
Transportation, medical and health, medical insurance...... These report cards of people's livelihood facts are related to you and me

The opening of "public transport +" in important areas has increased the number of key clinical specialties at the municipal level by 30

On May 16, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Information Office of the Municipal Government held a series of press conferences on "Focusing on 'Eight New Breakthroughs' to Innovate and Promote the Practice of Chinese-style Modernization in Xi'an and Achieve New Results". The relevant persons in charge of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, the Municipal Health Commission, and the Municipal Medical Security Bureau were invited to introduce the relevant situation and answer questions from the media.


2023 transcripts

In 2023, Xi'an will take a new step in the high-quality development of transportation.

The annual investment was 25.928 billion yuan, exceeding the annual plan by 19.48% and an increase of 9.214 billion yuan over 2022.

Nine provincial projects, including the third phase of the airport, Xi'an East Railway Station, West 10, West Extension, Xikang High-speed Railway, Juzhoumei Expressway, Beijing-Kunming Expressway Pucheng-Liyu Reconstruction and Expansion, and 4 municipal key projects such as National Highway 210, Donglin Road and Xihu Road have been efficiently promoted.

The reconstruction and expansion of the Beijing-Kunming Expressway from Pucheng to Liyu and the reconstruction and upgrading of the 107 Provincial Highway were completed and opened to traffic ahead of schedule.

2024 does this

We will continue to accelerate the construction of 28 key projects to supplement and strengthen the chain

In 2024, the Municipal Transportation Bureau will focus on the province's "three years" activities and the city's "eight new breakthroughs" key work, and seek new breakthroughs from many aspects.

We should pay close attention to the planning and lead the project, and seek breakthroughs in improving the layout of the comprehensive transportation network. Focusing on the "four networks" of civil aviation, high-speed rail, high-speed highways and rural roads, we will speed up the study and preparation of Xi'an's comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network plan, and do a good job in the preliminary work of the "15th Five-Year Plan" transportation plan in advance. Actively coordinate and promote the construction of the third phase of the airport, the West 10, the West Extension, the Xikang High-speed Railway, the Xi'an East Railway Station and the Zhoumei Expressway, and make every effort to do a good job in the adjustment and implementation of the construction plan of the national and provincial trunk line projects.

We should pay close attention to strengthening the chain and increasing the kinetic energy, and seek breakthroughs in building an intensive and efficient transportation system. In 2023, our city was successfully shortlisted for the 2023 National Comprehensive Freight Hub to supplement the chain and strengthen the chain support city, and this year, we will continue to accelerate the construction of 28 key projects to supplement the chain and strengthen the chain, further improve the function of the facilities, and enhance the level of the logistics system. Accelerate the construction of road-rail intermodal transport and land-air intermodal transport integrated freight hubs, complete a number of new energy loading and unloading, photovoltaic power generation, charging and swapping and other green equipment applications in the hub, and make every effort to promote the transformation of transportation location advantages into hub economic advantages.

We should pay close attention to the protection of people's livelihood and do practical things, and seek breakthroughs in enhancing the quality level of transportation services. 80 new bus routes have been opened and adjusted, 300 small buses have been added, and customized, online and community buses have been vigorously developed, and the integration of rail, bus and slow traffic has been continuously deepened. Promote the accelerated development of the postal express industry, and actively create the third batch of "China Express Demonstration Cities".

We should pay close attention to the strong support of science and technology empowerment, and seek breakthroughs in promoting the accelerated development of smart transportation. Further strengthen the data connection between the public's travel needs and service resources, integrate and access to various transportation data resources such as buses, subways, and taxis, and promote the realization of public transportation travel planning, one-click reservation, and one-code payment.

Pay close attention to ecological governance to make up for shortcomings, and seek breakthroughs in promoting the green transformation and upgrading of the industry. Promote the elimination of diesel trucks with emission standards of "National III" and below. Effectively improve the ability to guarantee charging facilities along highways, accelerate the promotion of vehicle electrification and clean energy, and strive to build a green transportation development system.


Since the beginning of this year, a total of 24 new bus routes have been opened and adjusted

This year, the city will continue to take multiple measures to promote the optimization and adjustment of the bus route network, and will open and adjust 80 new bus lines, and has accumulated 24 new bus lines, including 17 new bus lines.

