
Non-Fiction | Zhao Fushan: The Death of "Handa Rhino" Original / Zhao Fushan

author:Railway soldier culture
Non-Fiction | Zhao Fushan: The Death of "Handa Rhino" Original / Zhao Fushan

The death of "Handagen".

The railway soldiers and martyrs cemetery here, why let the "Handa Qian" keep the spirit?

Author: Zhao Fushan

The railway soldiers and martyrs cemetery here, why let the "Handa Qian" keep the spirit?

It's been sealed for a long time, and now the dream is coming true

In front of the monument, remember the past

The two rails refer to the sky

A rainbow pierced through the forest

The forest sea is thousands of miles and green

The iron army of 100,000 cars and horses was noisy


Reindeer still remember that it is difficult to build roads

- Poems of the railway soldiers

Non-Fiction | Zhao Fushan: The Death of "Handa Rhino" Original / Zhao Fushan


  How hard it is to build bridges and pave roads, and it is still hard to climb ice and lie in the snow; Thousands of people look up to the monument before the wind, and sweep the tomb in the rain. Zheng Yan was speechless and held back tears, and the birch forest was affectionate and whimpered; It is difficult to find the place where the deceased friends donated their lives, but they can see the clear ripples of the Nenjiang River...... This is a vivid picture of the railway soldiers when they fought in the Great Khing'an Mountains.

  As soon as I arrived in the Great Xing'an Mountains, I wanted to see Handa Rhyn (also known as Kandahan and Rhinodahan in Mongolian), which was a knot in the hearts of all the railway soldiers in the Great Khing'an Mountains. The docile "four dislikes" are endemic to the Daxinganling Mountains, and they have a special affection for the 100,000 officers and soldiers who developed the Daxinganling Railway in those years.

It is also known as moose and reindeer. Reindeer is an Arctic circle creature belonging to the deer family, the antlers of the reindeer resemble a deer rather than a deer, the head resembles a horse rather than a horse, the hooves resemble a cow rather than a cow, and the body resembles a donkey rather than a donkey, so it is commonly known as the "four dislikes". With long and powerful legs, the reindeer is good at walking in deep snow and migrating long distances, and is an indispensable companion in the life of the Evenki hunters of the deer people, and is also the mount of the legendary Santa Claus.

In the spring of 1963, the 13th Iron Regiment was stationed in Genhe, and as soon as it was encamped, the Evenki herdsmen drove groups of Handa Rhinos to graze on the way, and found the company commander through our camp, and mobilized us to buy a few Handa Rhinos to raise, fattening up and eating meat for the New Year. At that time, the company commander asked me to find the secretary general, asked about the food account, and bought two ends and handed them over to the cooking squad to raise. 

 None of us had ever seen this monster with a pair of long flower horns, and everyone watched, touched the horns, patted its back and had no objection. The herdsmen said that it is very docile and loves to eat moss and mushrooms, and everyone always does not forget to dig some moss in the shade on the road every day after work, and come back to feed it and play with it. Spring goes to autumn, the two Han Da Rhinos grow up, and also make friends with the young soldiers, some of the little soldiers grab the horns of the flower and turn over and ride on their backs, Han Da Rhinos actually carry people like a little donkey and walk upside down, causing everyone to laugh.

  In those years, the life of the railway soldiers in the deep mountains and old forests was boring and monotonous, and the lovely Handa Rhine brought us a lot of joy. At that time, the transportation in the forest area was inconvenient, the car was not passable, especially in the cold winter, many materials had to rely on the reindeer sleigh of the Evenki people to transport on the ice road, no wonder that in 1984 in the capital of the Great Xing'an Mountains Jiagedaqi North Mountain to build the railway soldier martyrs cemetery, the main building is the pedestal of two steel rails straight into the clouds, the top is the emblem of the railway soldiers, in front of the pedestal is the marble handa statue of the handy. Let them accompany the martyrs who are buried here.

  "Qiandahan" walks day and night in the primeval forest of the Great Khing'an Mountains, and is good at running, so the hunters go to the swamp to hunt in birch bark boats at night. The birch bark boat is made of willow wood strips as the skeleton, birch bark as the hull, coated with pine resin and bonded, the hull is light, and the gliding is sensitive and fast. The primeval forest swamp is rich in water and grass, and the Tatou wetland stretches for hundreds of miles, which is the favorite place of "Qiandahan". The hunter chooses a place with dense water and grass to lurk quietly. In the middle of the night, I saw several behemoths similar to horses coming from a distance, snoring and diving underwater. After a short while, the nostrils are extended to the surface of the water for ventilation.

