
The guns of 28 countries are unanimous, the United States has issued three challenges in a row, and the People's Daily has sounded the bell, and the situation is serious

author:Wu Xuelan

Just for one thing, the United States recently issued three challenges to China, and I have to say that Biden's appearance is really too ugly, and China will never accept it.

On the 16th, the "People's Daily" rang the bell and solemnly stated a fact: the comments of the United States and the West on the so-called "overcapacity" of China's electric vehicles are purely false propositions. Forty-eight hours ago, U.S. President Joe Biden sharply raised tariffs on China's new energy-related products under the pretext of "overcapacity" and "fair competition".

The guns of 28 countries are unanimous, the United States has issued three challenges in a row, and the People's Daily has sounded the bell, and the situation is serious

The above is only the first of three recent challenges to China issued by the United States, second, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who talked about the so-called "overcapacity" during her previous visit to China, recently took this opportunity to say something; Third, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raimondo also attacked China on the same topic.

Under the continuous bombardment of public opinion by the United States, the 27 countries of the European Union have recently followed the United States, and the entire 28 countries have been unanimous in their guns, hyping the so-called "overcapacity" of China's new energy vehicles.

Dozens of countries are saying that China has "overcapacity", is China really "overcapacity"? At that time, the Nazis had the backing of more than 30 countries, were the Nazis right? The actual situation is that there is no overcapacity in China, but if the United States does this, it may really lead to "overcapacity".

The emergence of electric vehicles is the result of the convergence of multiple factors of the times: first, the maturity of technology applications; The second is the need to mitigate the climate problem, with UN Secretary-General António Guterres asserting last year that the era of global warming is over and the era of "burning" is coming. The climate problem has reached this point, and electric vehicles, which are far more environmentally friendly than traditional fuel vehicles, have naturally become the darlings of the times.

The guns of 28 countries are unanimous, the United States has issued three challenges in a row, and the People's Daily has sounded the bell, and the situation is serious

Obviously, now is the time for electric vehicles to shine, especially in the United States, because the United States has the largest number of cars in the world, and American citizens prefer large-displacement cars, so the American market is precisely the most in need of a large number of electric vehicle production capacity. In any case, China's electric vehicles are definitely not related to "overcapacity".

On the contrary, the United States, along with so many countries in the European Union, blame China and try to threaten China's overseas sales of electric vehicles through tariffs, which may really lead to China's "overcapacity". It is very likely that the US side will play with this idea, and then jump out and say: Look, I will say that you have "overcapacity"! This is a typical circular argument, to put it simply, it is a hooligan.

The guns of 28 countries are unanimous, the United States has issued three challenges in a row, and the People's Daily has sounded the bell, and the situation is serious

But the US side is playing hooligans, do we still use strange things? Biden is well aware of the need for electric vehicles in his country, and his Democratic Party is the one who likes to talk about climate issues the most. But Biden does not want China to seize the opportunity of this era, China has technological advantages, scale advantages and cost advantages in the field of electric vehicles, if the competition is fair, North American car companies are absolutely unable to compete with Chinese companies, so even if the climate issue is abandoned, Biden must close the door of Chinese electric vehicles.

If it is the American car companies that have the advantage now, then we believe that Biden will definitely hold high the banner of "climate issues" and "free trade" at this time, and change the law to force countries to buy their own cars. The game is "free trade" with the left hand and "fair competition" with the right hand, and it will use whichever is beneficial to it anyway.

But Biden has ignored the serious consequences of this move, which could not only bury the best opportunity to mitigate climate issues, but also further deepen the gap between China and the United States, which in turn will have global implications.

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