
Jiang'an District Court: Painting a new "maple" scene of litigation source management with the brand of "100 steps to stop disputes".

Jingchu Network (Hubei Daily) News (Correspondent Zheng Yaman) Here, there is a scenery of "a pavilion every 100 steps", and there is a new "maple" scene of "100 steps to stop disputes" and solve disputes on the spot. In the Baibuting Community, a "National Civilized Demonstration Community", the Baibuting Community Court of the Jiang'an District People's Court of Wuhan City, Hubei Province, adheres to and develops the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, anchors the positioning of a comprehensive people's courtroom, gives full play to the advantages of the community court's proximity to community residents, and does a deep and solid job of "grasping the front end and curing the disease before it happens", promoting the resolution of the source of contradictions and disputes, and polishing the background color of the rule of law for participating in grassroots social governance.

The integration of "mediation, adjudication, and execution" creates a judicial service chain at the "doorstep" of the masses

"Mediation is fast, case filing is convenient, trial is authoritative, and enforcement is strong." ——The sonorous and powerful "like" of the party Ms. Wang made the judge of the Baibuting Community Court full of enthusiasm.

This is a dispute that has lasted for more than 10 years. Fifteen years ago, after Daddy Liu's wife died, Daddy Liu was introduced to marry Ms. Wang. But Mr. Liu, the only son of Daddy Liu, was dissatisfied with this twilight love and had a dispute with Daddy Liu, and in the following ten years, the father and son gradually drifted apart, and they never even met again. At the end of 2023, Daddy Liu passed away due to illness, and Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang went to court over the division of the estate.

Jiang'an District Court: Painting a new "maple" scene of litigation source management with the brand of "100 steps to stop disputes".

Judge Deng Di of the Baibuting Community Court knows very well that this inheritance dispute involving two generations can only be resolved with "heart" and "heart". After obtaining the consent of both parties, Judge Deng Di introduced the dispute into the pre-litigation mediation procedure, laying out the facts, explaining the law, and reasoning, "before and after the trial", online and offline, and multiple rounds of mediation. coincided with the Qingming Festival, Judge Deng Di came to the door again to carry out mediation work, and finally untied the "heart knot" between the two parties.

"My father suffered a stroke and suffered a lot in his later years, but Ms. Wang took care of him and never complained." During the mediation, Mr. Liu offered to give up the inheritance of the house, and Ms. Wang also said that "the blood of father and son is thicker than water", and the pension and funeral expenses were divided more among Mr. Liu.

It was through the integrated working mechanism of "mediation, adjudication, and enforcement" that this dispute was successfully resolved. In August 2022, the Baibuting Community Court began to implement the one-stop litigation service of "mediation and trial execution", with "one-window acceptance" and "one-window handling" for pre-litigation mediation, case filing, trial, and enforcement, effectively promoting the performance of cases in court and post-judgment supervision and active performance, so that the parties can completely resolve conflicts and disputes in the court with "one case, one process, one place, and one window", and truly realize the conclusion of the case.

"Integrate the mediation and trial execution, break down the barriers to the process of the case, and build a judicial service chain at the 'doorstep' of the masses, so that the people's courtroom can truly become the forefront of resolving disputes and ending disputes." The person in charge of the Baibuting Community Court said.

"149 Diversified Dispute Resolution Through Train" to build a "big pattern" of linkage

On the road of promoting the creation of the "Fengqiao-style People's Court", the Baibuting Community Court has promoted the dispute resolution force to the guidance and guidance end, and strives to create a new way of multiple dispute resolution, resolve conflicts and disputes, and do not perform a "one-man show", and play a "chorus" in unison.

"I have a lot of affection for Baibuting, although I am 76 years old, as long as the residents are in need, I am still willing to shine." When it comes to mediation, Liu Jing, a special mediator at the Baibuting Community Court, is always full of energy. Not long ago, the noisy little couple went to court because of "incompatible personalities", and after Liu Jing's two hours of patient persuasion, the little couple finally held hands and went home, the dispute was eliminated and the case was closed.