  I saw the hunter ship quietly approaching one of the largest "Qiandahan". The old hunter crouched firmly in the bow of the boat, his shotgun in his eyes blazing. When the "Rhinodahan" showed its head again, the hunter aimed it in the head with a shot - phew! After the gunshots, the waves were seen, and the "Qiandahan" struggled in the water for a while, and then fell into the water like a wall, and the blood waves splashed all over the people......

  Once the prey is in hand, the next step is to feast on it. Every time the prey is transported back to the village, the Evenks hold a grand "bonfire party" in the village. They often invite the road-building garrison to come to the party, and men, women and children gather around the bonfire, roasting their prey, and dancing folk dances such as "Ahambai" and "Idaha Xilen Dance".

  The beautiful Evenki sister-in-law danced the "swan dance" (swan dance), which is rarely seen, and the eldest brother of Evenki sang a folk song with a bold tune: "In the dense forest, the figures of heroes flashed, and their minds were as broad as the forest...... and people had fun and joined the "dance group" one after another. The roaring bonfire reflected the red face, and everyone's heart was warm.

  In the Qing Dynasty, every winter emperor hunted. After beating the calf, take its skin, eat its flesh, and send the remaining horns to the manufacturing office to make some hand-held pieces for the princes to play with. So as to gradually form the unique horn culture of the Qing Dynasty. For example, make wrenches, snuff bottles, pen barrels, pen licks, fire bags, etc.

  Due to the complexity of the production process and the very small number of these objects, it was also a rarity at the time, and it was more precious than ivory. To this day, very little has been handed down. With the collapse of the Qing government, the craft was lost.

  Due to the dense texture of wild horn, hard, not brittle, flexible, non-cracking, strong plasticity and other characteristics, after making an object, with the passage of time, play, use, its surface pulp fast, color is simple, old-fashioned, is a very promising study, hand piece material.

  "Qiandahan" is a treasure in the eyes of the Evenki people, a handa calf weighs three or four hundred catties, and the meat is enough for the whole family to eat for a winter. And it is a treasure all over the body: horn, brain marrow, fetus, blood, tendons, tail, whip, etc. are all precious medicinal materials, the rhino nose is a famous mountain treasure, the skin can be tanned, and the young horn can get deer antler.

Non-Fiction | Zhao Fushan: The Death of "Handa Rhino" Original / Zhao Fushan

Habitat of warriors and handharans

  The life of road construction in the Great Khing'an Mountains is hard and monotonous, and every Sunday or holiday, the soldiers will go to the depths of the dense forest to explore and play. After breakfast in the morning, the three or five soldiers who were freely combined as a group registered with the company headquarters, and the company was issued with five rounds of semi-automatic rifle ammunition, explained the general direction to the company headquarters, and then set off with dry food, compass and other supplies, and generally returned to the camp before dark.

  Sweeping away the branches and vines that block the way, stepping on the humus covered with fallen leaves, walking into the depths of the dense forest, breathing in the fresh and refreshing air all the way, listening to the birds and insects all the way, all kinds of wonderful miracles of the primeval forest are presented in front of you: from time to time, hares and squirrels come out of the grass to scare you, they are in front of your feet, and then they quickly escape.

  The wildflowers and weeds in the mountains make you dizzy and can't put it down. Wading through a small shallow water in the dense forest, the water's edge is covered with blue wildflowers, pink dazixiang and golden needle flowers, the clusters and patches of wildyellow flowers are dazzling, and the dazixiang powder is dazzling. There are also clumps of wild mushrooms growing from the dead oak trees that have fallen to the ground, and children holding small umbrellas welcome you. We put the wild vegetables, wild yellow flowers, and all kinds of mushrooms we picked into our bags, and went back to the cooking class to let the knowledgeable cooking team leader pick out the poisonous wild vegetables and mushrooms, and dry the rest for later use.

