of deciphering the traces of time scattered in the corners of the city, Wu Kaisi befriended a woman who shared his heart - Shujun. Shujun loves literary creation and has a unique and keen insight into literary works.

One day, she happened to read Wu Kaisi's masterpiece "Tianguang Ruins", and was deeply moved by the rich and delicate emotions in it, and then became deeply interested in this writer.

In an in-depth conversation, Shujun learned that Wu Kaisi, a fanatic obsessed with collecting old things, usually shuttles between various thrift markets, persistently looking for those old things that carry historical memories.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

Driven by some indescribable impulse, Shujun offered to become Wu Kaisi's assistant and accompany him to the historical Tianguang Market to explore the unknown mysteries.

At first, Wu Kaisi's outspoken, honest and direct personality deeply attracted the introverted Shujun. She admires Wu Kaisi's spirit of devoting himself to the cause he loves, regardless of the eyes of others.

And Shujun's calm and sophisticated personality also unconsciously influenced Wu Kaisi, allowing him to gradually learn how to better control his emotions. They influenced each other, grew together, and became important partners in each other's lives.

Their way of dating is unique, often gathering at the demolition site of dilapidated old houses or garbage in the corners, searching for forgotten old objects, immersed in a quiet and romantic atmosphere, and sharing a wonderful time for two people.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

In May 2021, the much-anticipated Vu Kai Si thrift store was about to move to a new location, but the whole relocation journey was challenging and lasted for 15 days.

Surprisingly, this effeminate woman shows extraordinary perseverance, and she transforms her role into a hard-working manual laborer, working hand in hand with Wu Kaisi to carry the huge amount of old goods.

It wasn't until the last item of goods entered the store that Shujun was exhausted and her muscles ached, so she was able to return to the soft bed, stretch her limbs to her heart's content, and enjoy the coolness and comfort that she had not seen for a long time.

Today, they have created a 300-square-metre thrift store that has become a spiritual home for many people. It is a place where people share their life experiences and gain genuine friendships.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

Seeing her career thriving, Shujun's heart is full of joy and satisfaction, and she is full of hope for the future.

In these fast-changing times, hard work will pay off in the end. Wu Kaisi has long gone beyond the stage of simply fighting for a living, and he sees his dream as the whole meaning of life and the source of motivation to move forward.

His lifestyle is extremely simple, with only 1,000 yuan a month to maintain basic necessities. He uses a mobile phone worth only 200 yuan, never buys new clothes, and relies heavily on leftover food discarded by others for his diet.

However, as long as it is his beloved old thing, Wu Kaisi will never be stingy, and always does not hesitate to give generously. Although this lifestyle seems too "alternative" in the eyes of others, it just reflects his extreme love and dedication to old goods.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

Guangzhou was chosen as a long-term location because of the large number of thrift markets and the strong cultural atmosphere that attracted this avid collector.

In the eyes of Old Man Wu, those discarded items in the eyes of ordinary people can be reborn and turned into magic as long as they are carefully transformed.

He once bought a Spanish leather coat worth more than 10,000 yuan at a low price of only 30 yuan; I have also found precious porcelain from the Republic of China period and land deeds at the end of the Qing Dynasty in the flea market.

Such fruitful results undoubtedly made him happy, and made him have an endless love and pursuit of antique items.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

Wu Kaisi firmly believes that those glorious pasts are not regarded as "waste" or "garbage", but rather treasures of great value.

Every old thing that has been baptized by the years contains a unique vitality and incomparably rich charm, which deserves our deep respect and cherishment.

Some people may think that he is really an incredible "crazy person". He could have chosen to return to the bustling capital city of Beijing, and with his outstanding ability and rich knowledge, he could have found a secure and decent job, knowing that that life was the privileged life that many people yearn for.

However, he proudly calls himself the "King of Rags" and is fully immersed in the challenging and rewarding business of collecting and repurposing.

He graduated from 985 University, collected 100,000 old things, and earned 15,000 yuan a month, enough to live

Although his family still does not fully understand him, there are many people around him who look at him with disdain for his career direction.

However, Wu Kaisi has a profound philosophy of life: "Love is the highest criterion for all things in this world."

That's right, this young talent has perfectly interpreted the life philosophy of "living oneself and chasing dreams bravely" through hands-on practice. He has never been struck down by the difficulties of reality, nor has he ever been shaken by the gossip of the world.

He just silently, tenaciously, and courageously pursued his innermost love and dreams.

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