
The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

author:Literati talk about history
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are written with reference to authoritative information in combination with personal perspectives, and the source and screenshots of the article are marked at the end of the article.

The adoptive mother died in a car accident, the adoptive father was reluctant to ask her, the 4-year-old girl had no choice but to inherit more than 3 million inheritance, who expected that relatives would compete with each other, and even fought for it, the child's aunt secretly transferred the property and resold it, why protect her own interests, the 4-year-old girl knelt in front of the court, kneeling for 7 hours, and the court retried the case.

What did the court decide in the end? Was the child's estate divided by a relative?

On July 11, 2013, at the door of the Futian District People's Court in Shenzhen, a four-and-a-half-year-old girl knelt at the door of the People's Court of Futian District, Shenzhen.

The little girl knelt there like this, but she was not alone, next to her, there was a woman in her fifties, and at the same time, the little girl was holding a piece of paper in her hand, and the paper was impressively written: Uncle Judge help me.

Who is the woman kneeling with the little girl? Why is she kneeling here with her child?

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

This also starts with a car accident two years ago, at half past nine in the morning of July 16, 2011, it rained heavily and the road was slippery.

When passing by the Caitian overpass in Shenzhen, everything seemed very ordinary, but at this moment, a large truck full of asphalt rushed over because of the speed of the car out of control.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

Eventually, the truck crashed into the fence in the middle of the road, causing three moving cars to rear-end each other, and even more surprisingly, the truck suddenly rolled over and dumped all the hot asphalt on a white Volkswagen sedan parked on the side of the road

Sitting in this Volkswagen car was Wang Huifang and her nine-month-pregnant niece, both of whom eventually died of suffocation, but the driver of the large truck chose to escape after seeing this scene, and the death of Wang Huifang and her niece brought a great blow to the Wang family.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

Especially Wang Xiqin, the niece's mother, only this one daughter was sleeping at home twenty minutes ago, but now she has died, and she has taken away her unborn little grandson, Wang Huifang was only in her early forties when the incident happened, leaving a two-year-old daughter.

There are a total of seven brothers and sisters in the Wang family, and the family members all work and live in Xi'an, only Wang Huifang and the second sister Wang Xiangyun are in Shenzhen, and they also live in the same community.

After statistics, Wang Huifang's real estate, stocks, funds, and compensation add up to more than 3 million, of which the most valuable is the house where she lived before her death, which is valued at 2 million according to the market price.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

After the incident, Wang Huifang's daughter Wang Xinyu has been living with her second aunt Wang Xiangyun, Wang Qin's daughter was also killed in this car accident, she was helpless in her later years, and she kept saying that she wanted to take away all of Wang Huifang's inheritance, but she usually just talked about it, Wang Xiangyun didn't take it to heart, so she did her best to take care of her little niece.

When the incident first happened, Xiaoyu always kept asking for her mother, under the care of Wang Xiangyun, Xiaoyu slowly walked out of the haze, and kept calling Wang Xiangyun's mother, Wang Xiangyun and his brothers discussed, thinking that these things would not move for the time being, and they would be dealt with after Xiaoyu was 18 years old, but who expected that a will from 6 years ago completely broke the peace of this family.

And this will is also related to the third sister Wang Xiqin, it is this will that led to a lawsuit for two years by his family.

The mother died unexpectedly in a car accident, and the 4-year-old girl inherited 3 million inheritances.

After the death of her mother in a car accident, Xiaoyu has been living with her second aunt Wang Xiangyun, although every time she mentions her little sister, the Wang family is very sorry, but the life has to go on, and later Wang Xiangyun and her brother sorted out the relics in the sister's house, and accidentally found a will.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

This will was made by the little sister Wang Huifang, but in the will, the little sister proposed to hand over the two houses under her name to the third sister Wang Xiqin, Wang Xiqin had been shouting for the inheritance all day long, and a will appeared at this juncture, Wang Xiangyun had to doubt the authenticity of the will.

So together with his brother and eldest sister Wang Xiqin, the will was notarized, and finally confirmed that the will was true and valid, obviously Wang Xiangyun did not know that there was this will, Wang Xiqin said that he did not expect that his sister would hand over the inheritance to himself, but 6 years ago Wang Huifang was in good health, how could he suddenly make a will.

Wang Xiqin said that in 2009, the little sister broke her leg, and her family was busy and had no time to take care of it, so she could only come from Xi'an to take care of her sister, and took care of her in the hospital for more than half a month.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

But the time of making the will was 2005, but Wang Xiqin told about the events of 2009, Wang Xiqin said that no matter what, the will is valid, and now the house is owned by himself, but the words of the staff made Wang Xiqin's wish come to naught.

It turned out that when the will was made, Wang Huifang did not have children, and now that she has a child, then the first heir is naturally a child, and this will is obviously not so important, but Wang Xiqin said that since the little sister will inherit it to herself, it is to trust herself, so the heir of the child should be herself, so she wants the child and the house.

