
【To the North】Medical University Auditorium: Guo Moruo gave a report to the students of the Medical University

author:Released in Shenyang
【To the North】Medical University Auditorium: Guo Moruo gave a report to the students of the Medical University
【To the North】Medical University Auditorium: Guo Moruo gave a report to the students of the Medical University

Since January 26, 1949, when the democrats from the north made a public appearance in Shenyang, they also began to participate in some public social activities. On February 21, on the eve of the democrats' departure for Beiping, Guo Moruo, who studied medicine, was invited to China Medical University to give a report entitled "Saving Lives and Helping the Wounded, Implementing Revolutionary Humanitarianism" for the fresh graduates, and wrote a school plaque for China Medical University. Guo Moruo is a famous literary scholar, and he also started a cultural journey in Shenyang.

【To the North】Medical University Auditorium: Guo Moruo gave a report to the students of the Medical University

(File photo)

China Medical University is the first medical school founded by the Communist Party of China, formerly known as the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Military Medical School and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Health School, founded in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province in 1931, and later arrived in northern Shaanxi with the Red Army's Long March, and was renamed China Medical University in 1940.

The auditorium of the Heping Campus of China Medical University was built in August 1911, which was originally the auditorium of the South Manchuria Medical Hall of the South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. of Japan, and was changed to the auditorium of Manchuria Medical University in 1922. In November 1948, China Medical University took over the National Shenyang Medical College (renamed from Manchuria Medical University in 1946) after moving to Shenyang. In 2015, China Medical University transferred the real estate property rights of the auditorium to the Affiliated Stomatological Hospital. The auditorium has a Tatsuno-style design with a steel cast dome-like structure, and it has high artistic and scientific value in architecture.

Guo Moruo made a report

On February 21, 1949, Guo Moruo came to China Medical University. He walked briskly into the hall of the graduation ceremony, and under the gaze of thousands of eyes from the audience, he stepped onto the podium of the auditorium. Although he is a native of Leshan, Sichuan, he basically speaks Mandarin, and everyone can understand it.

The theme of the report is centered on Chairman Mao's inscription to this school: "Save the dead and help the wounded, and practice revolutionary humanitarianism." The gist is: I used to think that the Chinese were the "sick men of East Asia" despised by the world powers, and that in order to save the country and save the people, we must first cure their diseases. Therefore, like Sun Yat-sen and Mr. Lu Xun, I began to study medicine. The difference is that Sun Yat-sen and Mr. Lu Xun embarked on the road of revolution and literature for political reasons, but I had to study literature and archaeology because I had an ear disease and could not use a stethoscope. However, no matter what kind of work you do, you must keep in mind the purpose of saving the country and the people, especially Mao Zedong's inscription for your school as early as 1941, "Save the dead and help the wounded, practice revolutionary humanitarianism", which is a criterion that every medical worker must abide by.

Guo Moruo spoke very loudly and spoke for a long time because of the back of his ear, and the staff was afraid that he would be cold, so he went to deliver a fur coat several times, but he was pushed back.

After Guo Moruo made a report, he was invited to write the name of "China Medical University" for the school, and presented a poem: "A class of help comes to many times, and the treatment phase is saving people." Unity and tension can be trained, and benevolence and prudence must be true. Fortunately, it is the day of historical turnaround, and the spring of the people's revolution will be perpetuated. Since ancient times, Kangqiang has been the foundation of the country, and China has been new since then. ”

On March 1, 1950, Chairman Mao Zedong, who was returning from a visit to the Soviet Union, visited China Medical University in Shenyang. President Wang Bin asked Chairman Mao to inscribe the name of the school for China Medical University, and when Chairman Mao learned that the original school card was written by Guo Moruo, he said modestly: "Guo Moruo is a talented man, and he writes better than me, so I won't write it." Although it is a historical regret that Mao Zedong did not inscribe the school card of China Medical University, the noble feelings of the great leader are deeply engraved in the hearts of the medical people.

