
In history, what is the story of Lu Shichu?

author:The Man in the Iron Mask interprets historical figures

Mr. Lu Shichu is a drama performance artist, a national first-class actor, a drama actor, and a veteran artist.

Every Saturday morning, Lo visits the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in Wan Chai, a comprehensive arts university with a history of more than 20 years. Mr. Lu Shichu is a visiting professor at the Conservatory of Music here. Lu Shichu's husband, Wang Jiayang, is a well-known conductor and violin educator, and his Hong Kong Youth Chamber Band enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. Saturday morning is the orchestra's practice time, and the children, who usually have heavy homework, give up their rest and rush to rehearsal for a love of art, and this atmosphere infects Lu Shichu. This is the picture of us in the first year of the drama academy, playing the sketch, the Soviet expert Repkovskaya is giving herself a lesson, rehearsing a sketch of washing the clothes of the wounded, thanks to her guidance, this sketch is highly rated and participated in the first year exam. In 1955, Lu Shichu transferred from the army's art troupe and was admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy to study acting. Soviet expert Reptyvskaya personally trained Lu Shichu's class in the basic course of acting. In this sketch, because the weather is very cold, as soon as it appears, it is whistling and windy, and after it is over, I will cover my head and come out like this, what should I do if I see a lot of ice so thick, there is a wooden stick, which is to knock the bandage, because I can't rub it off with my hands, it is all bloodstains, so I take the wooden stick and knock a hole in the ice ground with a hammer, and after knocking the hole, I will wash the bandage little by little, until it is all washed, and I am sweating, so cold and snowy, I am already sweating, and when I am ready to leave, I put my clothes away, When the stick was also in the basin, the Soviet expert said, in her Russian, "Dear girl, can you think about what will happen when you are leaving, what should you do on such a cold day, you have been there for a long time with this basin?" Oh, I suddenly realized her intentions at that time, that is, in such an environment, in the final finishing touch, I understood, because my basin was wet, it was already frozen, and I had to make the basin hard again, so that the basin and the ice were separated, and then naturally took the basin bandage, wiped the sweat, and ran back. At that time, Soviet experts emphasized very much that you should expand your imagination, weave the real life that you are familiar with into your own sketches, and live a real life without being pretentious, and laid a good foundation from the beginning. In the third-year internship performance of the university, Lu Shichu took the initiative to ask to play an old lady in her 60s in the drama "Red Flags Flying Everywhere". This photo is the first time I have played an old lady and played Mrs. Pi, this is myself, this is Yang Zaibao who plays the secretary of the party committee, this is Jiao Huang, playing the doctor, this is Li Jiayao, playing the chief doctor, this is a very precious commemorative photo. At that time, everyone signed up by themselves, that is, what role I wanted to play, because there were doctors, nurses, and secretaries, of course, the teacher assigned and filled in the report by himself, and decided through public discussion. In order to create a character with a great age contrast, Lu Shichu took great pains to get up early every morning and found a portrait of an old lady similar to my imagination, and he looked at this portrait every day, imagining where she came from, how she lived, how she married her old man, how the old man was sick, and now in the hospital, I watch and think about a lot of such clips and sketches every day. I put ink on my teeth, according to the portrait, ink, and painted on my white teeth, and it looked as if my front front teeth were missing, and when it was over, I took that powder, and threw myself desperately on my hair, and I didn't have a head cover, but I was my own hair, and I tried my best to put that powder on my hair, and when I was done, I drew wrinkles and painted like a cat. When he rehearsed for the first time, Yang Zaibao played his opponent and he played the secretary of the party committee, and he had to mobilize himself in the hospital to donate his wife's skin and give Qiu Caikang skin grafting. I'm suppressing my emotions, but I'm laughing, but I'm crying, I'm reluctant, but I said to the secretary, if you need it, you can take it, take it, and when I said the second sentence, I couldn't help whimpering, and my emotions came up. After this time, he was affirmed by many classmates, and Yang Zaibao ran to himself after he finished, he said Lu Shichu, I told you something, he said you see I prepared a handkerchief, he said I don't believe that you can play this old lady well on stage, I am ready to cover my mouth with this handkerchief in case I can't help laughing, don't laugh, let the teacher scold. I think this is a very small example, but I think that it is thanks to the seeds planted in my heart by Soviet experts and our acting teachers, that we must truly love the art and not love ourselves in the art. In 1959, after graduating from university, Lu Shichu stayed in the experimental drama troupe of the college, and the strong business atmosphere in the troupe always inspired her to pursue art. Every script comes out, there are so many roles, but there are so many people to play, because everyone is a regular acting graduate, in terms of ability and education, everyone is similar, it depends on yourself in the creative process, how hard you work, with one can have two, can have three, because the competition is fierce. "The Miser" is one of Lu Shichu's graduation plays, in which she plays Abagun's daughter Alice. After coming to the Experimental Theatre Troupe, Lu Shichu tried to interpret this role with more vivid techniques. For example, I later watched a ballet, Ulanova's "Romeo and Juliet", Juliet knew that Romeo was leaving, the two of them said goodbye, after it was over, Juliet walked briskly, that walked on tiptoe, brisk walking, watching that, I felt very inspired, I felt that this could reveal the character's character, and then I referred her brisk walking to the scene where she was an eighteen-year-old Alice, who was secretly meeting her lover. After coming down, he peeked around, very sloppily, hurriedly, to see that there was no one at the surrounding doors, and then asked his lover Farrell to come in. I have been making adjustments in my artistic practice, and I have been enriching my artistic creations with the things I have learned in my actual life. The drama "The Miser" gave Lu Shichu a taste of the joy of creating characters, but it brought her an unforgettable stage experience. One day, because I might be tired from acting, I was confused, because I had to perform two or three dramas a day, but when I was acting in the drama "Waves and Sands" and playing a mother, I suddenly made the voice of the daughter who played "The Miser", and it was a very crisp voice, which suddenly made the opponent on the same stage laugh, and it was a laugh. As soon as I saw everyone laughing, I realized that I had a problem, and the more I thought about it, the funnier it became, so I laughed and secretly came down when it was over. In the examination written afterwards, Lu Shichu analyzed the cause of the accident, which caused physical exhaustion due to continuous fatigue performances, which caused a lack of concentration on stage. So as soon as I came to the tour, the troupe gave myself a name, called "Sleeping Beauty", why, because I slept enough to have the strength and strength to devote myself to the evening performance, I would not play like them, I was afraid of such accidents, this is also a lesson in practice to tell myself, when engaged in this profession, you must be conscientious, and there must be no mistakes. Less than seven years after graduation, Lu Shichu has played more than 20 roles in the troupe's repertoire, and successfully shaping roles is the greatest joy in her life.

