
The Hedong District Emergency Bureau organized and carried out the activity of "safety instructors" entering the streets

author:Tianjin emergency
The Hedong District Emergency Bureau organized and carried out the activity of "safety instructors" entering the streets
The Hedong District Emergency Bureau organized and carried out the activity of "safety instructors" entering the streets

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, widely publicize and popularize disaster knowledge, disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge and risk avoidance and self-rescue skills, comprehensively improve the awareness of comprehensive risk prevention, knowledge level and disaster avoidance and self-rescue ability at the grassroots level, and create a safety culture atmosphere of "everyone talks about safety, everyone knows how to respond to emergencies". Recently, the District Emergency Bureau organized and carried out the activity of "safety instructors" into the streets, inviting community workers and residents to participate extensively.

The Hedong District Emergency Bureau organized and carried out the activity of "safety instructors" entering the streets

On May 15, the District Emergency Bureau selected safety instructors to sink into the community of Tangjiakou Street University of Technology, with the title of "Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Starts from Me", to carry out a theme lecture on earthquake avoidance, coping with strong convective weather, and drowning during the flood season, popularizing the earthquake emergency preparedness that should be done at ordinary times, the means of escape and self-rescue when the earthquake occurs, how to take safety precautions in the face of heavy rain and the precautions for drowning prevention for teenagers and children, etc., and answered the doubts in the hearts of residents and friends.

The Hedong District Emergency Bureau organized and carried out the activity of "safety instructors" entering the streets

After the lecture, the safety instructor and the street staff hung propaganda slogans, placed publicity signs, distributed publicity materials, and set up consultation desks in the community garden square of the University of Technology, so as to radiate and publicize safety emergency knowledge to families and society, so as to truly realize the purpose of "influencing a family and driving the whole society".

Since the beginning of this year, the District Emergency Bureau has focused on the construction of "four members" and built a "four hard" team. As an important member of the construction of the "four members", the "safety instructors" have strengthened the grassroots work experience of cadres, deepened the awareness and understanding of the importance of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction among community workers and residents, and improved everyone's safety awareness and disaster prevention and mitigation ability.

Source: Hedong District Security Committee Office, Tianjin

The Hedong District Emergency Bureau organized and carried out the activity of "safety instructors" entering the streets

Editor/Producer: Yin Yueming

Reviewer: Zhu Xinkai

Review: Liu Chunxiang

The Hedong District Emergency Bureau organized and carried out the activity of "safety instructors" entering the streets
The Hedong District Emergency Bureau organized and carried out the activity of "safety instructors" entering the streets

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