
in the doghouse用法解析

author:Wings English

in the doghouse

Disfavor; neglected; disgrace; Cause trouble, disgrace

This idiom comes from the children's play "Peter Pan" by the British novelist and playwright Barrie (1860~1937), which describes the Darling family's children, Wendy, John and Michael, who have a Newfoundland dog and are very fond of the big dog and play with it almost every day. But their father, Mr. Darling, not only did not like the dog, but often abused it. This caused the children to be angry, and in protest, the children ran away from home together. When the father learned of this, he was deeply remorseful, and as a sign of repentance, he took up residence in the doghouse and waited until the children returned. The idiom has not been used for a long time, and was originally used to refer to a man being punished or snubbed by his wife for misconduct, but is now used to refer to "falling out of favor" in general. It is used to describe a situation in which a person is punished, blamed, or undesirable because of a mistake or mistake.

Example phrase:

Her husband was in the doghouse for leaving her to cope on her own.

Her husband her off by leaving her alone. Collins Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary

in the doghouse用法解析

If I don't get to work soon, I'll be in the doghouse.

If I don't go to work, I'm going to be left out in the cold.

Our neighbor got in the doghouse with his wife by coming home drunk.

Our neighbor came home drunk and his wife ignored him.

in the doghouse用法解析

In the fifties, several big stars were in studio doghouse because of their political affiliations.

In the '50s, there were several movie stars who were given a cold shoulder by the studios because of their political connections.

I forgot our anniversary, so now I'm in the doghouse with my wife.

I forgot about our wedding anniversary, so now I'm getting the cold shoulder with my wife.

in the doghouse用法解析

You've been in the doghouse with Maria ever since you forgot her birthday.

You've been in trouble since you forgot Maria's birthday.

in the doghouse用法解析

The Boy got in the doghouse with his teachers because he skipped too many classes.

The boy was snubbed by his teacher for skipping class too much.

After breaking the vase, he's definitely in the doghouse with his mother.

He must have his mother by breaking the vase.

If you foul again in this game, you will be in the dog house.

If you foul again in this game, you'll just have to wait on the bench.

The team lost the important game because of his mistake, and now he's in the doghouse with the coach.

Due to his mistakes, the team lost important games and now he is disliked by the coach.

I don't think Marsha is coming out tonight. She's still in the

doghouse for forgetting Aaron's birthday with him.

I don't think Martha will be here tonight. She forgot Aaron's birthday, and he's still angry!

I've been in the doghouse with my mom and dad ever since they saw my grades from last semester. I admit that I failed math and barely passed English, but these are tough courses!

Ever since my mom and dad saw my report card last semester, they've been angry with me. I'll admit that I failed math and barely passed English. But these are hard lessons!

in the doghouse用法解析

My wife and I each has a son from our first marriages. Somehow, her son always likes to disturb my son when he's doing his homework. The other day I tried to discipline him and that got me in the doghouse with my wife.

My wife and I both had a son when we first got married. Somehow, whenever my son does his homework, her son always likes to mess around. That day, I wanted to make some rules for him, which made my wife so angry with me.

in the doghouse用法解析