Wang Xiangyun is naturally unwilling, in her opinion, the reason why the eldest sister wants a child is just to ask for real estate, and the child will definitely not live well with her, so there was a conflict between the two sides, even to the point of going to court.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

The court quickly accepted the case, and after investigation, the case was quickly decided, but the result surprised everyone, the court actually awarded Xiaoyu to a person who surprised them, this person is named Yang Haitao, Xiaoyu's nominal father.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

Knowing that he was going to his father's house, Xiaoyu kept crying and unwilling, and Wang Xiangyun was also very reluctant to Xiaoyu, but the day after the verdict came down, Yang Haitao signed a waiver of custody agreement and voluntarily transferred it to Wang Xiqin.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

As the father of the child, why did Yang Haitao give up custody and sign with two people at the same time?

It turned out that Xiaoyu was not Yang Haitao's biological daughter, after Wang Huifang and Yang Haitao got married, they had no children, so they adopted Xiaoyu, although the father of the child was filled in with Yang Haitao, but it was also because of the adoption of the child, which caused the relationship between the husband and wife to deteriorate, and finally moved towards divorce.

Now that he has a new family, and at the same time has a child who is a few months old, and Yang Haitao has just had heart surgery, so he has no energy to take care of Xiaoyu.

Although Yang Haitao gave up his guardianship, but now the Wang family is even more chaotic, but the house leak happened to rain overnight, and when a group of people were anxious, a boy named Ding Ding appeared, bluntly saying that he also wanted a house, who is this Ding Ding?

The mother died unexpectedly in a car accident, and the 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance.

Yang Haitao gave up Xiaoyu's custody and signed two custody transfer agreements, and at the same time transferred the custody to Wang Xiangyun and Wang Xiqin, and finally the court confirmed that neither of these two transfer agreements had legal benefits, after all, they were all a family, so the court preferred to settle privately.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

But the two sides insisted on their own words, and suddenly a man named Ding Ding appeared, saying that he also wanted an inheritance, and the appearance of Ding Ding surprised the Wang family, who is this Ding Ding?

Wang Xiangyun said that Ding Ding was called by the eldest sister Wang Huifang, because he was worried that the custody would come into his hands, Ding Ding was the child of the younger sister Wang Huifang's first marriage, and Ding Ding said that I don't want a house in Shenzhen, as long as my mother's 4 houses in Xi'an.

Wang Xiangyun said that Ding Ding and his little sister have a bad relationship, and they haven't seen much since the divorce, and the news of the death of the little sister, Ding Ding and his father don't know at all, Wang Xiqin also admitted to calling Ding Ding to come over, but he didn't expect Ding Ding to ask for a house.

About the inheritance and guardianship, the two sides have been arguing for two years, suddenly in July 2013, Wang Xiqin secretly transferred the house of the little sister to his own name, and has been contacted to resell, Wang Xiangyun, who learned of this situation, had no choice but to take the child to the court to kneel, asking to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the child.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

Wang Xiqin said that the second sister is not as kind as it seems, it turns out that since the lawsuit, Wang Xiqin has moved into the little sister's house, and Xiaoyu lives in Wang Xiangyun's house.

Wang Xiqin insisted that she had a will, just to fulfill her little sister's wishes, but Wang Xiangyun insisted that her little sister made this will at that time, just to prevent her ex-husband Yang Haitao.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

Wang Huifang is a well-known beauty, her career is booming, but her love life has not been smooth, and later through the marriage agency, she met Yang Haitao, who was 6 years younger than herself, and then fell into it, but before marriage, she found that Yang Haitao was cheating, but she was pregnant, in order to give the child a name, she could only choose to get a license to get married, but the child died not long after birth.

At that time, she was very sad, and the third sister Wang Xiqin helped her adopt a child, which is now Xiaoyu, but in fact, Wang Huifang and Yang Haitao's marriage has always had problems, which Wang Huifang also knew, so she made a will, and wrote it on the will just in case, just to prevent Yang Haitao.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

Wang Xiangyun took Xiaoyu and knelt at the door of the court for 7 hours in a row, and finally the court accepted the case again, but this time it did not make a direct judgment, but decided to listen to Xiaoyu's opinion, and at first said that he wanted to live with the second aunt and the third aunt, but then suddenly changed his words.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

said that Wang Xiangyun is his mother, and Wang Xiqin is nothing, what is even more unbelievable is that Xiaoyu, who is more than four years old, has another side that everyone doesn't know, Xiaoyu after waking up, said to his aunt: Who did you judge me this time.

Xiaoyu, who seems innocent and cheerful, is actually very clear about the quarrel of his family, and finally the court did a detailed investigation, and on March 28, 2014, the People's Courtyard of Futian District, Shenzhen, made a verdict according to the actual situation.

The 4-year-old girl inherited a 3 million inheritance, relatives were jealous, and the girl knelt on the ground: Uncle Judge save me

According to the investigation, Xiaoyu has two faces in front of the two families, facing Wang Xiangyun at the second aunt's house, but at the third aunt's house, she will also face Wang Xiqin, and after the court visit, it was found that Wang Huifang had a better relationship with Wang Xiqin's family before her death, although she lived in a community with the second sister before, but with the second sister's family, in fact, she did not move for several years.

And Wang Xiqin has more time, plus to make up for her daughter's death, the inheritance should have her part, and finally decided to award Xiaoyu's custody to Wang Xiqin, and Xiaoyu also said that she could accept the third aunt as a guardian.

The confusing case was finally sorted out, and the case finally came to an end.

Reference: "Legendary Story": The "Daughter-grabbing" War Behind the Million Inheritance (20130803)

"The Truth" four-year-old girl's million-dollar inheritance battle