The School of Drama of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts has provided a large number of talents to Hong Kong's drama and film and television industries, and Lu Shichu is very concerned about the teaching and performance of this academy. In Qinghua, Lu Shichu is one of the actresses who has played the most major roles, which is certainly favored by the opportunity and thanks to her diligence. This is the eldest grandson queen in "King Li Shimin of Qin", and the role of Mrs. eldest grandson is indeed the first time she has acted in a costume drama, so everything is starting from scratch. In order to portray the historical figure of Mrs. Changsun, the forty-five-year-old Lu Shichu had to start learning by walking. In the past, some of the foreign dramas we performed were all wearing high heels, and even wore leather shoes when we acted a lot, but now if we want to wear soft-soled shoes and soft-soled shoes, we have to learn to walk the steps, but they can't be completely like the steps of opera. Learn how to salute, one move at a time, raise your hands and feet, all from scratch. The queen was asked to play the guqin, the guqin had never seen herself, and she wanted to play it on the stage, which was not easy, so she quickly found Gong Yi of the Chinese orchestra, the current guqin master, and later the head of the Chinese orchestra, personally taught herself to play the guqin, although there was a certain recording, but this posture and fingering should be very similar. Because Mrs. Changsun is both civil and military, then Director Hu Weimin asked Mrs. Changsun to have a sword dance on the stage, although it is not very long, but you must at least dance decently, and learn from scratch. Because of his outstanding performances in dramas such as "Li Shimin, King of Qin" and "Forget-me-not", Lu Shichu won the Outstanding Performance Award at the first Shanghai Theater Festival, this photo is the rivalry between himself and Jiao Huang, he plays his son in his play, I play his mother, he is both an actor and the director of this play, so it is inevitable that there will be such and such contradictions, but we still follow the special creative atmosphere of Qinghua, who does it right, who thinks well, we will implement and rehearse according to whose ideas and opinions. The drama "Mourning" adopts the method of free combination of actors, and Lu Shichu was not the first choice for the heroine at first. The first time we went to the stage to rehearse, I didn't take the script off, Jiao Huang, because he memorized his lines quickly, he was really smart, and he didn't have this creative habit, he had to hold the book, and after I finished the general scheduling, my lines came out, and I wanted to touch the character's action trajectory. After that, he was very unhappy, and he lost his temper, how did he do it, Lu Shichu, to this day You haven't thrown away the book, I was very aggrieved at the time, and I really wanted to top him, because we were used to it, it was a classmate, I really wanted to say, as long as you can, if you can, I must be able to ah, if it is according to usual, but at that time I realized that he was the director, and the relationship between the director and the actor, to a certain extent, is the relationship between the leader and the led, I want to respect him. But I was very aggrieved, and the tears were about to come out, I choked in one breath, and because I was not his first choice, I was chosen to play this role, right, so I was playing the drum there in my heart, and I said to myself that you don't trust me and come to find fault. Later, Lou Jicheng also went to Jiao Huang and said, how can you ask for this, you take it away, others may not be able to take it off, she is not not not working hard, everyone has their own creative habits, and then Jiao Huang will come over, Lu Shichu, I'm sorry, I was a little anxious just now, it's fine. The two of us play a lot of each other's plays, but sometimes we have different understandings of some issues, I say I want the east, he says he wants the west, so what to do, the two of us have to top, I say I want this, he says he wants to do that. I said Jiao Huang, according to your opinion, according to your assumption, let's go through it all over, I will do exactly what you do, and let so many people below say it when it is done, including other directors, and art consultant Mr. Yang, if you are right, I will absolutely obey you, but if everyone says that I have something right about me and what is wrong with you, then you have to listen to me, he said, okay, a word is decided. So many times our creations seem to be arguing and arguing, and people who don't know think that we are blushing and thick-necked, whether we are quarrelling, but in fact they are not, which means that we are not doing things and not people, and we are working together for a creation.

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