This year, the Municipal Transportation Bureau will strengthen the "fishbone" connection between buses and subways, and continue to optimize the urban bus network and station layout. A number of "bus +" lines have been opened around important areas to meet the differentiated and personalized travel needs of citizens. Give full play to the local advantages of far suburban counties, create customized models such as "public transportation + tourism", and promote the integrated development of public transportation and local economy. Focusing on community buses, we strive to solve the "last mile" travel problem of citizens.

Since the beginning of this year, the city has opened a total of 24 new bus lines, including 17 new bus lines, namely 346 Road, Textile City Primary School Customized Line 2, Liangjiatan International School Customized Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, Jingkai Fifth School Customized Line 5, Line 6, Line 7, Line 8, Textile City Primary School Customized Line 4, Chanba Eighth Primary School Customized Line, Chang'an University Weishui Campus Residential Area Customized Line 1, Line 2, Merchants City Home Event Custom Line, Red Society Hospital North District Custom Line, Qujiang First School Custom Line, Qujiang No. 6 Primary School Customized Line; Optimize and adjust 7 bus lines, namely No. 128, No. 901, No. 727 (727 section), Jingkai Fifth School Customized Line 2, Customized Line 4, Handu Xinyuan Customized Line, and Huanshan Tourism Line 1. It provides convenience for 12 schools and 26 residential communities in Yanta District, Jingkai New District, Caotan, Textile City, Chanba Ecological Zone, Huanshan Road University Town, High-tech Phase III, Zhouzhi County and other regions, as well as tens of thousands of people in 5 villages and towns along Zhouzhi Road.


2023 transcripts

In 2023, the high-quality development of the city's health industry will run out of "acceleration".

Seven key hospital projects, including the Municipal Children's Hospital and the new hospital area of the Municipal Red Cross Hospital, have been completed and put into operation, and 14 district and county-level hospitals have been completed, with a total of 11,000 additional beds.

70,000 square meters of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 11 district and county-level centers for disease control and prevention, and 4 regional central laboratories have been built.

There are 57 traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in the city, including 4 tertiary hospitals; There are 47 TCM outpatient departments, 1,006 TCM clinics, and 140 general hospitals and other specialized hospitals with TCM departments.

2024 does this

Promote the construction of a healthy Xi'an in depth and achieve new breakthroughs in six aspects

In 2024, the city's health work will focus on achieving new breakthroughs in six aspects to continuously enhance the city's people's sense of health.

In 2024, the city's health work will adhere to the principle of prevention and build a solid line of defense for public health. Steadily promote the reform of urban disease control institutions and strengthen the construction of emergency response forces. We will implement the strategy of special prevention of key infectious diseases, strengthen the construction of the fifth round of national demonstration zones for comprehensive prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, and carry out the pilot project of the "Liver Cleansing Campaign" to eliminate hepatitis C.

Persist in deepening reform and build a regional medical service highland. Promote the construction of national medical centers and regional medical centers, and accelerate the construction of various types of health projects at all levels. We will continue to carry out the three-year action of "improving the experience of medical treatment, comprehensively improving the quality of medical care, and improving nursing services", implement five special actions such as improving the quality and safety of surgery, strengthen the construction of municipal quality control centers, promote the construction of key clinical specialties, and increase the number of key clinical specialties at the municipal level by 30.

Adhere to systematic promotion and build a strong and powerful grassroots service system. We will carry out in-depth activities to create standards for "high-quality service at the grassroots level", strengthen the training of personnel in grassroots medical institutions, and organize 16 tertiary hospitals and 27 secondary hospitals to support and assist 7 county-level hospitals and 55 town health centers.

Adhere to comprehensive policies to build a higher level of health in Xi'an. We will further promote 17 healthy Xi'an actions such as health promotion of traditional Chinese medicine and prevention and control of infectious diseases, and the demonstration construction of 8 types of healthy cells such as healthy hospitals and healthy enterprises. Solidly carry out a patriotic public health campaign. Implement detailed basic public health service projects and contracted services for family doctors.

