
Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

author:Modu Bear Heart
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

At the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery at the foot of Beijing's West Mountain, a spreading morning mist gently hides rows of neat tombstones.

As the morning sun rises, the light shines dappled through the treetops. Countless heroes who have contributed to the country and the nation are buried here, and their names are engraved on the stone tablets of history, always reminding the world not to forget.

But in this cemetery full of history and stories, which tombstone is the most worshipped and revered? Who is worshiped the most in Babao Mountain?

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Historical background of Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery

The Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, located at the foot of Beijing's West Mountain, has been designated as a special place since the founding of the People's Republic of China to commemorate the martyrs and revolutionary leaders who sacrificed their lives for the country.

Over time, it has evolved into a landmark with multiple historical and cultural significance.

The main entrance to the cemetery is located at the end of a wide boulevard, the gatehouse is quaint and solemn, and the stone pillars on both sides are carved in deep red, symbolizing the blood and fire of the revolution.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Entering the cemetery, the first thing that catches your eye is a main road surrounded by neatly trimmed hedges, lined with pines and cypresses, these verdant trees symbolize tenacity and eternity, and seem to silently tell the indomitable spirit of those revolutionary martyrs.

Walking along the main road, you can see tombstones lined up neatly on both sides, with the names of martyrs and revolutionary leaders and their lives.

The designs of these tombstones vary, some are simple and simple, some are finely carved, but all of them reveal a deep respect and remembrance of the deceased.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Here, there are not only those generals and soldiers who served in the Chinese People's Liberation Army, but also those who have made outstanding contributions to the founding and development of New China in the fields of politics, science, literature and art.

In addition to China's heroes and martyrs, the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery is also home to some important international friends who played an indelible role in China's revolution and construction.

The tombstones of these international friends are often prominently located in the cemetery, and in addition to Chinese, the tombstones are sometimes accompanied by their native language, showing China's respect and gratitude to these international supporters.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

The role of international friends in the Chinese revolution

As two influential American journalists during the years of the Chinese Revolutionary War, Smedley and Ms. Strong's reports and writings have built bridges between understanding and supporting China internationally.

Smedley, a courageous female journalist, recorded many key historical moments in her notebook, notably her many interviews with Commander-in-Chief Jude, which later became the centerpiece of her reporting.

At a time when the telegraph and newspapers were still the main medium of news dissemination, Smedley's reports were quickly reprinted by several international news organizations.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Her article details the indomitable nature of the Eighth Route Army in a difficult environment, as well as the bravery and wisdom they displayed in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

These vivid reports helped the international community understand the complexity of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and its importance to the global fight against fascism.

Ms. Strong, on the other hand, focuses more on the communication of ideas. Through her articles and public lectures, she disseminated the core ideas of "Mao Zedong Thought" internationally.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Strong didn't just write about it, she actively participated in lectures and conferences, sharing her insights on the Chinese revolution and the Communist Party under Mao Zedong.

Her speeches are often passionate and can tug at the heartstrings of the audience, allowing more people to pay attention to and understand the policies and goals of the Chinese Communist Party.

The work of these two journalists is distinctive, but both have greatly contributed to the international community's attention to China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the revolutionary process that followed.

Smedley's on-the-ground reporting gives a vivid picture of the battlefield, while Strong's theoretical interpretation provides a broader political perspective.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

After the end of World War II, with the advent of the Cold War, their reports and writings also helped the Western world to reassess its China policy from a different perspective.

In the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, the graves of Smedley and Strong became a special memorial site. The cemetery is not only visited regularly by people from all over China, but also by foreign tourists from time to time.

Among the visitors were historians and journalists, who paid deep tribute to the contributions of the two journalists.

Bouquets of flowers and mementos dedicated to the two can often be seen around the cemetery, showing respect and gratitude for their courage in reporting the truth.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

The legendary life and burial of Marshal He Long

Marshal He Long, one of the founding fathers of the People's Republic of China, participated in countless battles and political struggles throughout his life, and became an indelible heroic image in modern Chinese history.

The story of his life is like a magnificent epic, from the heroic battles during the revolutionary war to the political activities during the construction of New China, He Long's footprints are all over the land of China.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

In 1969, Marshal He Long died of illness in Beijing. His family, in consideration of not causing trouble to the country, chose a relatively low-key approach to his remains. Instead of making an extensive announcement, they simply arranged the aftermath.

However, Marshal He Long's contribution to the country and his high status in the hearts of the people made his simple handling not truly reflect the glorious course of his life.

It was not until 1975, with the gradual stabilization of the political environment, that after the state leader Zhou Enlai learned of this situation, he immediately instructed the relevant departments to re-bury Marshal He Long and asked for a grand burial ceremony for him in line with his historical status.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Zhou Enlai's instructions were quickly implemented. In order to prepare for this burial ceremony, the state has mobilized a lot of resources. First of all, the remains of Marshal He Long were carefully moved out of the place where they were first buried.

Senior officials from both the military and political departments were involved in the process of relocating the remains, ensuring that everything was carried out to the highest specifications.

In the process of relocating the remains, some old comrades-in-arms and relatives were also invited to participate, and they witnessed this historic moment in a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Then, for the burial ceremony, an area of the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery was carefully selected and prepared as the final resting place of Marshal He Long.