【To the North】Medical University Auditorium: Guo Moruo gave a report to the students of the Medical University

(From left) Shen Zhiyuan, Guo Moruo, and Hou Wailu on the Central China freighter. Photo by Zhou Haiying

Guo Moruo and "Northeast Goods"

Guo Moruo had a close friend in Shenyang named Zhou Tieheng, and the two met in Japan in 1929, and often discussed academic issues together, and went to bookstores together to search for information and documents about oracle bone inscriptions. After Guo Moruo arrived in Shen, he visited Zhou Tieheng's house many times.

After the liberation of Shenyang, the Northeast Cultural Relics Preservation Committee moved to Shenyang, took over the "National Shenyang Museum Preparatory Committee" located in the Shenyang Forbidden City, and established the Northeast Cultural Relics Preservation Office, and Zhou Tieheng was hired as a consultant. At that time, the Northeast Cultural Relics Depository asked Guo Moruo to write plaques for the Northeast Library and the Northeast Museum, and to inscribe poems for the library. Because Guo Moruo did not carry a seal with him at that time, he had to ask Zhou Tieheng to engrave the first seal for him "Overthrow 5,000 Years of History" and the seal "Father Ding" and "Guo Moruo".

During the Republic of China, Pu Yi brought a large number of paintings and antiques in the palace to the Northeast, and then flowed to the whole country and even the world through different channels, commonly known as these cultural relics as "Northeast goods". After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Zheng Dongguo became the commander of the Northeast Security Command, and he acquired some paintings and calligraphy from the puppet palace during his time in Changchun. After the uprising of Zheng Dongguo, all the "Northeast goods" in the collection were handed over to the Political Department of the Northeast Field Army, and then all the "Northeast goods" were allocated to the Northeast Cultural Relics Preservation Committee for safekeeping. After Guo Moruo heard the news, he specially went to the Northeast Museum and the Shenyang Forbidden City to visit these "Northeast goods", and lamented the displacement of these cultural relics.

On February 5, 1949, Zhou Tieheng also accompanied Guo Moruo to the Zhenguzhai antique shop "Taobao" located in Shenyang City. Guo Moruo found a pen wash with three dragon patterns, called "three dragon brush washes", and the water bottle with three phoenix patterns he bought before was exactly a pair, Guo Moruo was overjoyed, called it "dragon and phoenix joy bottle".

Sing and poem with Yan Baohang

Guo Moruo was in charge of wartime literature and propaganda during the Anti-Japanese War, so he had a wide range of contacts. On December 6, 1948, the night he came to Shenyang, he met Yan Baohang, who had returned to Shenyang first, at the Shenyang Railway Hotel. Yan Baohang took out a poem of "Feelings" written by himself and asked Guo Moruo to teach it. In this poem, Yan Baohang expressed his joy when he saw the great change in his hometown after returning to Shenyang, "like a dragon returning to the sea, from hell to heaven", and expressed his strong determination to sacrifice his life for the liberation of the toiling masses of all China.

At that time, everyone recited Yan Baohang's poem "Feelings", praised them in unison, and asked Guo Moruo to write a poem. Guo Moruo pondered for a moment, and then wrote a song of seven laws on the spot: "I come as if I am returning to my hometown, and this day is like a madness." Fifty-seven years in vain, 8,000 miles away. In today's northern country, he became a spiritual trivial, and since then China has been the absolute emperor. I am waiting for my old wife, so it's okay to have a dream tonight. ”

When Guo Moruo went to Japan to study in 1913, he stopped in Shenyang and witnessed the barbaric acts of colonial aggression carried out by the Japanese colonialists on Chinese soil. Now that I have returned, the land of Northeast China has undergone earth-shaking changes, and what I have seen and heard really makes people feel as if they have returned to their hometown after a long absence. Seeing that a new China with the people as the masters of the country was about to be born in the baptism of blood and fire, he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and sang loudly: "In the north of today, he will become a spiritual trivial, and from now on the emperor of China will be the absolute emperor." ”

【To the North】Medical University Auditorium: Guo Moruo gave a report to the students of the Medical University

Shen Bao all-media reporter: Zhou Xianzhong

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