
"Three Minutes of Health Education" - Popular Science for ADHD

author:Zhaotong Radio and Television Station
"Three Minutes of Health Education" - Popular Science for ADHD
"Three Minutes of Health Education" - Popular Science for ADHD

Zhaotong Radio and Television Station News Comprehensive Broadcast Health Science Program "Three Minutes of Health Education", titled and broadcast by Zhaotong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, famous medical experts in the hospital will "face to face" with you online, and popularize common disease prevention and treatment, life and health knowledge for you. The program is broadcast at 08:15, 09:00, 15:00, and 22:00 every day, welcome to listen!

Health education for three minutes, Dr. Wang Yuan

"Three Minutes of Health Education" - Popular Science for ADHD

Wang Yuan, resident physician of the Rehabilitation Department of Zhaotong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, on-the-job graduate student, graduated from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a bachelor's degree in acupuncture and massage, and is currently a youth member of the Professional Committee of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Yunnan Rehabilitation Medical Association, and a member of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Professional Committee of Zhaotong Traditional Chinese Medicine Association. Peripheral nervous system diseases, motor neuron disease and other neurological diseases. He has rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of difficult diseases such as Tourette's syndrome, autism, and dystonia.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD

Hello listeners! I am Dr. Wang Yuan from the Rehabilitation Department of Zhaotong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Today, we're testing your child for ADHD – ADHD – with a few simple questions as a means of screening:

How is your child doing in school?

Do you or the teacher find any difficulties with your child's learning?

Is your child happy at school?

Are you concerned about your child's behavior at school, at home, or while playing with friends?

Is your child having trouble completing class or homework?

Many parents simply believe that ADHD is caused by their child's natural personality and surrounding environment. Although as children grow older, the external hyperactivity symptoms will be reduced and seem to be better, but there is still a gap from the standard of normal people, such as impulsiveness, carelessness, lack of planning, poor interpersonal relationships, etc., which has caused a lot of difficulties in their future life and work, and may even lead to illegal and criminal behaviors. ADHD is a disease that requires specific diagnosis and treatment, so let's talk about ADHD specifically.

ADHD is the most common type of behavioral problem in childhood, and it is a psychological and behavioral disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. Among them, attention deficit is considered to be the core symptom of the disease. The age of onset is before 7 years of age. The main clinical manifestations are marked inattention and short attention spans, hyperactivity, often accompanied by learning difficulties or conduct disorders.

Causes of ADHD

The cause of ADHD is so far unclear and may be related to biological and psychosocial factors, including:

(1) Genetic factors

(2) Delayed maturation of the central nervous system or insufficient arousal of the cerebral cortex

(3) Basis of abnormal brain structure

(4) Abnormal biochemical metabolism, which may be related to the metabolic disorders of DA, NE and 5-HT

(5) Abnormal cerebral blood flow and intracerebral glucose metabolism

(6) Thyroid dysfunction

(7) Psychosocial factors

Treatment options for ADHD

1. Like other chronic diseases, the treatment of ADHD requires the development of a set of treatment plans specifically for the child, including treatment, treatment goals, monitoring methods and follow-up.

2. The primary goal of treatment should be to maximize the child's function.

Improve relationships with parents, siblings, teachers and peers to reduce disruptive behaviors, improve academic performance, especially workload, efficiency, completion and accuracy, increase independence in self-care or homework, improve self-esteem, and increase safety in life such as crossing the street or cycling.

3. Behavioral therapy is usually performed by trained parents and teachers with special techniques to improve behavior. This includes rewarding (e.g., positive reinforcement) when the desired behavior is exhibited or incurring consequences (e.g., punishment) when the goal is not met. Repeated application of rewards and punishments can gradually shape behavior.

4. Other treatments

Such as sensory integration therapy, transcranial magnetic therapy, EEG feedback therapy, social skills training, cognitive behavioral therapy and multimodal therapy (medication, behavioral therapy, comprehensive intervention)

At present, there are many treatments for ADHD, our department adopts a comprehensive treatment method of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, according to different types, to develop a personalized treatment plan, if your child has attention deficit, hyperactivity, impulsive behavior can go to the rehabilitation department of Zhaotong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for systematic assessment, early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment. If necessary, please consult 0870-2859276

Transcranial magnetic stimulation technology for the four brains of the 21st century

Hello listeners! I am Dr. Wang Yuan from the Rehabilitation Department of Zhaotong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The brain is the main organ that makes decisions and controls the body's daily activities, and in order to complete this complex mission, the brain internally selects neurons to transmit bioelectric signals to achieve the purpose of transmitting information at high speed and efficiency. So, what to do when there is a dysfunction or damage inside the brain? The rehabilitation doctor is out with a magic weapon! - That is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

TMS is a physical diagnosis and treatment technique that uses a time-varying pulsed magnetic field to penetrate the scalp and skull, act on the central nervous system (mainly the brain), and intervene (excite or inhibit) local nerves in the brain through different frequencies (high or low frequency).

Why is TMS the "master key" of rehabilitation medicine?

If the brain is the commander who directs our body, controlling body movements, speech swallowing, mental thinking, etc., then TMS is the master key to treating this commander.

What are the advantages of transcranial magnetic stimulation?

The advantages of transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy are that it is painless, non-invasive, safe, and has few side effects, and the emitted pulsed magnetic field has no radiation, which can promote the effect of drugs and rehabilitation treatments, and provide patients with more and better treatment options.

Which patients can be treated with transcranial magnetic stimulation?

As a safe new technology for modern rehabilitation, transcranial magnetic stimulation technology provides a new technical means for the clinical application of neurorehabilitation, neuropsychology and other disciplines, and can be widely used in the treatment and detection of neurorehabilitation (such as: aphasia after stroke, dysphagia, dystonia, spinal cord injury, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, chronic pain, etc.); Psychiatric and psychological areas (e.g., depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, auditory hallucinations, sleep disorders, etc.). In recent years, great progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of neurology, and it has been gradually used in the evaluation and treatment of children with cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD, tics and intellectual disability.

Contraindications to transcranial magnetic stimulation and caution

1. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is prohibited for patients with metals, electronic devices and other foreign bodies in the skull (inside or on the surface of the tissues at the treatment site), and during the acute and unstable period of stroke;

2. Patients with increased intracranial pressure, pacemakers or cochlear implants should be used with caution (those who stimulate the treatment site and have a certain distance from the implantable electronic objects can be treated);

3. People with a history of epilepsy and a family history of epilepsy are prohibited from using high-frequency strong stimulation (low-frequency subthreshold stimulation is effective in treating epilepsy) for special populations - pregnant women and children (children under 3 years old).

Our department has successfully introduced transcranial magnetic stimulation technology and related treatment equipment, which has added a new weapon to children's rehabilitation treatment, and the treatment methods have become more professional, diversified and comprehensive, and the treatment technology has reached a new level, bringing new treatment hope to the families of rehabilitated children such as cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD and attention deficit, multiple tics, mental retardation, language development delay, etc. If necessary, please consult 0870-2859276.

Source: Data collation: Dr. Wang Yuan

Audit|Yang Yuhang

Edited by Guo Qian

Platform contact information|0870-2153979

"Three Minutes of Health Education" - Popular Science for ADHD

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