
Carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution and constantly improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration! Qingpu District's comprehensive and strict management of the party warning education conference was held

author:Green Qingpu
Carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution and constantly improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration! Qingpu District's comprehensive and strict management of the party warning education conference was held
Carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution and constantly improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration! Qingpu District's comprehensive and strict management of the party warning education conference was held

This morning (May 16), according to the party discipline study and education work arrangement, Qingpu District comprehensive and strict governance of the party warning education conference was held, in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on the party's self-revolution, in-depth implementation of the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the third plenary session of the 12th Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, in accordance with the requirements of the city's warning education conference, earnestly analyze the current situation of the district's party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption struggle, deeply learn the lessons of some cases of violation of discipline and law in recent years, and educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to be alert, know the bottom line, know and respect, further enhance the party's sense of discipline, and always be loyal, clean and responsible. Xu Jian, secretary of the district party committee, stressed that it is necessary to fully understand the harmfulness and stubbornness of corruption and work style problems, always maintain the sobriety and firmness of self-revolution, deeply learn lessons through warning education, carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution, and constantly improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration, so as to contribute to the construction of Qingpu's modern hub and gateway.

Carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution and constantly improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration! Qingpu District's comprehensive and strict management of the party warning education conference was held

Yang Xiaojing, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presided over the meeting. Zhu Mingfu, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and Cao Weidong, chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, attended. The participating comrades watched the special warning education film "The Lost Original Heart". The meeting analyzed the typical cases investigated and dealt with in the district since last year and the outstanding problems found in the inspection and supervision, made a profound analysis of the root causes of the problems, and promoted party members and cadres to deeply learn lessons, always maintain a high degree of vigilance and vigilance, take the excellent style as the guide, strengthen the guarantee with strict discipline, punish the evil and clear the obstacles with anti-corruption, and always maintain a clean and upright political ecology.

Carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution and constantly improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration! Qingpu District's comprehensive and strict management of the party warning education conference was held

Xu Jian pointed out that Qingpu has been resolutely implementing the strategic deployment of the Central Committee and the Municipal Party Committee to comprehensively and strictly govern the party, and continued to promote the construction of party style and clean government, and the overall situation of the cadre team is good. However, judging from the cases inspected and investigated, the current situation in the anti-corruption struggle in the whole region is equally grim and complicated. It is necessary to unswervingly implement the party's strategic plan for self-revolution, and constantly promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party in depth. At present, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Central Committee and the arrangement of the Municipal Party Committee, we are carrying out in-depth study and education on party discipline, and party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels in the region should attach great importance to it, consciously take action, continue to promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and transform the results of learning and education into a powerful driving force for the development of the cause in a timely manner. Xu Jian demanded that we should always be absolutely loyal to the party. It is necessary to educate and guide party members and cadres to strictly abide by the party's political discipline and political rules, the most important thing is to abide by and maintain the party's constitution, and the most important thing is to loyally support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards". It is necessary to maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee politically, ideologically, and in action, implement the "two safeguards" into practical actions to serve major strategic tasks and promote high-quality development, and transform the grand blueprint drawn by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the "construction drawings" formulated by the Municipal Party Committee into "real scene paintings" with high quality. Xu Jian pointed out that it is necessary to always establish a strong sense of discipline and rules. Party members and cadres at all levels must respect discipline, abide by the law, and regard party discipline and state law as a mirror and a precept. It is necessary to take the opportunity of studying and implementing the newly revised disciplinary punishment regulations to engrave the imprint of observance of rules and discipline in our hearts, internalize them into the norms of words and deeds, and truly achieve the goal of studying, knowing, knowing, and abiding by discipline. All units and party committees (party groups) should do a good job in party discipline study and education, strengthen warning education, highlight discipline training and discipline reminders for newly promoted cadres, young cadres, and cadres in key positions, and improve cadres' discipline and law literacy. Xu Jian pointed out that it is necessary to always maintain a strict tone. It is necessary to continue to make efforts, focusing on the "clean wind action", and carry out in-depth special rectification of illegal eating and drinking; It is necessary to concentrate on rectifying the unhealthy tendencies and corruption problems around the masses as the starting point, resolutely eliminate "flies, greed, ants, and corruption" and put a brake on the trend of formalism and bureaucracy; It is necessary to focus on the fields of engineering construction, land expropriation, and financial state-owned enterprises, deepen the control of corruption, clear up risks and hidden dangers, and create a good environment for economic and social development.

Xu Jian stressed: We must always firmly guard the line of defense against corruption and degeneration. It is necessary to pay more attention to drawing inferences from one case and treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and do a solid job of using cases to promote reform and treatment, and integrate the punishment of corruption with deepening reform and promoting governance, so as to improve the effectiveness of promoting the "three non-corruptions" in an integrated manner. It is necessary to focus on key areas where cases occur frequently and repeatedly, identify risk points and hidden dangers, and earnestly improve the system, improve it, and implement it well. Xu Jian emphasized that we must always shoulder the responsibility of managing the party and governing the party. It is necessary to continue to promote the rectification of inspection and inspection problems, take the responsibility project for the construction of party style and clean government as an effective starting point, make up for shortcomings, lay a solid foundation, and promote the full implementation of the responsibility of governing the party and governing the party. In particular, the "top leaders" at all levels must be strict with themselves, strictly assume their responsibilities, and strictly manage the areas under their jurisdiction, strengthen daily conversations and reminders and interviews with other members of the leadership group and the "top leaders" at lower levels, and ensure that they are truly strict, dare to be strict, and manage the long-term and long-term. The members of the team should implement the "one post and two responsibilities", and truly manage the business and the construction of party style and clean government.

District leaders Zhang Dezhi, Sun Ting, Miao Guanghui, Jin Junfeng, Chen Jianguo, Ye Jing, Wu Ruidi, He Qiang, Gao Jian, Wang Haiqing, Ni Xiangjun, Yao Shaojie, Zhang Yan, Xiao Hui, Gu Xiaoliu, Rao Feiwen, Gu Guifang, Gao Feng, President of the District People's Court Fang Zhengjie, and Qin Minghua, Secretary of the Party Group of the District People's Procuratorate, attended the meeting.

Reporter: Li Yanli (chief)

Photography: Xu Jianxun (Mingyou)

Editor: Zhu Renjie

Editor in charge: Sun Chen (famous)

Final review: Zhao Lan

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of "Green Qingpu".

Carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution and constantly improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration! Qingpu District's comprehensive and strict management of the party warning education conference was held
Carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution and constantly improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration! Qingpu District's comprehensive and strict management of the party warning education conference was held
Carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution and constantly improve the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration! Qingpu District's comprehensive and strict management of the party warning education conference was held

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