  The deeper we walked into the forest, the dimmer the light became, and we sometimes tripped over foreign objects under our feet. On a ground that was almost impermeable to wind and light on all sides, a pile of white bones was found. I picked up a piece of bones, and by the light of the gap in the woods, several of our comrades were stunned: it was the horn of a handa rhino, and it was in the shape of branches; The protagonist has several branched horns next to it. The whole corner is snow-white in the shape of a shovel, which is very smooth. We looked up to the ground again, and wow, there were so many, all the horns of this animal, which were stacked on the ground more than a meter high. Several of our comrades-in-arms agreed that this was the collective "burial ground" of Handagen.

  The average lifespan of Handa is about 10 years, and in the natural selection of nature, they have to be constantly on the lookout for attacks from other beasts. When encountering predators, they are not cowardly, and will use a pair of flower horns on their heads to stab at their enemies, and then desperately flee. The harsh living environment and the training of foraging and fighting enemies have made them have four slender, powerful and long legs that are good at running.

Non-Fiction | Zhao Fushan: The Death of "Handa Rhino" Original / Zhao Fushan

The tragedy of the death of the elderly Handa

  I remembered that the old man of Evenki said that when the Handa Rhinos were old and dying, they would choose such a cemetery at their feet on a dark and windy night, in front of two tall and straight sylvestris pines with appropriate spacing, and made a final farewell to the children outside the dense forest, and then ran to the camphor pine without hesitation, only to hear the sound of "bang", the old man fell to the ground suddenly, and the horns of the old man were tripped by the two camphor pines on the left and right, and the old man died of anger.

  Whenever I hear such a legend, my mood is so excited that I can't calm down for a long time; People have the determination to look up to the sky and smile "I will ride the wind to return to the ......" when they die, but they did not expect that Handharn would also die so tragically, the spirit of nature turned the limited life into eternity, and their bodies rotted into mud or were devoured by fierce beasts after they died; But their beautiful and hard horns can resist the wear and tear of time, and stay on this "holy place" deep in the jungle for a long time.

  I looked deeply at the countless horns, how many bones of the handa rhino should be, the old calves, according to the order of time, one by one to the camphor pine crash and die, what a tragic and poignant scene, I remembered a philosopher said: "Death is to benefit the group in the way of negating the individual, and to promote the transcendence of the spirit to death in the way of negating the body." Death, it turns out that there is a price-"

  Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud and anti-protection flowers. I have a deep respect for Handa. On the tree of their life, a flower is a flower, and when a tree dies, the tree of life will give birth to new buds......

  Each of us, holding a beautiful horn, left the "cemetery" and returned to the camp. Back in the company, the veterans said that the horn could be useful. Under their guidance, we asked for old vinegar from the cooking class, and then sawed the horns into small pieces of stamp raw materials with a construction hacksaw, and soaked them in canned bottles with thick vinegar and sealed them. A month later, a small sharp knife sharpened into a hacksaw was carved on the horns, and soon the name of the party and the calligraphy and painting medals became our seal carving works. In the spring, the letter paper made of birch bark is stamped with a name seal, and the name seal is stamped on the Chinese painting works, and a birch bark poem, calligraphy, painting and printing work comes out, although it is difficult to call it exquisite, but it is absolutely trendy, peculiar, and fashionable.

  In those days, the Great Khing'an Mountains still left me with too many memories: the mountain, the water, the forest, the tree, and the tragic death of the old Handa......

Non-Fiction | Zhao Fushan: The Death of "Handa Rhino" Original / Zhao Fushan

Editor's note

The animal called Handa Rhi (also known as reindeer) is an endemic species of the Great Xing'an Mountains, and has a special relationship with the 100,000 officers and soldiers who developed the Great Xing'an Mountains Railway in those years. This kind of creature that is not beautiful in appearance is written in thick ink and color, and even the cemetery of the road builder who sleeps here is also guarded and accompanied by the handa carving. "The geese are speechless and hold back tears, and it is difficult for reindeer to remember the road." Touching the scene, it is used to set off and reproduce the hardship and loneliness of the railway soldiers in the ice and snow world. Handa is also a bridge and symbol of unity between the road builders and the Evenki herdsmen, which has been blessed by generations of Evenki people here, and has also witnessed the dedication of every road builder martyr and the present and past of the Great Khing'an Mountains. This chronicle is written with both nostalgia and admiration, and it also witnesses the experience of the 13th Iron Regiment and the epitome of the railway soldiers more than 50 years ago. The author uses the most touching tragic story of the death of the elderly Handa Rhine to metaphor the great feat of the road builder who did his best to benefit one party and died. A spiritual aftertaste, a hymn to the railway soldiers, recommended reading.

