
in a row usage parsing

author:Wings English

in a row

Continuously, continuously, uninterruptedly; in a row (or in a row, in a column); into a straight line; A few days in a row

National holidays are generally closed for several consecutive days, and this "continuous" can be used in a row:

We are off three days In a row this May day.

This year's May Day we have three days off in a row.

in a row usage parsing

Take a look at the classic example sentences:

Kelly was voted the best teacher three years in a row.

Kelly has been voted the best teacher for three years in a row.

Cancer deaths in the United States dropped for the second year in a row.

Cancer mortality in the United States has declined for the second year in a row.

They will have three exams in a row.

They have three exams in a row.

I won six tricks in a row.

I won six tricks in a row.

He retired twelve batters in a row.

He knocked twelve batsmen out in a row.

If I'm inside for three days in a row, I go crazy

If it doesn't come out for 3 days in a row, I'll go crazy.

in a row usage parsing

Tom won the spelling bee competition at school two years in a row.

Tom won the school's spelling bee two years in a row.

It is the sixth month in a row in which imports have fallen.

This is the sixth month of continuous decline in imports.

They have won five championships in a row

They have won the championship five times in a row.

in a row usage parsing

The world's top tennis player Roger Federer of Switzerland won the U.S. Open four times in a row.

Men's tennis world No. 1 seed Federer of Switzerland won the US Open for the fourth time in a row on Sunday.

Iraq remains the most dangerous place for journalists for the fourth year in a row.

Journalists Protection International says Iraq is the most dangerous place for journalists, and this has been going on for four years.

Ten footballer stood in a row on the sport ground.

There are ten football players standing on the sports field.

Students stand hand in hand in a row.学生们手牵手站成一排。

in a row usage parsing