
[Reporter goes to the grassroots] Yongchang: Saving water and increasing grain, wheat planting shows "science and technology"

author:Sheng Shi Yongchang
[Reporter goes to the grassroots] Yongchang: Saving water and increasing grain, wheat planting shows "science and technology"

Coming to the shallow buried drip irrigation wheat planting demonstration site in Shuangqiao Village, Dongzhai Town, the square wheat fields are arranged in an orderly manner. In the warm sun, the wheat fields show a vibrant verdant greenery, the winter wheat seedlings that have been tasseled are gently swaying in the breeze, and the black drip irrigation bands are like capillaries, delivering water precisely to the roots of the crops. Different from the wheat grown in the ordinary field, these green wheat seedlings are surrounded by many "new technologies" before germination, and they are the new wheat planting model of "saving water and increasing grain" cultivated through the integrated technology of shallow drip irrigation and micro-furrow sowing of water and fertilizer.

[Reporter goes to the grassroots] Yongchang: Saving water and increasing grain, wheat planting shows "science and technology"

In order to effectively cope with drought and resolve the contradiction of water use, in recent years, Yongchang County has actively promoted the integration technology of wheat shallow drip irrigation and water fertilizer, focused on building a high-level wheat experimental field demonstration and guidance of standardized planting, scientific irrigation and green production, developed and put shallow drip irrigation sowing, fertilization, and drip irrigation belt integrated machine, and agricultural technicians provided full technical guidance services to effectively ensure the yield level of wheat.

[Reporter goes to the grassroots] Yongchang: Saving water and increasing grain, wheat planting shows "science and technology"

With the successive heading of winter wheat, the technical staff of the County Agriculture and Rural Bureau went deep into the fields of the integration of water and fertilizer for the integration of shallow drip irrigation and micro-furrow sowing of some wheat in the Donghe Irrigation Area, and "checked the pulse" of the wheat seedling situation on the spot, so as to help increase grain production and farmers' income, and provide technical support for wheat production. Looking at the wheat that is growing gratifyingly, agricultural technicians said that in the past few years, the shallow buried drip irrigation wheat planting technology promoted in the county has really saved water and fertilizer, and the effect is very good. In some winter wheat planting areas, cash crops can also be planted after autumn harvesting, which can improve the quality and efficiency of agricultural planting in water-scarce areas with "one land, two crops and three guarantees".

[Reporter goes to the grassroots] Yongchang: Saving water and increasing grain, wheat planting shows "science and technology"

Chen Jianping, a researcher at the Agricultural Technology Center of the County Agriculture and Rural Bureau: Compared with the wheat planted by shallow buried dropper technology, on the one hand, his water and fertilizer conditions have been changed, and the water and fertilizer can be followed up in time according to the needs of crop growth at any time. The water-saving effect is also relatively good and obvious, which fully improves the utilization rate of water and fertilizer, and the water-saving energy per mu can reach 80 to 100 cubic meters.

[Reporter goes to the grassroots] Yongchang: Saving water and increasing grain, wheat planting shows "science and technology"

It is understood that the integration of shallow buried drip irrigation and micro-furrow sowing of water and fertilizer is the integration of agricultural technology and agricultural machinery, through shallow buried drip irrigation and wide uniform sowing technology, to give seeds enough growth space, so that cultivated land can play a broad potential for increasing yield and efficiency, so as to achieve the role of "two sections", "one province" and "three antibodies". The "two sections" are water-saving and fertilizer-saving, which saves 30% of water and 20% of fertilizer per mu compared with conventional planting; "One province" means saving labor, which saves 50% of labor per mu compared with conventional planting; The "three resistances" are cold resistance, drought resistance, and lodging resistance, saving 50% of labor, and can effectively improve the utilization rate of water and fertilizer. The application of wheat shallow burial drip irrigation technology can achieve the good effect of "two increases", that is, the yield increase and income increase are remarkable, compared with the conventional planting with an average yield increase of 6%-10%, and the cost saving and efficiency increase are more than 150 yuan.

[Reporter goes to the grassroots] Yongchang: Saving water and increasing grain, wheat planting shows "science and technology"

In order to ensure the promotion of technology, the county agriculture and rural bureau implemented the grain production technical service action, and built 14 demonstration pieces (bases) of 1,000 mu of water-saving, drought-resistant, yield-increasing and efficiency-enhancing high-standard farmland that have been built, and asked for grain from the project, from agronomy, from agricultural technology, and from water-saving, so as to lay a solid foundation for improving food production capacity and ensuring food security.

[Reporter goes to the grassroots] Yongchang: Saving water and increasing grain, wheat planting shows "science and technology"

"Ploughing the fertile soil and fertile land, the magic skill 'grain' takes the lead. Based on water and agricultural conditions, our county vigorously promotes the technology of shallow buried drip irrigation wheat, which not only ensures the efficient production of grain, but also significantly reduces the consumption of water resources and realizes the "win-win" of grain stabilization and water saving. In the future, our county will continue to seize the favorable opportunity of agricultural production, continue to do a good job in shallow buried drip irrigation wheat tracking services and technical guidance, guide the majority of growers to apply wheat shallow buried drip irrigation technology, make every effort to ensure food security, and build a road to increase income for the county's wheat planting "drop" and "irrigation".

[Reporter goes to the grassroots] Yongchang: Saving water and increasing grain, wheat planting shows "science and technology"

At present, the county's 157,800 acres of shallow buried drip irrigation wheat is growing gratifyingly.

Reporter: Song Yiping, Chai Zuolong

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