In the Baibuting Community Court, mediators like Liu Jing who are engaged in mediation work participate in and witness the construction and development of the "Fengqiao-style People's Court".

In recent years, the Baibuting Community Court has taken the initiative to integrate into the grid management model of the Baibuting community, and set up the "Kanghe Micro Law Garden" in the neighborhood committee to form a linkage model of "judge + grid member", so that the judge can grasp and intervene as soon as the dispute occurs, and create a "15-minute judicial service circle". In the process of resolving disputes, give full play to the advantages of residents' committees in resolving disputes on the spot, and judges provide guidance "in real time", so as to realize that "small matters do not leave the home, and major matters do not leave the community".

At the same time, the court also established the "149 Multiple Dispute Resolution Direct Express", with 1 community court connecting 4 functional departments such as police stations and judicial offices and 9 neighborhood committees, and establishing a mediator team of "9 neighborhood committee secretaries + 9 community comprehensive management members", driving more than 100 party branch secretaries to become a new force in mediation; In-depth excavation of the autonomous forces represented by the volunteers of "hugging the group" and "passing on the torch", as well as the role of typical community figures such as Zhang Xiaohong, the "Top Ten Mothers of Jingchu", and Li Shuli, the "Pian Erlu", guide them to be active in the work of resolving disputes, and jointly build a professional, diversified, and full-coverage large mediation network for conflicts and disputes.

In the past three years, the litigation cases in the jurisdiction of the Baibuting Community Court have continued to decline, with a litigation rate of 24.2 cases per 10,000 people in 2022 and 22.6 cases per 10,000 people in 2023, and since 2024, there have been more than 50 successful pre-litigation mediation cases and a 67% withdrawal rate of litigation cases.

Multi-level and interactive "judicial services" and "small courts" are integrated into the "big governance" at the grassroots level

How to give play to the unique advantages of community courts being rooted in the grassroots and facing the masses, to serve and ensure social governance at the grassroots level?

With questions, the judges of the Baibuting Community Court walked into the community, and a "rule of law night school" activity was launched.

"All units should strengthen interaction and resolve disputes between neighbors as much as possible", "It is necessary to widely mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of residents, and create a stronger atmosphere of rule of law"...... With the darkness of the night, the deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the staff of the Baibuting Judicial Office, and the residents of the community expressed their views on grassroots social governance one after another, and the atmosphere was warm.

With the direction, the Baibuting Community Court closely relied on the leadership of the party committee in the jurisdiction, continued to extend the trial function, strengthened the coordination and linkage with the functional departments and 9 neighborhood committees in the jurisdiction, opened the "149 multiple dispute resolution through train", and weaved a dense "contradiction early warning network" and "joint investigation network for litigation disputes"; Share information with the community and garden area, provide legal advice on matters such as the installation of elevators in old residential areas, and jointly resolve more than 70 disputes such as neighboring relationships since 2023; Carry out training activities for "people who understand the law" and "law-abiding leaders" on a regular basis, go into campuses and enterprises to consult on legal popularization, and make judicial services more warm through "à la carte" and "interactive" legal popularization publicity.

"The establishment of the 'court +' mechanism has brought multi-level and convenient judicial services to the masses, which not only conveys the concept of the rule of law, but also brings about the upgrading of governance efficiency." Baibuting community staff said.

"Where there is a need, the tentacles of the people's tribunal will extend to wherever there is a need. The Jiang'an District Court will further play the role of the people's courtroom as a 'bridgehead', and take the establishment of the 'Fengqiao-style people's courtroom' as an opportunity to continue to strengthen the prevention and front-end resolution of conflicts and disputes, and inject the power of the rule of law into grassroots social governance. The person in charge of the Jiang'an District Court said.

Hubei Court Jiang'an [Correction] Editor: Zhang Yang


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