Adhere to inheritance and innovation, and build a strong city of traditional Chinese medicine. Strengthen the inheritance of academic experience of famous and old Chinese medicine experts, add 3~5 municipal schools of traditional Chinese medicine, promote the construction of "two specialties and one center" in county-level traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, and build 100 new traditional Chinese medicine pavilions. Actively strive to create a national demonstration city for grassroots Chinese medicine work.

Adhere to fairness and inclusiveness, and build a health protection platform for key populations. Strengthen the tertiary prevention of birth defects and improve the capacity of maternal health management. Various forms of childcare services have been developed, and 7 public and 29 inclusive childcare institutions have been added, bringing the number of childcare institutions per 1,000 population to 4.0. Start the demonstration of standardized construction of geriatric medicine department, and promote the work of family beds in the city.


This year, we will actively create a national demonstration city for grassroots Chinese medicine work

In recent years, our city has always regarded traditional Chinese medicine as an important part of protecting and improving people's livelihood, and has always incorporated traditional Chinese medicine into the overall development of health undertakings.

Actively promote the balanced distribution of traditional Chinese medicine medical resources. To support the development of "one hospital and three districts" of Xi'an Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, 11 districts and counties have launched new (relocation) projects for traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, which are expected to increase the number of beds by 2,000. Encourage social forces to run traditional Chinese medicine, approve the establishment of 1,094 private traditional Chinese medicine medical institutions, and improve the traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment service network.

Strive to build a key specialty group of traditional Chinese medicine. There are 39 national-level key clinical specialties (special diseases) of traditional Chinese medicine, 41 provincial-level key specialties of traditional Chinese medicine, 2 national regional traditional Chinese medicine (specialist) diagnosis and treatment centers and 4 national general (specialist) hospitals of traditional Chinese medicine work demonstration units. Traditional Chinese medicine experts from secondary and tertiary hospitals regularly visit grassroots units to provide consultation and teaching, so as to meet the health needs of urban and rural residents who are looking for good traditional Chinese medicine.

Continue to improve grassroots conditions. In accordance with the national construction standards, 238 community health service centers and township health centers have built traditional Chinese medicine halls, equipped with no less than 300 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces (traditional Chinese medicine granules), equipped with more than 10 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment equipment and rehabilitation equipment, and promoted acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, scraping, cupping, fumigation and other 6 categories of more than 10 appropriate traditional Chinese medicine technologies, so as to facilitate urban and rural residents to see and use traditional Chinese medicine nearby.

Highlight the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine services. On the basis of the implementation of the national basic public health project, expand the coverage of traditional Chinese medicine health management. In 2023, 1.25 million elderly people over 65 years old, 330,000 children aged 0-3 years, 600,000 patients with hypertension, 210,000 patients with type 2 diabetes, 79,000 pregnant women, and 33,000 patients with coronary heart disease will receive the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine, playing a unique role in "curing diseases before they occur".

Strengthen the cultivation of Chinese medicine talents. The city has 1 master of traditional Chinese medicine, 2 national famous Chinese medicine doctors, 59 provincial and municipal famous Chinese medicine doctors, 13 provincial and municipal schools of traditional Chinese medicine, 86 famous Chinese medicine inheritance studios, more than 3,000 heirs, and grassroots Chinese medicine knowledge and skills training is held every year.

This year, our city will actively create a national demonstration city for grassroots Chinese medicine work, implement the key tasks of the China-Central Asia Summit's Xi'an-related achievements docking list, further expand the dissemination of traditional Chinese medicine culture and overseas influence, strengthen the construction of Yang Zhen's master studio of traditional Chinese medicine, continue to do a good job in the inheritance of academic experience of famous and old Chinese medicine experts, continuously promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine work in our city, and actively build a strong city for traditional Chinese medicine work.

Medical coverage

2023 transcripts

In 2023, the Xi'an Municipal Medical Security Bureau will launch a series of security policies to benefit the people, and the medical insurance policy to support childbirth will lead the western region.

Carry out the "trinity" comprehensive management of oral implant medical service charges, centralized implant procurement, and dental crown bidding and networking, and control the total cost of a single dental implant within 7,000 yuan.

A total of 512 kinds of selected drugs and 18 types of selected medical consumables at the national and provincial levels have been promoted and implemented in Xi'an, and the medical expenses of the masses have been reduced by 3.423 billion yuan.