Non-Fiction | Zhao Fushan: The Death of "Handa Rhino" Original / Zhao Fushan

About the author|Zhao Fushan

Zhao Fushan's resume Zhao Fushan, pen name Luo Zhao. Member of the Communist Party of China and senior editor. After graduating from high school in 1962, he joined the army and served in the 13th Regiment of the Third Division of the Railway Corps, participated in the development of Daxinganling, built the Nenlin Railway, and graduated from the Railway Corps Academy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (now Shijiazhuang Railway University). After retiring from the army, he has been engaged in the party's news and propaganda work for 40 years, and has founded Shijiazhuang Science and Technology News and Entrepreneur Daily. He used to be the deputy editor-in-chief of Yanzhao Evening News of Shijiazhuang Daily, the assistant to the president and deputy editor-in-chief of the Economic Monthly of the National Economic Daily, and the vice chairman of the Shijiazhuang Journalists Association. He is currently the honorary president of Hebei Economic Media Promotion Association. After his retirement, he served as a visiting professor of journalism and communication at Shijiazhuang City College, Hebei University School of Film and Television Arts, and Shijiazhuang Tiedao University Sifang College. He has published a collection of news, literature and military works such as "Hebei Province Entrepreneur Reportage Collection", "Listening to the Tao Collection", "Star Soul", "Soul Covenant", "Blog and Couple Dancing Sunset", "May Dazixiang" and so on. Outstanding volunteer of Hebei Province, chief network commentator of Hebei Civilization Network, lecturer of Shitu Lecture Hall, lecturer of Yanzhao Community Lecture Hall.

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Zhang Yufeng

The tragic death of the old Handa Xuan for the railway soldiers and martyrs cemetery? What happened here is a real story of soldiers who moved people to tears, the story of railway soldiers. The story of the occurrence between 100,000 railway soldiers and soldiers who developed the Great Khing'an Mountains and an animal called Handa Rin (also known as reindeer). It is a tragedy, a shock, and a hymn to history intertwined with blood and tears.

Thank you Mr. Zhao Fushan for presenting this precious history to us for the article, and let us know the little-known story of the 100,000 railway soldiers who fought in the Great Xing'an Mountains. Thank you for the editing and recommendation of Mr. Xingdian, let us read such an excellent text, and thank you for that history for letting us know the great achievements of the railway soldiers.

The river of time will not take away the memory, history will not forget, the motherland will not forget, the people will not forget, and we will not forget.

Likes, Twinkle Star.

A veteran

Brave railroad soldiers

A veteran

This is a text written about railroad soldiers. The author uses the unique creatures of the Great Xing'an Mountains in Northeast China to set off and reproduce the hardships and loneliness of the railway soldiers in the ice and snow. The author uses the most touching tragic story of the death of the old moose to metaphorize the revolutionary spirit of the road construction soldiers who are not afraid of hardship and death.

I don't want to praise the author for his writing skills, I just want to thank the author for sending us the iron will and selfless spirit of the railway soldiers to climb the ice and lie down in the snow and sacrifice their lives and deaths.

From this text, which is full of life and death, blood and fire, I see the strong will and selfless spirit of the railway soldiers. The surname of the railroad soldier is iron, the iron of steel. This iron is tempered in the mountains and mountains, and quenched in the ice and snow. It is by virtue of this iron will, iron spirit, and iron feelings that the railway soldiers accomplish the glorious tasks entrusted to them by the party and the people.

The railway soldiers opened roads in the mountains and built bridges in the water, and they were a team that was particularly able to endure hardships and fight. The railroad soldiers are particularly patient and dedicated.

The railway soldiers are in the company of hardship and tiredness and sweat; The railroad soldiers are accompanied by bravery and strength and brilliance. The railway soldiers are not afraid of hardship and death, their achievements will remain in history, and their spirit will be passed on from generation to generation!

Railway soldier, the most beautiful name in the world.

