
Tongmu Village, from the good mountains and good waters, the road to riches

author:Red Net
Tongmu Village, from the good mountains and good waters, the road to riches
Tongmu Village, from the good mountains and good waters, the road to riches
Tongmu Village, from the good mountains and good waters, the road to riches

Red Net Moment News correspondent Zhang Yingchun reported from Changsha

"Walking across the ancient bridge built in the Song Dynasty, listening to the murmuring of the clear stream, looking up, overlooking the windmills swaying on the undulating Shenxian Ridge...... All the beautiful moments are in Tongmu Village, Lotus Town. On May 14, Xu Xiaolei, a first-year student at Hunan University of Technology and Business, took advantage of the sunny weather to have a perfect encounter with Tongmu Village, Lianhua Town, and posted his thoughts on Xiaohongshu, which aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Recently, we walked into Tongmu Village, Xu Xiaolei's "China's Beautiful Leisure Village", and visited the path and practice of Tongmu's harmonious rural construction from water pollution to water purification, water purification to water richness.

Start at the source and cut off the emission of pollution

Tongmu Village is located in the southwest of Lianhua Town, north of Moon Mountain, south of Shenxian Ridge, Tongmu River runs through, forest coverage rate of 78%, mountain forest green vision rate of 85%, is worthy of the name of the city "back garden".

"There used to be a lot of silt in the river, and there was a lot of white garbage floating upstream, which made the water very dirty. Both sides of the river bank are also full of weeds. Recalling the past of Tongmu Village, Li Jinhai, secretary of the Party branch of Tongmu Village, sighed that who would have thought that such a beautiful place would have been a sewage river that no one wanted to approach a few years ago.

In the management of rivers and lakes, the problem is in the water, and the root is on the shore.

Standing at the "crossroads" of choice, is it only GDP theory, or is it ranked by high-quality development? Based on the current situation and planning for the long term, Hunan Xiangjiang New Area adheres to the path of ecological priority and green development, so that good ecology becomes the most inclusive people's livelihood and well-being.

In 2017, Xiangjiang New Area adhered to the "one game of chess" of source pollution control, regular silt control, ecological shore control, precise pollution control, and iron-fisted treatment of violations.

From worrying about water to fighting for water. The new area adheres to pollution control and shore control, and has successively built four village (community) sewage treatment plants in Lianhua Community, Zengjiaqiao Village, Tongmu Village and Yungai Village, and explored the formation of a three-dimensional rural sewage treatment system of "farmers, paddy fields, pond dams, ditches and rivers"; Shut down the "scattered and polluted" enterprises, fully withdraw livestock and poultry farmers, and build four-grid septic tanks...... Today's Tongmu River, the water is clear, smooth, the bank is green, the scenery is beautiful, and the villagers who live near the river will also open the windows that have been closed for many years, smiling and looking at the scenery.

"Tongmu Village, a good place, the village is beautiful, and the people are pure; ......At the same time, the party organization of Tongmu Village took the lead in holding a symposium of old party members and villager representatives, combined with the characteristics of Tongmu Village, revised into a catchy "three-character classic" version of the village rules and regulations, starting from the transformation of village customs and people's customs, and actively mobilized villagers to participate in co-construction.

The mother river condenses the nostalgia of several generations, and river cleaners, young volunteers, and villagers have taken the initiative to join in and become the backbone of protecting the Tongmu River. Every once in a while, they will be fully armed, armed with iron tongs, carrying garbage bags, carefully checking the river surface for floating objects, whether there is sewage discharge, littering and other phenomena, and at the same time cleaning up the white garbage, cigarette butts, paper scraps, leaves, etc. on the bank, and jointly maintain the cleanliness of the riverbank.

Liu Zhonggang, 56, is a native of Tongmu Village, and he has witnessed the changes of Tongmu River in the past ten years. In order to better protect the Tongmu River, last year, he chose to work as a river cleaner, patrolling the 3-kilometer-long Luochong Bridge-Nanzhou Lake section several times a day. "It's much better than before, and there are billfish and soft-shelled turtles in the small river, so I'm really happy to see it."