As of the end of the centralized insurance period in December 2023, the city's urban and rural residents have participated in 100.79% of the number of insured and paid in the same period of the previous year, ranking first in the province.

Last year, the original maternity insurance policy was comprehensively optimized and adjusted

Last year, Xi'an formulated and implemented a payment and treatment policy to help childbirth, included traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces and preparations of medical institutions into the scope of reimbursement, and established a co-ordinated reimbursement policy for employee outpatient clinics, which further improved the level of medical insurance reimbursement.

Policies on payment and benefits to help with childbirth have been formulated and implemented. The original maternity insurance policy has been comprehensively optimized and adjusted, further increasing the inclusive supply of maternity insurance policy. The first is to increase the one-time subsidy standard for outpatient prenatal examination expenses for insured female employees from 1,000 yuan to 2,500 yuan; The second is to cancel the reimbursement threshold for hospital delivery for insured employees, and for those who give birth in designated medical institutions below the second level (inclusive), the medical insurance fund will fully reimburse the maternity medical expenses within the scope of the policy; The third is to cancel the reimbursement threshold for hospitalization and childbirth in designated medical institutions below the second level (inclusive) for insured residents, and the threshold for reimbursement for hospitalization and childbirth in third-level designated medical institutions will be reduced by 50% on the basis of the original minimum payment line; Fourth, the reproductive medical expenses after successful conception using assisted reproductive technology will be included in the scope of payment of the city's medical insurance fund. It can reduce the cost of childbirth for the masses by about 310 million yuan every year.

The decoction pieces of traditional Chinese medicine and the preparations of medical institutions will be included in the scope of reimbursement. Establish a working mechanism for medical insurance access for preparations in therapeutic medical institutions, and include 400 kinds (345 kinds in Xi'an + 55 kinds in Xianyang) preparations for therapeutic medical institutions into the scope of medical insurance payment, of which more than 85% are traditional Chinese medicine preparations.

Establish a co-ordinated reimbursement policy for employee outpatient services. Insured employees can also enjoy overall reimbursement in the outpatient clinics of designated hospitals, and the reimbursement ratios of first, second, and tertiary hospitals are 70%, 60%, and 50% respectively, and the reimbursement ratio for retirees will be increased by 5% on this basis. In 2023, a total of 2.1 billion yuan will be reimbursed.

2024 does this

Tooth extractions, root canal treatments and other items will be included in the scope of medical insurance payment

This year, the Municipal Medical Security Bureau will anchor the city's "eight new breakthroughs" goal, and focus on achieving new breakthroughs in the quality of insurance participation, refined management, fund supervision, and handling services.

In 2024, the Municipal Medical Security Bureau will carry out three key actions: the construction of Xi'an Medical Insurance Data Zone, the improvement of the quality of national insurance, and the promotion of long-term care insurance.

Implement four improvement projects. The first is to handle the service capacity improvement project, continue to optimize 9 convenient measures, and promote more robust, convenient and fair access to medical insurance services. The second is the project to improve the protection of remote medical treatment, continue to expand the scope of settlement, expand filing channels, strengthen information coordination, and promote the high-quality and diversified upgrading of remote medical treatment services. The third is the project to improve the fund supervision mechanism, promote the full coverage of "double random and one open" administrative law enforcement, accelerate the construction of intelligent monitoring system, implement the credit evaluation system in the field of medical security, expand the scope of supervision and implement hierarchical and classified supervision. Fourth, the popularization and upgrading project of the policy of benefiting the people. Intensify the publicity of medical security policies, and promote the integration of publicity work and policy implementation.

Do a good job in five practical matters for people's livelihood. The first is to include some oral outpatient medical services such as tooth extraction, root canal treatment, and oral cleaning, which are more concentrated by the masses, into the scope of medical insurance payment; the second is to include the preparations of qualified medical institutions in the scope of medical insurance payment; the third is to include qualified primary medical institutions in the scope of overall reimbursement of employee outpatient services; Fourth, the recipients of unemployment insurance will be included in the scope of maternity insurance; Fifth, we will continue to promote the implementation of national and provincial (alliance) centralized procurement of drugs and medical consumables.

This edition was written by reporter Feng Xiaoruicai

Source: Xi'an Evening News

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