Zhang Limin

I have been to the Root River and have seen Handa Rhino, but I don't know that Old Handa Rhino died so calmly, so sadly, and so heroically. The author writes about the appearance, habits, role and death of Handagen, and the arduous road construction life and sacrifice and dedication of the railway soldiers. The two images of the rails and the handa rhino are sometimes blended together, and sometimes they contrast with each other, highlighting the feelings between humans and deer, and metaphorizing the deer's inspiration to people. A question is asked, "Why did you let Handa Qiang keep a vigil for the martyrs of the railway soldiers?" "It has created a strange and magnificent ideological conception. Give the author a big thumbs up and a shining star.


The article records that the 100,000 railway soldiers marched into the Daxing'an Mountains to build roads, making outstanding contributions to the party and the country! This is a strong team, good at fighting tough battles, evil battles, and daring to fight bloody battles! He has made tremendous sacrifices for the party, the people, and the country! Many road construction officers and soldiers will be buried forever in the Great Khing'an Mountains! The author uses a metaphorical way to write and use the tragic story of the death of "Handa Qian" to compare the heroes of the railway soldiers to the great feat of bowing to the death for the country! Let's remember that history! Don't forget that railroad troops! Passing on the torch! The soul of the army is forever! Kudos to this very touching article!

Time is careless

Shocking, with the tragic story of the death of the elderly Handaxuan, a metaphor for the greatness of the railway soldiers who have done their best and died, is moving.

Star Dots

Jin Xing's work recommendation: "The geese are speechless and hold back tears, and it is difficult for reindeer to remember and repair the road." "Touching the scene, using the unique creatures of the Northeast Daxing'an Mountains to set off and reproduce the hardships and loneliness of the railway soldiers in the ice and snow world. Handa is also a bridge between the road builders and the Evenki herdsmen, it has been blessed with generations of Evenki people here, and it has also witnessed the dedication of every road construction martyr and the present and past of the Great Khing'an Mountains. This chronicle is written with both nostalgia and admiration, witnessing the experience of the 13th Iron Regiment and the epitome of the railway soldiers more than 50 years ago. The author uses the most touching tragic story of the death of the elderly Handa Rhino, a metaphor for the great feat of the road builder who did his best to benefit the party and died, which is remembered by history, the mountain, the water, and the moose! A spiritual aftertaste, a hymn to the railroad soldiers. -- Editorial Department of the full text

Climb to the top

The article introduces the outstanding contributions of Handa Rhino (also known as reindeer) in the mountains, waters, forests and trees of the Great Khing'an Mountains; He also wrote that Handa Rhino, which symbolizes the spirit of not cowardice, bravery, fearlessness, unyielding to the harsh living environment and tenacious struggle of our road construction soldiers; In particular, he focused on the tragic and poignant scene of the death of the elderly Handa. The author sincerely reveres Handharn, whose death has benefited the community, and promotes the transcendence of death by the spirit in a way that negates the flesh. It died as it deserved: the red is not a ruthless thing, it turns into spring mud and anti-protection flowers. On the tree of their life, a flower is a flower, and when a tree dies, the tree of life will give birth to new buds...... Thumbs up!

Golden Bean

The story of Daxinganling is heartwarming and shocking to read. Those almost stubborn perseverance, those beautiful and magnificent tragic songs, sung in the loneliest and most difficult north, fluttering through time and space~~~~

Qilian Mountain

What a smart and vivid picture of the fighting life of the pioneers, and a hymn to the revolutionary optimism of the comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers with a long echo! Praise Shining Star for Big Brother Toyama's affectionate narration.

Li Yawen

The docile "four dislikes" Handa Rhino, which is an endemic species of the Great Khing'an Mountains, has brought joy to the railway soldiers who lived in the deep mountains and old forests in the boring and monotonous life, and the tragic death of the old Handa Rhinon scene is even more shocking. Handa Rhinoen, who witnessed the dedication of the road-building martyrs, witnessed the changes with the Great Khing'an Mountains, witnessed the history of the 13th Iron Regiment, and witnessed the mountains, waters, forests, and trees in the Great Khing'an Mountains...... Thumbs up!

Shiba Ying

It is shocking to watch, and the emotional world of the animal kingdom is also very spiritual. The author uses the shocking actions of animals to set off the greatness of the heroic railway soldiers, which is really moving. Twinkle star.

Star Dots

With nostalgia, looking back and admiration at the same time, he writes moving, a spiritual aftertaste, and a hymn to the railway soldiers. Thick text, pay tribute to the old railroad soldiers, praise for the author!

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