
Analysis of the usage of the conjunctive verbs go and come

author:Wings English
Analysis of the usage of the conjunctive verbs go and come

Go naked, naked, naked, uncovered, unclothed, undisguised, explicit, blunt, and lacking protection

Craft must have clothes, but truth loves to go naked.

Trickery must be disguised, and the truth must be unconcealed.

If it were the fashion to go naked, the face would be hardly observed.

If the naked life becomes fashionable, the appearance will not be worth it.

The men of this tribe used to go naked.

The men in this tribe used to be naked.

Analysis of the usage of the conjunctive verbs go and come

He went naked on the street yesterday.

Yesterday he walked naked in the streets.

When the conjunctive verbs go and come indicate a change, the former mainly refers to a change from strong to weak or from good to bad (which can be used for people or things), while the latter mainly refers to a change in a good aspect. As:

go bald (deaf, insane, etc) 发秃,变聋,发疯等。

The meat’s gone off (gone bad). 肉变味(变坏)了。

The radio’s gone wrong. 收音机出毛病了。

go crazy 疯了,

go hungry挨饿,

Go Rich is rich,

go bad has deteriorated, broken,

to pale 变苍白,

go bald变秃,

to cold 变冷,

go unpunished不受惩罚,

go missing失踪,

go nuts疯了,go mad生气了,go wrong搞错了,go blind失明了等等。 go easy on me 让着我点,go easy on the salt.少放点盐。

Analysis of the usage of the conjunctive verbs go and come

Her wish came true. 她的愿望实现了。

Everything came right. 一切顺利。

In addition, go can also be used to change the color of people or things, in the same way as become\turn: (change that occurs regardless of human will)

She went [turned] blue with cold. 她冻得脸色发青了。

The rotten meat went green. 这块腐烂的肉变绿了


(1) However, go is generally not used in conjunction with old, tired, ill, etc., in which case other conjunctive verbs should be used:

grow [get] old 变老,

fall [become] ill (sick) 生病,

get [feel] tired 疲劳

(2) The result usually indicated by the adjective followed by go, and also the status quo in individual collocations:

go hungry 挨饿,

go naked 光着身子

go unarmed手无寸铁

(3) In addition to the positive changes, the following common collocations are worth noting:

as untied 解开,

as loose 变松,

as undone 松开

Analysis of the usage of the conjunctive verbs go and come