
The Xiaoman solar term is approaching, keep in mind the 5 customs and 3 taboos, which means a bumper harvest and a complete life!

author:Huinong School

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it will be the end of May, and it is about to usher in the small full solar term. Xiaoman is the eighth solar term in the 24 solar terms, and it is also the second solar term in summer, the "full" in Xiaoman has two meanings, one refers to the rainfall begins to increase, and the other refers to the fullness of wheat, at this time the wheat in many regions has entered the maturity stage and is ready to start harvesting. In fact, as a product of ancient farming civilization, Xiaoman has many customs and taboos, so what are the customs and taboos of the specific Xiaoman solar terms? Let's take a look.

The Xiaoman solar term is approaching, keep in mind the 5 customs and 3 taboos, which means a bumper harvest and a complete life!

What day is Xiaoman?

When the sun reaches the ecliptic longitude of 60 °, it will usher in the small full solar term, the time point is in the annual Gregorian calendar May 20-22, this year's small man is on May 20 of the Gregorian calendar, this year's "small man" is super romantic, because in 520 this day full of love.

The Xiaoman solar term is approaching, keep in mind the 5 customs and 3 taboos, which means a bumper harvest and a complete life!

What are the customs of Xiaoman?

1. Sacrifice to the god of cars

Every time the festival comes, the people will put the offerings on the waterwheel to worship, and they also need to sprinkle a glass of water on the fields during the sacrifice, praying that the farmland will not be short of water and drought, and looking forward to good weather and a good harvest of crops in the farmland.

2. Silkworm God

In ancient times, silk was very precious, so silkworm raising became very important. At this time, farmers will worship the silkworm god and pray for the healthy growth of the silkworm babies and spit out more silk.

3. Grab water

In ancient times, water was very precious, especially during the Xiaoman season, when the rain increased, and farmers would organize to grab the rainwater flowing into the fields. Usually the elderly and respected people light torches at dawn and place them on waterwheels, while onlookers beat gongs and drums and drive waterwheels to bring water into the farmland to alleviate the drought.

4. Eat bitter herbs

Every year around the Xiaoman solar term, bitter vegetables usher in vigorous growth, and the ancients will always dig bitter vegetables to satisfy hunger in order to solve the problem of food and clothing. Bitter herbs taste crisp and delicious, astringent and sweet, so they are still very popular today.

5. Xiaomanhui

Some areas will hold the "Little Man Meeting", at this time the peasants have to go to the market to buy farm tools, straw hats, etc., to prepare for the summer harvest work, at this time the market is very lively, singing and dancing performances, singing and so on, the whole "Little Man Meeting" gongs and drums are noisy.

The Xiaoman solar term is approaching, keep in mind the 5 customs and 3 taboos, which means a bumper harvest and a complete life!

What are the taboos of Xiaoman?

1. Do not break ground

In the small full season, the weather starts to get hotter and the ground becomes soft, so if you break the ground easily, such as building a house or digging a ditch, it is easy to have landslides and other problems, so don't break the ground easily.

2. Avoid cold

In the small full season, although the weather is hot, but it is not yet the hottest time, if you are greedy for raw and cold food, such as ice cream, cold drinks, it is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, so you should control your mouth and eat less raw and cold food.

3. Avoid sitting on wooden benches

As the saying goes, "don't sit on the stone in winter, don't sit on the wood in summer", the temperature is high and the humidity is high in the small full season, the outdoor wooden bench suffers from the dew and rain, containing more moisture, and the sun is exposed to it, it will emit moisture outward, and sitting on it for a long time will increase the moisture in the body.

The Xiaoman solar term is approaching, keep in mind the 5 customs and 3 taboos, which means a bumper harvest and a complete life!

What are the agricultural proverbs about Xiaoman?

The 24 solar terms are the products of the ancient agricultural civilization of the mainland, each solar term corresponds to many proverbs, and there are also a lot of proverbs about Xiaoman, and these agricultural proverbs are also of certain reference significance to the present.

1, Xiaoman is dissatisfied, and Mai has a risk

This agricultural proverb is mainly related to wheat, and it is the critical period of wheat filling when it comes to the small full solar term, if the rain is sufficient and the temperature is suitable, the wheat will be full. At this time, the most fearful of dry and hot wind will lead to a reduction in wheat yield.

2. Xiaoman was dissatisfied and cut off the field

This agricultural proverb is spread in the southern region, which means to predict the rain after it through the weather of the small full solar term. If there is no rain in the small full solar term, or there is less rain, then it indicates that there will be less rain later. If there is a lot of rain, it is a sign that there will be a lot of rain in the future.

3. The wind is small, and the tree head should be empty

This agricultural proverb means that if the wind blows during the small solar term, then the tree head may become empty. It is the flowering season around the time of the fruit tree, or when it begins to bear young fruits, and strong winds will cause the flowers and young fruits to blow off, causing the trees to become empty.

4. There is no rain in Xiaoman, and there is no water in mango seeds

This agricultural proverb means that if there is no rain during the Xiaoman solar term, there may also be no rain during the mango planting period, indicating that the subsequent rainfall will be less and mainly sunny.

5. Xiaoman does not rain, and Futian Lake is dry

This agricultural proverb comes from the northern region, which means that if it does not rain on this day, it means that there will be drought and little rain in the following Futian, which is not conducive to the growth of autumn crops.

The above is about the customs and taboos of the small full solar term, the small full solar term originated in the ancient farming society, this day the folk have a lot of customs, but with the passage of time, many people have forgotten these old traditions, in short, folk activities carry people's awe of nature and love for life, in addition, the small full agricultural proverb reminds us to pay attention to weather changes, reasonable arrangement of agricultural activities, to ensure the growth and harvest of crops.

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