The cemetery staff made a special arrangement of the area, not only repaving the road leading to the cemetery, but also planting pine and cypress trees around the cemetery to symbolize heroism.

On the day of the burial ceremony, many political leaders, senior military generals, comrades-in-arms and ordinary people gathered together to remember this great revolutionary leader.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

At the ceremony, the army honor guard performed a standard military salute, and the solemn national anthem and mourning music were intertwined, creating a deep and solemn atmosphere.

During the ceremony, some old comrades-in-arms who had fought side by side with Marshal He Long delivered eulogies, reviewing his heroic deeds in the revolutionary war and his important contributions to the construction of New China.

The "No. 81" tomb of Marshal He Long has also become a representative place in the marshal's tomb area in the Babaoshan Cemetery Group.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Yan Youwen: The story of the unsung hero

Comrade Yan Youwen was an outstanding underground member of the Communist Party of China during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, and he played a vital role in the peaceful liberation of Beiping.

His activities involved extensive intelligence gathering and covert liaisons, which provided valuable information for the Party's military and policy decisions.

However, due to the high level of secrecy of his work, even his closest comrades and family members were unable to learn his true identity and contributions.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Yan Youwen's life was full of secrecy and discreetness, and he often changed his identity and place of residence to ensure security and secrecy. His work is often carried out late at night, whether it is secret meetings or writing and passing on intelligence reports, always taking care to ensure that every operation leaves no trace.

Even after the peaceful liberation of Beiping, he remained low-key and never appeared in public to tell about his experience.

In 1962, Yan Youwen died of illness. In view of the secrecy of the activities he carried out during his lifetime, the relevant secrecy measures were strictly enforced even after his death.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

In order to maintain this secrecy, extreme caution was even reflected in the selection of his funeral rites and cemeteries. Under the joint decision of his family and relevant departments, he was chosen to be buried in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing, but his name was not engraved on the tombstone, and he was only represented by the "unknown hero".

In the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, Yan Youwen's cemetery is inconspicuous and is located in a relatively hidden corner. The tombstone is simple and unpretentious, with no ornate ornamentation, just a mediocre stele without any words on it. This design not only maintains the confidentiality of his work during his lifetime, but also reflects his identity as an unsung hero.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Although a tombstone without a name may not attract much attention, it has a special meaning for the few who know the truth.

This is not only a commemoration of Comrade Yan Youwen's sacrifice and contributions, but also a symbolic tribute to all unknown heroes.

Every year, there are always some visitors to the cemetery, under the guidance of the guide, come to this nameless tombstone, listen to the guide tell those unknown heroic stories, and feel the nobility and greatness in the silence.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

In addition, the cemetery management pays special attention to the maintenance of the cemeteries of such unsung heroes, ensuring that they are clean and dignified.

Every year on the Qingming Festival, the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery organizes special commemorative activities, although most of the participants may not know the specific deeds of Yan Youwen, but their common memory and admiration for all the revolutionary martyrs adds a special warmth and respect to this nameless cemetery.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Lin Huiyin: Culture and Remembrance

Lin Huiyin, a famous architect and poet during the Republic of China, not only left an indelible mark on the field of literature and architecture, but she also personally participated in the design of the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, injecting her unique aesthetic and concept into this place full of historical significance.

Lin Huiyin's design not only reflects her pursuit of aesthetics, but also incorporates respect and commemoration of revolutionary history, making Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery not only a place to bury heroic martyrs, but also a cultural landscape with both commemoration and artistic value.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

In the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, Lin Huiyin's grave is located in a park designed by her, which is simple and Zen-like, with stone and water features as the main elements, and is surrounded by flowers that she loved during her lifetime, such as orchids and chrysanthemums, and the seasonal changes of these flowers add a lot of vivid and warm atmosphere to the cemetery.

Lin Huiyin's tombstone itself is simple and elegant, made of white marble and engraved with her name and biography.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

This design reflects both her pursuit of a simple aesthetic during her lifetime, as well as her refined taste in art and culture.

According to the data, the number of memorials in this cemetery ranks first among all cemeteries. Her cemetery is often surrounded by flowers offered by visitors from all over the world, especially on the annual Qingming Festival and her death day, and many people who love her architecture and poetry come here to express their admiration for Lin Huiyin's talent and contributions.

Over time, Lin Huiyin's cemetery has gradually become a special cultural symbol in Babaoshan Cemetery.

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone

Many schools and cultural groups organize students and members to visit and learn about Lin Huiyin's life and her place and influence in modern Chinese architecture and literature under the guidance of their guides.

Guides often detail her involvement in the design of the cemetery and how she skillfully blends traditional and modern Chinese styles in her architectural aesthetic.

In addition, the cemetery management has set up a special interpretive board near Lin Huiyin's cemetery, which details her major architectural works and literary achievements, as well as her unique place in the history of modern Chinese women.

These interpretive boards not only provide visitors with a wealth of background information, but also stimulate more interest and research on Lin Huiyin's work.


[1] Wang Jianzhu. Visiting Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery[J].Party History Wenyuan,2014(4):46-49

Who is worshiped the most in Babaoshan Cemetery? Who is buried in Tomb 81? Who is the nameless tombstone