The change of Tongmu River has brought far more than just gifts to the masses, but also spiritual satisfaction and cultural inheritance. "Now that the water is clear, you can see that there are a lot of wild fish under the water." Looking at the sparkling waves, villager Daddy Li didn't mention how happy he was, he liked to walk by the river and chat with his neighbors when he had nothing to do, "Now that our village is beautiful and clean, my son doesn't want me to go to live in the city." ”

Walking in Tongmu Village, the Tongmu River flows slowly, the willows are swaying on the bank, looking around, only to see flowers everywhere, full of vitality, on the quiet and peaceful country road, the tourists who come to enjoy it, linger.

Ecological value helps common prosperity

The improvement of water environment and water ecology has consolidated the foundation of water economy, how to transform ecological value into real "real money"? Tongmu Village uses the ecological dividends released by water control to fission a series of ecological and economic benefits to tell us the answer.

"Tongmu Village integrates water culture into rural revitalization, combines the management and protection of small and micro water bodies with the construction of beautiful villages, integrates high-quality water environment, ancient bridge architectural culture and local homestay cultural tourism industry belt, and makes the construction of water culture the support and focus of the development of Lianhua Town." Li Jinhai introduced.

Plant a good "plane tree" and lead the "phoenix" to live. Yuhua Land Professional Cooperative, Yuelu District, Changsha City, led by the village party branch, has successfully introduced agricultural industries such as Senlan Science and Technology Park, Western Regions Agriculture and Forestry, Lehaha Agriculture, and Nanzhou Lake Leisure Villa, relying on the advantages of rich natural resources, harmonious and livable ecological environment, and superior geographical location, to further promote the collective economic development of the village.

Also attracted by the pleasant landscape scenery, there are also many homestays such as Pillow Mountain Courtyard, Lotus Blossom, Fengyin Valley, Jinglan Homestay, Snail Garden Market, Xiaolazy Village Valley Camp, Humble Fish Society, etc., which have gathered their investment attention here, allowing the villagers' idle houses to develop into leisure farms and country houses.

"This is a treasure land of feng shui, with long mountains, developed water systems, and convenient transportation, which is very suitable for the development of homestays." In 2014, Hou Xingchen, a "post-90s" couple who love travel and have a dream of homestays, met Tongmu Village with his wife and fell in love with it at first sight. The pleasant natural scenery and leisurely country life made them immediately decide: rent an idle two-story house, turn the homestay into a business, and retire in Lotus. After years of development, the husband and wife have built the Wild Planet of the Apes Valley Camp, which has attracted countless tourists to check in, bringing a trendy and interesting way of tourism to Tongmu Village.

The economic benefits brought by the butterfly change of the Tongmu River are far more than that. Build the "Township Innovation College" project, sign agreements with villagers in a co-creation way, and help villagers learn and acquire new skills; Green agricultural products such as blueberry wine and jar vegetables jointly developed with farmers have broadened sales channels and helped villagers get rich...... In 2023, the collective economy of Tongmu Village will reach 862,000 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 50%. The per capita annual income of the villagers is 38,000 yuan, driving more than 500 people to achieve employment and income increase at their doorstep.

Tongmu Ecological Agricultural Park and Nanzhou Lake Farm are popular, and the annual tourist reception of Nanzhou Lake exceeds 100,000 person-times; Blueberry, strawberry, dragon fruit, grapes, and crisp peaches are a joy to pick; Australian lobster, silver cod, and mushroom fish farming attract tourists from all over the world; The special experience activities of the Iron Riding Camp Equestrian Club, Xisha Fishery, Garden Market, and Tent Festival are out of the circle; The concerts and special theme activities held by the Wild Planet of the Apes Valley Camp and the Little Lazy Village Camping Base continue to swipe the screen...... A new picture of the integrated development of culture, tourism and agriculture is in full bloom in Tongmu Village.


Beautiful because of water, rich because of water.

Tongmu Village, Lianhua Town, which "thinks of the source of drinking water", takes water as the belt and water as the vein, so that the rivers, shorelines, landscapes, roads, cultural heritage of the Song Dynasty and urban facilities are naturally connected and integrated, so as to realize the harmony between water and villages, water and nature, which not only makes up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood, improves the quality of life of local villagers, but also combines it with rural revitalization.

Today, there are smiling villagers, an endless stream of tourists, and an increasing income year by year...... All of them are interpreting the vivid practice of Tongmu Village to truly transform the comparative advantages of lucid waters and lush mountains into gold and silver mountains.

At the next stop, the mountains are high and the water is long, and the flowing water will carry the story of the beautiful and rich paulownia wood, and set off towards the future.